The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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T!l"sa<br />

T!l"sa (nt.) (also t!lissa J iv.286, t!l"saka Miln 338) [cp. Sk. t!l", t!l"$a & tal!$!] the shrub Flacourtia<br />

cataphracta & a powder or ointment obtained from it Vin i.203 (+tagara); J iv.286 (id.); Miln 338.<br />

T!l"sa<br />

T!l"sa2 (No. 40) is short for catt!l"sa, e.g. Ap. 103, 234 and passim.<br />

T!lu<br />

T!lu [Sk. t!lu, see tala] the palate Sn 716; J i.419; Vism 264 (˚matthaka top of p.); PvA 260.<br />

T!)a [ta.<br />

T!)a1 [ta., cp. Sk. t!la a blow, or musical time; t!l"yaka cymbal] beating, striking, the thing beaten or<br />

struck, i. e. a musical instrument which is beaten, an instr. of percussion, as a cymbal, gong, or tambourine<br />

(for t!)a= gong cp. th!la): (a) gong, etc. J i.3; vi.60; Th 1, 893; DA i.85; DhsA 319 (ka'sa˚). -- (b) music in<br />

general DhA iv.67. -- âvacara musical time or measure, music, a musician D ii.159 (v. l. t!la˚); J i.60 (l);<br />

iv.41; VvA 257 (˚parivuta, of an angel).<br />

T!)a<br />

T!)a2 (nt.) [Sk. t!laka=t!.a Av- ii.56, t!.aka Divy 577] a key (orig. a "knocker"?) Vin ii.148 (3 kinds:<br />

loha˚, ka&&ha˚, vis!*a˚); Bdhd 1. -- cchiggala a key -- hole S iv.290; v.453; Vism 500. -- cchidda id. Vin<br />

ii.120, 148, 153 (all t!la˚); iii.118; DhA iii.8 (l).<br />

T!)"<br />

T!)" (f.) a strike, a blow, in uratt!)i' karoti to strike one's chest (as a sign of grief) PvA 39, etc. (see ura).<br />

T!)eti<br />

T!)eti [Sk. t!.ayati, ta. perhaps=tud] to strike a blow, flog, beat, esp. freq. in phrase kas!hi t!)eti to flog<br />

with whips, etc. (in list of punishments, see kas!) M i.87; A ii.122; Nd2 604; PvA 4, etc. -- ppr. pass.<br />

ta..am!na (for *t!.yam!na) J vi.60 (so read for taddam!na; Com po&h"yam!na). -- pp. t!)ita J vi.60<br />

(turiya˚); Vv 621 (id.); Sdhp 80. Cp. abhi˚.<br />

T!va<br />

T!va (adv.) [Sk. t!vat] so much, so long; usually correl. with y!va how long, how much; in all meanings to<br />

be understood out of elliptical application of this correlation. Thus I. y!va -- t!va as long as: y!va dve jan!<br />

avasi&&h! ahesu' t!va aññamañña' gh!tayi'su J i. 254; y!va dukkh! niray! idha tattha pi t!va cira'<br />

vasitabba' Sn 678. Neg. na t!va -- y!va na not until: M i.428; S v.261; A i.141#(na t. k!la' karoti y!va na<br />

ta' p!pakamma' byantihoti he does not die until his evil kamma is exhausted). II. Elliptical: 1. temporal: so<br />

long as, for the time (t!vak!lika'=y!vak˚t!vak˚; see below). -- 2. comparative: (such -- ) as, like, so, such,<br />

just so, rather, in such a degree, even; t!vabahu' suva**a' so much gold Vin i.209; t. -- mahanto so much J<br />

i.207; t. madhuraphala with such sweet fruit J ii.105; as"tiy! t!va kimi -- kul!na' s!dh!ra*a (of the body) or<br />

rather, i. e. Vism 235; vatth!ni t. devap!tubh(t!ni PvA 44; pa&hama' t. (even) at once, right away PvA 113,<br />

132; gil!n!ya t. aya' etiss! r(pasobh! even in sickness she is so beautiful VvA 76; parittakassa<br />

kusalakammassa t.=quidem PvA 51; pa'suk(likanga' t. in the first place Vism. 62. -- 3. concessive: (a)<br />

(absol.) as far as it goes, considering, because: yadi eva' pit! t!va purisabh!ve na rodati, m!tu n!ma

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