The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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D!tar [Sk. d!&r, n. ag. of dad!ti to give; cp. Gr. dw/twr & doth/r] a giver, a generous person Pgdp 50. --<br />

ad!t! one who does not give, a miser Pv ii.82; otherwise as na d!t! (hoti) A ii.203; It 65.<br />

D!tta<br />

D!tta (nt.) [Sk. d!tra, to d!, Sk. d!ti, dyati to cut, divide, deal out; cp. Gr. date/omai, dai/omai & see d!na,<br />

d!peti, d!yati] sickle, scythe Miln 33.<br />

D!na<br />

D!na (nt.) [Ved. d!na, d! as in dad!ti to give & in d!ti, dy!ti to deal out, thus: distribution (scil. of gifts);<br />

cp. Gr. da/nos (present), Lat. damnum (E. damages); Gr. dw_ron, Lat. donum; also Ags. t"d (=E. tide,<br />

portion, i. e. of time), & t"ma (=E. time). See further dad!ti, dayati, d!tta, d!peti. Defn at Vism 60: d!na'<br />

vuccati avakha*.ana'] (a) giving, dealing out, gift; almsgiving, liberality, munificence; esp. a charitable<br />

gift to a bhikkhu or to the community of bhikkhus, the Sangha (cp. deyyadhamma & yañña). As such it<br />

constitutes a meritorious act (puñña') and heads the list of these, as enumerated in order, d!namaya<br />

puñña', s"lamaya p., bh!van!maya p. viz. acts of merit consisting of munificence, good character &<br />

meditation (D iii.218 e. g.; cp. c!ga, puñña, s"la). Thus in formula d!nâd"ni puññ!ni katv! J i.168; PvA 66,<br />

105; cp. cpds. under ˚maya. -- (b) Special merit & importance is attached to the mah!d!na the great gift, i.<br />

e. the great offering (of gifts to the Sangha), in character the buddhistic equivalent of the brahmanic<br />

mah!yajña the chief sacrifice. On 16 Mah!d!nas see Wilson Hindu Caste 413; on 4 Beal. Chinese <strong>Text</strong>s 88.<br />

-- A iv.246; J i.50, 74; v.383 (devasika' chasatasahassa -- paricc!ga' karonto mah!d!na' pavattesi "he<br />

gave the great largesse, spending daily 600,000 pieces"); PvA 19, 22, 75, 127, etc. -- (c) Constituents,<br />

qualities & characteristics of a d!na: 8 objects suitable for gifts form a standard set (also enumd as 10), viz.<br />

anna p!na vattha y!na m!l! gandha -- vilepana seyy!vasatha pad"peyya (bread, water, clothes, vehicle,<br />

garlands, scented ointment, conveniences for lying down & dwelling, lighting facility) A iv.239; cp. Pv<br />

ii.49 & see ˚vatthu & deyyadhamma. Eight ways of giving alms at D iii.258= A iv.236, five ways, called<br />

sappurisa -- d!na (& asapp˚) at A iii.171 sq.; eight sapp˚ at A iv.243. Five manners of almsgiving<br />

metaphorically for s"las 1 -- 5 at A iv.246= DA i.306. Five characteristics of a beneficial gift at A iii.172,<br />

viz. saddh!ya d!na' deti, sakkacca' d.d., k!lena (cp. k!lad!na A iii.41), anuggahitacitto, att!nañ ca parañ<br />

ca anupahacca d.d. -- (d) Various passages showing practice & value of d!na: Vin i.236; D i.53 (+dama &<br />

sa'yama; cp. It 15; PvA 276); ii.356 sq. (sakkacca' & a˚); A iv.392 sq. (id.); D iii.147 sq., 190 sq., 232; S<br />

i.98 (d!na' d!tabba' yattha citta' pas"dati); A i.91=It 98 (!misa˚ and dhamma˚, material & spiritual gifts);<br />

A i.161; iii.41 (d!ne !nisa's!); iv.60; 237 sq. (mahapphala), 392 sq. (˚ssa vip!ka); v.269 (pet!na'<br />

upakappati); J i.8 (agga)a˚); ii.112 (dinna˚), iii.52 (id.); Sn 263, 713 (appa' d!na' sama*abr!hma*!na')<br />

PvA 54 (!gantuka˚ gift for the newcomer); Sdhp 211 -- 213. -- ad!na withholding a gift, neglect of<br />

liberality, stinginess Pv ii.945; Miln 279; PvA 25; cp. ˚s"la under cpds.: atid!na excessive almsgiving Pv<br />

ii.945 (cp. PvA 129); Miln 277. -- agga [Sk. d!n!gara, cp. bhattagga, sal!kagga; see Trenckner, Notes p.<br />

56] a house where alms or donations are given, a store -- house of gifts, fig. a source or giver of gifts, a<br />

horn of plenty J vi.487; DhA i.152, 189; Miln 2; PvA 121, 124, 127, 141. A possible connection w.<br />

agga=!gra is suggested by combn d!n!ni mah!d!n!ni aggaññ!ni A iv.246; -- âdhik!ra supervision or<br />

charge of alms -- distributing. PvA 124 (cp. Pv ii.927); -- !nisa'sa praise of generosity PvA 9; cp. A iii.41;<br />

-- upakara*a means or materials for a gift PvA 105; -- upapatti (read uppatti at D iii.258) an object suitable<br />

for gifts, of which 8 or 10 are mentioned (see above c) A iv.239=D iii.258; -- kath! talk or conversation<br />

about (the merit & demerit of) almsgiving, one of the anupubbi -- kath! Vin i.15, 18; -- dhamma the duty or<br />

meritorious act of bestowing gifts of mercy (cp. deyyadhamma) PvA 9; -- pati "lord of alms," master in<br />

liberality, a liberal donor (def. by Bdhgh as: ya' d!na' deti tassa pati hutv! deti na d!so na sah!yo DA<br />

i.298) D i.137 (+saddho & d!yako, as one of the qualifications of a good king); A iii.39; iv.79 sq.<br />

(+saddho); Sn 487; Pv i.114 (+amaccharin); J i.199; Miln 279 sq.; Sdhp 275, 303; -- puñña the religious<br />

merit of almsgiving or liberality (see above a) PvA 73; -- phala the fruit of munificence (as accruing to the<br />

donor) A iii.39; iv.79; Pv ii.83 (˚' hoti paramhi loke: is rewarded in the life to come, cp. It 19); PvA 8 (cp.<br />

Pv i.1); -- maya consisting in giving alms or being liberal (see above a) D iii.218 (puññakiriya -- vatthu);<br />

Vbh 135 (kusala -- cetan!), 325 (pañña); PvA 8 (puñña), 60 (id.), 9 (kusala -- kamma), 51, etc.; -- va&&a<br />

alms J vi.333; -- vatthu that which constitutes a meritorious gift; almsgiving, beneficence, offering,<br />

donation D iii.258= A iv.236; PvA 20 (=annap!n!dika dasavidha d!tabbavatthu PvA 7); -- veyy!va&ika

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