The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Tath!gata<br />

Tath!gata [Derivation uncertain. Buddhaghosa (DA i.59 -- 67) gives eight explanations showing that there<br />

was no fixed tradition on the point, and that he himself was in doubt]. <strong>The</strong> context shows that the word is<br />

an epithet of an Arahant, and that non -- Buddhists were supposed to know what it meant. <strong>The</strong> compilers of<br />

the Nik!yas must therefore have considered the expression as pre -- Buddhistic; but it has not yet been<br />

found in any pre -- Buddhistic work. Mrs. Rhys Davids (Dhs. tr. 1099, quoting Chalmers J.R.A.S. Jan.,<br />

1898) suggests "he who has won through to the truth." Had the early Buddhists invented a word with this<br />

meaning it would probably have been tatha'gata, but not necessarily, for we have upadh" -- karoti as well<br />

as upadhi' karoti. -- D i.12, 27, 46, 63; ii.68, 103, 108, 115, 140, 142; iii.14, 24 sq., 32 sq., 115, 217, 264<br />

sq., 273 sq.; S i.110 sq.; ii.222 sq.; iii.215; iv.127, 380 sq.; A i.286; ii.17, 25, 120; iii.35, etc.; Sn 236, 347,<br />

467, 557, 1114; It 121 sq.; KhA 196; Ps i.121 sq.; Dhs 1099, 1117, 1234; Vbh 325 sq., 340, etc., etc. --<br />

bal!ni (pl.) the supreme intellectual powers of a T. usually enumd as a set of ten: in detail at A v.33 sq. =Ps<br />

ii.174; M i.69; S ii.27; Nd2 466. Other sets of five at A iii.9; of six A iii.417 sq. (see bala); -- s!vaka a<br />

disciple of the T. D ii.142; A i.90; ii.4; iii.326 sq.; It 88; Sn p. 15.<br />

Tathiya<br />

Tathiya (adj.) [Sk. tathya =taccha] true, Sn 882, 883.<br />

Tadanur(pa<br />

Tadanur(pa (adj.) [cp. ta˚ i a] befitting, suitable, going well with J vi.366; DhA iv.15.<br />

Tad!<br />

Tad! (adv.) [Vedic; cp. kad!] then, as that time (either past or future) D ii.157; J ii.113, 158; Pv i.105; PvA<br />

42. Also used like an adj.: te tad! -- m!t!pitaro etarahi m˚ ahesu' "the then mother & father" J i.215 (cp.<br />

Lat. quondam); tad! -- sot!panna -- up!saka J ii.113.<br />

Tad(pika & Tad(piya<br />

Tad(pika & Tad(piya see ta˚ I. a.<br />

Tanaya & tanuya<br />

Tanaya & tanuya [at S i.7, v. l. tanaya, cp. BSk. tanuja Av- ii.200] offspring, son Mhvs vii.28. pl. tanuy!<br />

[=Sk. tanayau] son & daughter S i.7.<br />

Tanu<br />

Tanu [Vedic tanu, f. tanv"; also n. tanu & tan( (f.) body *ten (see tanoti)=Gr. tanu -- , Lat. tenuis, Ohg.<br />

dunni, E. thin] 1. (adj.) thin, tender, small, slender Vv 162 (vara˚ graceful=uttamar(pa -- dhara VvA 79;<br />

perhaps to 2); PvA 46 (of hair: fine+mudhu). -- 2. (n. nt.) body (orig. slender part of the body= waist) Vv<br />

537 (kañcana˚); Pv i.121; Vism 79 (uju+). Cp. tanutara. -- kara*a making thinner, reducing, diminishing<br />

Vin ii.316 (Bdhgh on CV. v.9, 2); -- bh!va decrease Pug 17; -- bh(ta decreased, diminished Pug 17; esp. in<br />

phrase ˚soka with diminished grief, having one's grief allayed DhA iii.176; PvA 38.<br />

Tanuka<br />

Tanuka (adj.)=tanu; little, small Dh 174 (=DhA 175); Sn 994 (soka).

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