The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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129 sq.; 131 sq. -- r(pe anicc' ânupass" (etc. with dukkh' & anatt') S iii.41. anicca -- saññ!, dukkha˚ etc. D<br />

iii.243; A iii.334, cp. iv.52 sq. -- sabbe sankh!r! anicc! etc. Nd2 under sankh!r!. -- 3. Specification of<br />

Dukkha. <strong>The</strong> Niddesa gives a characteristic description of all that comes under the term dukkha. It employs<br />

one stereotyped explanation (therefore old & founded on scholastic authority) (Nd2 304i.), & one expln<br />

(304iii.) peculiar to itself & only applied to Sn 36. <strong>The</strong> latter defines & illustrates dukkha exclusively as<br />

suffering & torment incurred by a person as punishment, inflicted on him either by the king or (after death)<br />

by the guardians of purgatory (niraya -- p!l!; see detail under niraya, & cp. below III. 2 b). -- <strong>The</strong> first<br />

expln (304i.) is similar in kind to the definition of d. as long afterwards given in the S!nkhya system (see<br />

S!nkhya -- k!rik! -- bh!+ya of Gau.ap!da to stanza 1) & classifies the various kinds of dukkha in the foll.<br />

groups: (a) all suffering caused by the fact of being born, & being through one's kamma tied to the<br />

consequent states of transmigration; to this is loosely attached the 3 fold division of d. as dukkha˚,<br />

sankh!ra˚, vipari*!ma˚ (see below III. 1 c); -- (b) illnesses & all bodily states of suffering (cp. !dhy!tmika'<br />

dukkha' of S!nkhya k.); -- (c) pain & (bodily) discomfort through outward circumstances, as extreme<br />

climates, want of food, gnat -- bites etc. (cp. !dhibhautika' & !dhidaivika' d. of Sk.); -- (d) (Mental)<br />

distress & painful states caused by the death of one's beloved or other misfortunes to friends or personal<br />

belongings (cp. domanassa). -- This list is concluded by a scholastic characterisation of these var. states as<br />

conditioned by kamma, implicitly due to the afflicted person not having found his "refuge," i. e. salvation<br />

from these states in the 8 fold Path (see above B I.). III. General Application, & various views regarding<br />

dukkha. -- 1. As simple sensation (: pain) & related to other terms: (a) principally a vedan!, sensation, in<br />

particular belonging to the body (k!yika), or physical pain (opp. cetasika dukkha mental ill: see<br />

domanassa). Thus defined as k!yika' d. at D ii.306 (cp. the distinction between $ar"ra' & m!nasa'<br />

dukkha' in S!nkhya philosophy) M i.302; S v.209 (in def. of dukkhindriya); A ii.143 (sar"rik! vedan!<br />

dukkh!); Nett 12 (duvidha' d.: k!yika'=dukkha'; cetasika'= domanassa'); Vism 165 (twofold), 496<br />

(dukkh! añña' na b!dhaka'), 499 (seven divisions), 503 (k!yika); SnA 119 (sukha' v! dukkha' v! Sn<br />

67=k!yika' s!t!s!ta'). Bdhgh. usually paraphrases d. with va&&adukkha, e. g. at SnA 44, 212, 377, 505. --<br />

(b) Thus to be understood as physical pain in combn dukkha+ domanassa "pain & grief," where d. can also<br />

be taken as the gen. term & dom˚ as specification, e. g. in cetasika' dukkha' domanassa' pa&isa'vedeti A<br />

i.157, 216; iv.406; S ii.69; r!gajan d ˚' dom ˚' pa&isa'vedeti A ii.149; k!mûpasa'hita' d ˚' dom ˚' A<br />

iii.207; d ˚' dom ˚' pa&isa'vediyati S iv.343. Also as cpd. dukkhadomanass!na' atthangam!ya A iii.326, &<br />

freq. in formula soka -- parideva -- d˚ -- domanass -- up!y!s! (grief & sorrow, afflictions of pain & misery,<br />

i. e. all kinds of misery) D i.36 (arising fr. k!m!); M ii.64; A v.216 sq.; It 89 etc. (see above B I. 4). Cp.<br />

also the combn dukkh" dummano "miserable and dejected" S ii.282. -- (c) dukkha as "feeling of pain"<br />

forms one of the three dukkhat! or painful states, viz. d. -- dukkhat! (painful sensation caused by bodily<br />

pain), sankh!ra˚ id. having its origin in the sankh!r!, vipari*!ma˚, being caused by change S iv.259; v.56;<br />

D iii.216; Nett 12. (d) Closely related in meaning is ahita "that which is not good or profitable," usually<br />

opposed to sukha & hita. It is freq. in the ster. expression "hoti d"gharatta' ahit!ya dukkh!ya" for a long<br />

time it is a source of discomfort & pain A i.194 sq.; M i.332 D iii.157; Pug 33. Also in phrases anatth!ya<br />

ahit!ya dukkh!ya D iii.246 & akusala' . . . ahit!ya dukkh!ya sa'vattati A i.58. -- (e) Under vedan! as<br />

sensation are grouped the 3: sukha' (or sukh! ved.) pleasure (pleasant sensation), dukkha' pain (painful<br />

sens.), adukkham -- asukha' indifference (indifferent sens.), the last of which is the ideal state of the<br />

emotional habitus to be gained by the Arahant (cp. upekh! & nibbid!). <strong>The</strong>ir rôle is clearly indicated in the<br />

4th jh!na: sukhassa pah!n! dukkhassa pah!n! pubbe va somanassadomanass!na' atthangam! adukkham --<br />

asukha' upekh! parisuddhi' catuttha' jh!na' upasampajja viharati (see jh!na). -- As contents of vedan!:<br />

sukha' vediyati dukkha' v. adukkham -- asukha' v. tasm! vedan! ti S iii.86, 87; cp. S ii.82 (vedayati). tisso<br />

vedan!: sukha, d˚, adukkham -- asukh!˚ D iii.275; S ii.53; iv.114 sq., 207, 223 sq., cp. M i.396; A i.173;<br />

iv.442; It 46, 47. ya' kiñc' !ya' purisa -- puggalo pa&isa'vedeti sukha' v! d ˚' v! a ˚' v! sabban ta' pubbe<br />

katahet( ti= one's whole life -- experience is caused by one's former kamma A i.173=M ii.217. -- <strong>The</strong><br />

combn (as complementary pair) of sukha+dukkha is very freq. for expressing the varying fortunes of life &<br />

personal experience as pleasure & pain, e. g. n' âlam aññamaññassa sukh!ya v! dukkh!ya v!<br />

sukhadukkh!ya v! D i.56 =S iii.211. Thus under the 8 "fortunes of the world" (loka dhamm!) with l!bha<br />

(& a˚), yasa (a˚), pasa's! (nind!), sukha (dukkha) at D iii.260; Nd2 55. Regarded as a thing to be avoided<br />

in life: puriso j"vituk!mo . . . sukhak!mo dukkha -- pa&ikk(lo S iv.172, 188. -- In similar contexts: D i.81#;<br />

iii.51, 109, 187; S ii.22, 39; iv.123 sq.; A ii.158 etc. (cp. sukha). 2. As complex state (suffering) & its<br />

valuation in the light of the Doctrine: (a) any worldly sensation, pleasure & experience may be a source of<br />

discomfort (see above, I.; cp. esp. k!ma & bhava) Ps i.11 sq. (specified as j!ti etc.); dukkha'=mahabbhaya'<br />

S i.37; bh!r!d!na' dukkha' loke bh!ra -- nikkhepana' sukha' (pain is the great weight) S iii.26; k!m!na'

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