The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Adhi&&h!ti (adhi&&hahati) [Sk. adhiti+&hati, adhi + sth!] 1. to stand on J iii.278 (ger. ˚!ya); DhA iv.183 (ger.<br />

˚hitv!); fig. to insist on Th 1, 1131 (aor. ˚!hi). -- 2. to concentrate or fix one's attention on (c. acc.), to direct<br />

one's thoughts to, to make up one's mind, to wish Vin i.115 (inf. ˚&h!tu'), 297 (id.), 125 (grd. ˚&h!tabba) J<br />

i.80 (aor. ˚ahi); iii.278; iv.134 (v. l. ati˚ C. expls. abhibhavitv! ti&&hati); DhA i.34; iv.201 (ger. ˚hitv!); PvA<br />

23 (aor. ˚&h!si) 171 (id.), 75 (ger. ˚hitv!). On adhi&&heyya see Cpd. 209, n. 2; 219, n. 1. -- 3. to undertake,<br />

practice, perform, look after, to celebrate S ii.17; A i.115 sq.; J i.50; PvA 209 (ger. ˚&h!ya). -- pp. adhi&&hita<br />

(q. v.).<br />

Adhi&&h!na<br />

Adhi&&h!na (nt.) [fr. adhi + sth!] 1. decision, resolution, self -- determination, will (cp. on this meaning<br />

Cpd. 62) D iii.229 (where 4 are enumd., viz. paññ!˚, sacca˚ c!ga˚ upasama˚); J i.23; v.174; Ps i.108; ii.171<br />

sq., 207; DhsA 166 (cp. Dhs. trsl. 44). -- 2. mentioned in bad sense with abhinivesa and anusaya, obstinacy,<br />

prejudice and bias M i.136; iii.31, 240; S ii.17; iii.10, 135, 194. -- As adj. ( -- ˚) applying oneself to, bent on<br />

A iii.363. -- 3. looking after, management, direction, power Miln 309 (dev!na'); PvA 141 (so read for<br />

adhita&&h!na). [adi&&h!na as PvA 89, used as explanatory for !v!sa, should perhaps be read adhi&&h!na in the<br />

sense of fixed, permanent, abode].<br />

Adhi&&h!yaka<br />

Adhi&&h!yaka (adj.) ( -- ˚) superintending, watching, looking after, in kamma˚ Mhvs 5, 175; 30, 98;<br />

kammanta˚ DhA i.393.<br />

Adhi&&hita<br />

Adhi&&hita (adj.) [pp. of adhi&&h!ti] 1. standing on (c. loc.), esp. with the idea of standing above, towering<br />

over Vv 6330 (hemarathe a. = sakala' &h!na' abhibhavitv! &hita VvA 269). -- (a) looked after, managed,<br />

undertaken, governed Vin i.57; S v.278 (sv!âdhi&&hita); PvA 141 (kammanta). -- (b) undertaking, bent on<br />

(c. acc.) Sn 820 (ekacariya').<br />

Adhideva<br />

Adhideva [adhi + deva] a superior or supreme god, above the gods M ii.132; A iv.304; Sn 1148; Nd2 307b,<br />

422 a. Cp. atideva.<br />

Adhipa<br />

Adhipa [Sk. adhipa, abbrev. of adhipati] ruler, lord, master J ii.369; iii.324; v.393; Pv ii.86 (jan˚ king);<br />

D!vs iii.52; VvA 314.<br />

Adhipaka<br />

Adhipaka (adj.) ( -- ˚) [fr. prec.] mastering, ruling or governed, influenced by (cp. adhipati) A i.150 (atta˚<br />

loka˚ dhamma˚).<br />

Adhipajjati<br />

Adhipajjati [adhi + pajjati] to come to, reach, attain A iv.96 (anattha'); pp. adhipanna.<br />


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