The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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up!d!na' Vin i.1, 5; D ii.31, 33, 56, etc.; t. & upadhi : ta*h!ya sati upadhi hoti t. asati up. na hoti S ii.108;<br />

ye ta*ha' va..henti te upadhi' va..henti, etc. S ii.109; ta*h!ya n"yati loko ta*h!ya parikissati S i.39; ta*h!<br />

sa'yojanena sa'yutt! satt! d"gharatta' sandh!vanti sa'saranti It 8. See also t. -- dutiya. -- (c) To have got<br />

rid of t. is Arahantship: vigata -- ta*ha vigata -- pip!sa vigata -- pari)!ha D iii.238; S iii.8, 107 sq., 190;<br />

sam(la' ta*ha' abbuyha S i.16=63, 121 (Godhiko parinibbuto); iii.26 (nicch!to parinibbuto); v"ta˚ Sn 83,<br />

849, 1041 (+nibbuta); ta*h!ya vippah!nena S i.39 ("Nibb!nan" iti vuccati), 40 (sabba' chindati<br />

bandhana'); ta*ha' m! k!si m! loka' punar !gami Sn 339; ta*ha' pariññ!ya . . . te nar! oghati**! ti Sn<br />

1082; ucchinna -- bhava -- ta*h! Sn 746; ta*h!ya v(pasama S iii.231; t. -- nirodha S iv.390. -- See also M<br />

i.51; Dh 154; It 9 (vita˚+an!d!na), 50 (˚' pahantv!na); Sn 495, 496, 916; & cp. ˚khaya. -- 3. Kindred terms<br />

which in Commentaries are expld by one of the ta*h! -- formulae (cp. Nd2 271v & 271vii): (a) t. in groups<br />

of 5: (a) with kilesa sa'yoga vip!ka duccarita; (b) di&&hi kilesa duccarita avijj!; (g) di&&hi kil˚ kamma<br />

duccarita. -- (b) quasi -- synonyms: !d!na, ej!, gedha, japp!, nand", nivesana, pari)!ha, pip!s!, lepa,<br />

loluppa, v!na, visattik!, sibban". -- In cpds. the form ta*h! is represented by ta*ha before double<br />

consonants, as ta*hakkhaya, etc. -- âdhipateyya mastery over t. S iii.103; -- âdhipanna seized by t. S. i.29;<br />

Sn 1123; -- !d!sa the mirror of t. A ii.54; âbhinivesa full of t. PvA 267; -- !luka greedy J ii.78; -- upp!d!<br />

(pl.) (four) grounds of the rise of craving (viz. c"vara, pi*.ap!ta, senâsana, itibhavâbhava) A ii.10=It 109; D<br />

iii.228; Vbh 375; -- k!y! (pl.) (six) groups of t. (see above B i) S ii.3; D iii.244. 280; Ps i.26; Vbh 380; --<br />

kkhaya the destruction of the<br />

-- 295 --<br />

excitement of cravings, almost synonymous with Nibb!na (see above B2c): ˚rata Dh 187 (expld at DhA<br />

iii.241: arahatte c' eva nibb!ne ca abhirato hoti); Vv 735 (expld by Nibb!na VvA 296); therefore in the<br />

expositionary formula of Nibb!na as equivalent with N. Vin i.5; S iii.133; It 88, etc. (see N.). In the same<br />

sense: sabbañjaho ta*hakkhaye vimutto Vin i.8= M i.171=Dh 353; ta*h!kkhaya vir!ga nirodha nibb!na A<br />

ii.34, expld at Vism 293; bhikkhu araha' cha &h!n!ni adhimutto hoti: nekkhammâdhimutto, paviveka˚,<br />

avy!pajjha˚, up!d!nakkhaya˚, ta*hakkhaya˚, asammoha˚ Vin i.183; cp. also Sn 70, 211, 1070, 1137; -- gata<br />

obsessed with excitement, i. e. a victim of t. Sn 776; -- gaddula the leash of t. Nd2 271ii#; -- cchida<br />

breaking the cravings Sn 1021, 1101; -- j!la the snare of t. M i.271; Th 1, 306; Nd2 271ii; -- dutiya who has<br />

the fever or excitement of t. as his companion A ii.10= It 9=109=Sn 740, 741=Nd2 305; cp. Dhs. trsl. p.<br />

278; -- nad" the river of t. Nd2 271ii; cp. nadiy! soto ti: ta*h!y' eta' adhivacana' It 114; -- nigh!tana the<br />

destruction of t. Sn 1085; -- pakkha the party of t., all that belongs to t. Nett 53, 69, 88, 160; -- paccaya<br />

caused by t. Sn p. 144; Vism 568; -- m(laka rooted in t. (dhamm!: 9 items) Ps i.26, 130; Vbh 390; -- lepa<br />

cleaving to t. Nd2 271iii; (+di&&hi -- lepa); -- vasika being in the power of t. J iv.3; -- vicarita a thought of t.<br />

A ii.212; -- sankhaya (complete) destruction of t.; ˚sutta M i.251 (c()a˚), 256 (mah!˚): ˚vimutti salvation<br />

through cessation of t. M i.256, 270, & ˚vimutta (adj.) S iv.391; -- samudda the ocean of t. Nd 271ii; --<br />

sambh(ta produced by t. (t. aya' k!yo) A ii.145 (cp. Sn p. 144; ya' kiñci dukkha' sambhoti sabba'<br />

ta*h!paccay!); -- sa'yojana the fetter of t. (adj.) fettered, bound by t., in phrase t. -- sa'yojanena sa'yutt!<br />

satt! d"gharatta' sandh!vanti sa'saranti It 8, & t. -- sa'yojan!na' satt!na' sandh!vata' sa'sarata' S<br />

ii.178=iii.149= PvA 166; A i.223; -- salla the sting or poisoned arrow of t. S i.192 (˚assa hant!ra' vande<br />

!diccabandhuna'), the extirpation of which is one of the 12 achievements of a mahesi Nd2 503 (˚assa<br />

abbu)hana; cp. above).<br />

Ta*h"yati<br />

Ta*h"yati [=ta*h!yati, denom. fr. ta*h!, cp. Sk. t%+yati to have thirst] to have thirst for S ii.13 (for v. l. SS.<br />

tu*h"yati; BB. tasati); Vism 544 (+up!diyati gha& yati); cp. tasati & pp. tasita.<br />

Tata<br />

Tata [pp. of tanoti] stretched, extended, spread out S i. 357 (j!la); J iv.484 (tant!ni j!l!ni <strong>Text</strong>, kat!ni v. l.<br />

for tat!ni). Note: samo tata at J i.183 is to be read as samotata (spread all over).<br />


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