The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Dadhi<br />

Dadhi (nt.) [Sk. dadhi, redpl. formation fr. dhayati to suck. Cp. also dhenu cow, dh"ta, etc.] sour milk,<br />

curds, junket Vin i.244 (in enumn of 5 -- fold cow -- produce, cp. gorasa); D i.201 (id.); M i.316; A ii.95; J<br />

ii.102; iv.140; Miln 41, 48, 63; Dhs 646, 740, 875; Vism 264, 362. -- gha&a a milk bowl J ii.102; --<br />

ma*.aka whey S ii.111; -- m!la "the milk sea," N. of an ocean J iv.140; -- v!raka a pot of milk -- curds J<br />

iii.52.<br />

Danta<br />

Danta1 [Sk. danta fr. acc. danta' of dan, gen. datah= Lat. dentis. Cp. Av. dantan, Gr. o)do/nta, Lat. dentem,<br />

Oir. d/t; Goth. tunpus, Ohg. zand, Ags. t0ot (=tooth) & tusc (=tusk); orig. ppr. to *ed in atti to eat="the<br />

biter." Cp. d!&h!], a tooth, a tusk, fang, esp. an elephant's tusk; ivory Vin ii.117 (n!ga -- d. a pin of ivory);<br />

Kh ii. (as one of the taca -- pañcaka, or 5 dermatic constituents of the body, viz. kes!, lom! nakh! d. taco,<br />

see detailed description at KhA 43 sq.); pankadanta rajassira "with sand between his teeth & dust on his<br />

head" (of a wayfarer) Sn 980; J iv.362, 371; M i.242; J i.61; ii.153; Vism 251; VvA 104 ("s!˚ long tusks);<br />

PvA 90, 152 (fang); Sdhp 360. -- ajina ivory M ii.71 (gloss: dhanadhañña'); -- a&&hika "teeth -- bone," ivory<br />

of teeth i. e. the tooth as such Vism 21. -- !vara*a the lip (lit. protector of teeth) J iv.188; vi.590; DhA<br />

i.387. -- ullahaka' (M iii.167) see ullahaka; -- ka&&ha a tooth -- pick Vin i.46=ii.223; i.51, 61; ii.138; A<br />

iii.250; J i.232; ii.25; vi.75; Miln 15; DhA ii.184; VvA 63; -- k!ra an artisan in ivory<br />

-- 314 --<br />

ivory -- worker D i.78; J i.320; Miln 331; Vism 336; -- k(ta tooth of a maimed bullock (?) (thus taking k(&a<br />

as k(&a4, and equivalent to k(&adanta), in phrase asanivicakka' danta -- k(&a' D iii.44=47, which has also<br />

puzzled the translators (cp. Dial. iii.40: "munching them all up together with that wheel -- less thunderbolt<br />

of a jawbone," with note: "the sentence is not clear"). -- p!)i row of teeth Vism 251; -- po*a tooth --<br />

cleaner, always combd with mukh' odaka water for rinsing the teeth Vin iii.51; iv.90, 233; J iv.69; Miln 15;<br />

SnA 272. <strong>The</strong> C. on P!r!j. ii.4, 17, (Vin iii.51) gives 2 kinds of dantapo*a, viz. chinna & acchinna. -- m(la<br />

the root of a tooth; the gums J v.172; -- vakkalika a kind of ascetics (peeling the bark of trees with their<br />

teeth?) DA i.271; -- va**a ivory -- coloured, ivory -- white Vv 4510; -- valaya an iv. bangle DhA i.226; --<br />

vikati a vessel of iv. D i.78; M ii.18; J i.320; Vism 336. -- vikh!dana biting with teeth, i. e. chewing Dhs<br />

646, 740, 875; -- vida'saka (either=vidassaka or to be read ˚gha'saka) showing one's teeth (or chattering?)<br />

A i.261 (of hasita, laughter); -- sampatti splendour of teeth DhA i.390.<br />

Danta<br />

Danta2 (adj.) [Sk. d!nta] made of ivory, or iv. -- coloured J vi.223 (y!na= dantamaya). -- k!s!va ivory --<br />

white & yellow Vin i.287; -- valaya see danta1.<br />

Danta<br />

Danta3 [Sk. d!nta, pp. d!myati to make, or to be tame, cp. Gr. dmhto/s, Lat. domitus. See dameti] tamed,<br />

controlled, restrained Vin ii.196; S i.28, 65, 141 (n!go va danto carati anejo); A i.6 (citta' danta'); It 123<br />

(danto damayata' se&&ho); Sn 370, 463, 513, 624; Dh 35, 142 (=catumagga -- niyamena d. DhA iii.83), 321<br />

sq.=Nd2 475. -- sudanta well -- tamed, restrained Sn 23; Dh 159, 323. -- bh(mi a safe place (=Nibb!na), or<br />

the condition of one who is tamed S iii.84; Nd2 475 (in continuation of Dh 323); DhA iv.6.<br />

Dantaka<br />

Dantaka a pin of tooth or ivory; makara˚ the tooth of a sword -- fish Vin ii.113, 117; iv.47. See details<br />

under makara.

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