The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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adverbially as therefore (orig. just that) Sn 1077; Pv i.33; PvA 2, 16 (=ta' ida'), 76. <strong>The</strong> same ta˚ is to be<br />

seen in t!ha' Vv 8315 (=ta' -- aha'), & not to be confused with t!ha'=te aha' (see tva'). -- A similar<br />

combn is ta'yath! Miln 1 (this is how, thus, as follows) which is the Sk. form for the usual P. seyyath!<br />

(instead of ta -- (y) -- yath!, like ta -- y -- ida'); cp. Trenckner, P.M. p. 75. -- A sporadic form for tad is<br />

tada' Sn p. 147 (even that, just that; for tatha'?). -- II. Application: 1. ta˚ refers or points back to somebody<br />

or something just mentioned or under discussion (like Gr. ou(=tos, Lat. hic, Fr. ci in voici, cet homme -- ci,<br />

etc.): this, that, just this (or that), even this (or these). In this sense combd with api: te c' âpi (even these) Sn<br />

1058. It is also used to indicate something immediately following the statement of the speaker (cp. Gr.<br />

o(/de, E. thus): this now, esp. in adv. use (see below); ta' ki' maññasi D i.60; yam eta' pañha' apucchi<br />

Ajita ta' vad!mi te: Sn 1037; ta' te pavakkh!mi (this now shall I tell you:) Sn 1050; tesa' Buddho vy!k!si<br />

(to those just mentioned answered B.) Sn 1127; te tosit! (and they, pleased . . .) ib. 1128. -- 2. Correlative<br />

use: (a) in rel. sentences with ya˚ (preceding ta˚): ya' aha' j!n!mi ta' tva' j!n!si "what I know (that) you<br />

know" D i.88; yo nerayik!na' satt!na' !h!ro tena so y!peti "he lives on that food which is (characteristic)<br />

of the beings in N.; or: whichever is the food of the N. beings, on this he lives" PvA 27. -- (b) elliptical<br />

(with omission of the verb to be) ya' ta'=that which (there is), what (is), whatever, used like an adj.; ye te<br />

those who, i. e. all (these), whatever: ye pana te manuss! saddh! . . . te evam aha'su . . . "all those people<br />

who were full of faith said" Vin ii.195; yena tena up!yena ga*ha "catch him by whatever means (you<br />

like)," i. e. by all means J ii.159; ya' ta' kayir! "whatever he may do" Dh 42. -- 3. Distributive and iterative<br />

use (cp. Lat. quisquis, etc.): . . . ta' ta' this & that, i. e. each one; ya' ya' passati ta' ta' pucchati<br />

whomsoever he sees (each one) he asks PvA 38; ya' ya' manaso piya' ta' ta' gahetv! whatever . . . (all)<br />

that PvA 77; yo yo ya' ya' icchati tassa tassa ta' ta' ad!si "whatever anybody wished he gave to him" PvA<br />

113. So with adv. of ta˚: tattha tattha here & there (freq.); taha' taha' id. J i.384; VvA 36, 187; tato tato Sn<br />

390. -- (b) the same in disjunctivecomparative sense: ta' . . . ta' is this so & is this so (too)=the same as,<br />

viz. ta' j"va' ta' sar"ra' is the soul the same as the body (opp. añña' j. a. s.) A v.193, etc. (see j"va). -- 4.<br />

Adverbial use of some cases (locala, temporalb, & modalc): acc. ta' (a) there (to): tad avasari he withdrew<br />

there D. ii.126, 156; (b) ta' ena' at once, presently (=t!vad -- eva) Vin i.127 (cp. Ved. en!); (c) therefore<br />

(cp. ki' wherefore, why), that is why, now, then: S ii.17; M i.487; Sn 1110; Pv i.23 (=tasm! PvA 11 &<br />

103); ii.716; cp. ta' kissa hetu Nd2 on jh!na. -- gen. tassa (c) therefore A iv.333. instr. tena (a) there<br />

(direction=there to), always in correl. with yena: where -- there, or in whatever direction, here & there.<br />

Freq. in formula denoting approach to a place (often unnecessary to translate); e. g. yena J"vakassa<br />

ambavana' tena p!y!si: where the Mangogrove of J. was, there he went=he went to the M. of J. D i.49;<br />

yena Gotamo ten' upasankama go where G. is D i.88; yena !vasathâg!ra' ten' upasankami D ii.85 etc.; yena<br />

v! tena v! pal!yanti they run here & there A ii.33; (c) so then, now then, therefore, thus (often with hi) J<br />

i.151, 279; PvA 60; Miln 23; tena hi D ii.2; J i.266; iii.188; Miln 19. -- abl. tasm! (c) out of this reason,<br />

therefore Sn 1051, 1104; Nd2 279 (=ta' k!ra*a'); PvA 11, 103; tato (a) from there, thence Pv i.123; (b)<br />

then, hereafter PvA 39. -- loc. tahi' (a) there (over there>beyond) Pv i.57; (c) =therefore PvA 25; taha' (a)<br />

there; usually repeated: see above II. 3 (a). -- See also tattha, tath!, tad!, t!di, etc.<br />

Taka<br />

Taka a kind of medicinal gum, enumerated with two varieties, viz. takapatt" & takapa**" under jat(ni<br />

bhesajj!ni at Vin i.201.<br />

Takka<br />

Takka1 [Sk. tarka doubt; science of logic (lit. "turning & twisting") *treik, cp. Lat. tricae, intricare (to<br />

"trick," puzzle), & also Sk. tarku bobbin, spindle, Lat. torqueo (torture, turn)] doubt; a doubtful view<br />

(often= di&&hi, appl. like samm!˚, micch! -- di&&hi), hair -- splitting reasoning, sophistry (= itih"tiha' Nd2<br />

151). Opp. to takka (=micch! -- sankappo Vbh 86, 356) is dhammatakka right thought (:vuccati samm! --<br />

sankappo Nd2 318; cp. Dhs 7, 298), D i.16 (˚pariy!hata); M i.68 (id.); Sn 209 (˚' pah!ya na upeti sankha')<br />

885 (doubt), 886; Dhs 7, 21, 298 (+vitakka, trsl. as "ratiocination" by Mrs. Rh. D.); Vbh 86, 237 (samm!˚)<br />

356; Vism 189. See also vitakka. -- !gama the way of (right) thought, the discipline of correct reasoning<br />

D!vs v.22; -- âvacara as neg. atakkâvacarâ in phrase dhamm! gambh"r! duddas! a˚ nipu*! (views, etc.)<br />

deep, difficult to know, beyond logic (or sophistry: i. e. not accessible to doubt?), profound Vin i.4=D<br />

i.12=S i.136=M i.487. Gogerley trsl. "unattainable by reasoning," Andersen "being beyond the sphere of

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