The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Divi˚ an abstraction fr. divya constructed for etym. expln of dibba as divi -- bhava (˚bh!va) of divine<br />

existence or character, a divine being, in "divi -- bhav!ni divy!ni ettha atth" ti divy!" SnA 219; "divi --<br />

bhavatt! dibb! ti" KhA 227; "divibh!va' devattabh!vapariy!panno ti dibbo" PvA 14.<br />

Divilla<br />

Divilla a musical instrument Dpvs xvi.14.<br />

-- 323 --<br />

Divya<br />

Divya [Sk. divya; the verse -- form for the prose -- form dibba (q. v.)] (adj.) divine Sn 153 (cp. SnA 219<br />

under divi˚), 524 (+m!nusaka); J vi.172. -- (nt.) the divinity, a divine being (=devat!) J vi.150; SnA 219.<br />

Disa<br />

Disa [Sk. dvi+ant & dvi+a ( -- ˚); dve+&i & dvi$ati to hate; cp. Gr. deino/s (corynthic dveini/a, hom.<br />

de/dvimen) fearful; Lat. d"rus=E. dire] an enemy Dh 42, 162; J iii.357; iv.217; v.453; Th i.874 -- 6; cp. Pss.<br />

Breth., 323, n. i.<br />

Disat!<br />

Disat!1 (f.) [Sk. di$at!, see dis!] direction, quarter, region, part of the world J iv.359; Pv ii.921 (ki' disata'<br />

gato "where in the world has he gone?"); Vv ii.32 (s!disat! the circle of the 6 directions, cp. VvA 102).<br />

Disat!<br />

Disat!2 (f.) [Sk. *dvi+at!, see disa] state of being an enemy, a host of enemies J iv.295 (=disasam(ha, v. l.<br />

as gloss: verasamoha).<br />

Disati<br />

Disati [Ved. di$ati, *deik to show, point towards; cp. Gr. dei/knumi (di/kh= di$!), Lat. dico (indico,<br />

index=pointer, judex), Goth. gateihan=Ger. zeigen, Ags. taecan=E. token] to point, show; to grant, bestow<br />

etc. Usually in combn with pref. !, or in Caus. deseti (q. v.). As simplex only at S i.217 (vara' dis! to be<br />

read for disa'; cp. Sk. adi$at). See also upa˚.<br />

Dis!<br />

Dis! (f.) [Ved. di$ & di$!, to di$ati "pointing out," point; cp. Gr. di/kh= di$!] point of the compass, region,<br />

quarter, direction, bearings. <strong>The</strong> 4 principal points usualy enumd are puratthim! (E) pacchim! (W)<br />

dakkhi*! (S) uttar! (N), in changing order. Thus at S i.101, 145; ii.103; iii.84; iv.185, 296; Nd2 302; Pv<br />

ii.126 (caturo d.); PvA 52 (cat(su dis!su nirayo cat(hi dv!rehi yutto), and passim. -- To these are often<br />

added the two locations "above & below" as uparim! & he&&him! dis! (also as uddha' adho S iii.124 e. g.;<br />

also called pa&idis! D iii.176), making in all 6 directions: D iii.188 sq. As a rule, however, the circle is<br />

completed by the 4 anudis! (intermediate points; sometimes as vidis!: S i.224; iii.239; D iii.176 etc.),<br />

making a round of 10 (dasa dis!) to denote completeness, wide range & all pervading comprehensiveness<br />

of states, activities or other happening: Sn 719, 1122 (dis! catasso vidis! catasso uddha' adho: dasa dis!<br />

im!yo); Th 2, 487; Ps ii.131; Nd2 239 (see also c!tuddisa in this sense); Pv i.111; ii.110; Vism 408. sabb!<br />

(all) is often substituted for 10: S i.75; D ii.15; Pv i.21; VvA 184; PvA 71. -- anudis! (sg.) is often used<br />

collectively for the 4 points in the sense of "in between," so that the circle always implies the 10 points.

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