The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Ñatta (nt.) [nomen agentis from j!n!ti] the intellectual faculty, intelligence Dh 72 (=DhA ii.73:<br />

j!nanasabh!va).<br />

Ñatti<br />

Ñatti (f.) [Sk. jñapti, from jñ!payati, caus of jñ!] announce- ment, declaration, esp. as t. t. a motion or<br />

resolution put at a kammav!c! (proceedings at a meeting of the chapter. <strong>The</strong> usual formula is "es! ñatti;<br />

su*!tu me bhante sangho": Vin i.340; iii.150, 173, 228; -- ˚' &hapeti to propose a resolution Vin iv.152. --<br />

Vin v.142, 217 (na c' âpi ñatti na ca pana kammav!c!). This resolution is also called a ñattikamma: Vin<br />

ii.89; iv.152; v.116; A i.99. Two kinds are distinguished, viz. that at which the voting follows directly upon<br />

the motion, i. e. a ñatti -- dutiya -- kamma, & that at which the motion is put 3 times, & is then followed (as<br />

4th item) by the decision, i. e. a ñ -- catuttha -- kamma. Both kinds are discussed at Vin i.56, 317 sq.; ii.89;<br />

iii.156; iv.152; & passim. Cp. Divy 356: jñapticaturtha. Cp. !*atti, viññatti.<br />

Ñatv!<br />

Ñatv! etc.: see j!n!ti.<br />

Ñ!*a<br />

Ñ!*a (nt.) [from j!n!ti. See also j!nana. *gen/, as in Gr. gnw_ -- sis (cp. gnostic), gnw/mh; Lat. (co)gnitio;<br />

Goth. kunpi; Ogh. kunst; E. knowledge] knowledge, intelligence, insight, conviction, recognition, opp.<br />

añ!*a & avijj!, lack of k. or ignorance. -- 1. Ñ!*a in the theory of cognition: it occurs in intensive couple --<br />

compounds with terms of sight as cakkhu (eye) & dassana (sight, view), e. g. in cakkhu -- kara*a ñ!*a --<br />

kara*a "opening our eyes & thus producing knowledge" i. e. giving us the eye of knowledge (a mental eye)<br />

(see cakkhu, j!n!ti passati, & cpd. ˚kara*a): Bhagav! j!na' j!n!ti passa' passati cakkhu -- bh(to ñ!*a --<br />

bh(to (=he is one perfected in knowledge) M i.111=Nd2 2353h; natthi hetu natthi paccayo ñ!*!ya<br />

dassan!ya ahetu apaccayo ñ!*a' dassana' hoti "through seeing & knowing," i. e. on grounds of definite<br />

knowledge arises the sure conviction that where there is no cause there is no consequence S v.126. Cp. also<br />

the relation of di&&hi to ñ!*a. This implies that all things visible are knowable as well as that all our<br />

knowledge is based on empirical grounds; y!vataka' ñeyya' t!vataka' ñ!*a' Nd2 2353m; ya' ñ!*a' ta'<br />

dassana', ya' dassana' ta' ñ!*a' Vin iii.91; ñ!*a+dassana (i. e. full vision) as one of the characteristics of<br />

Arahantship: see arahant ii.D. Cp. BSk. jñ!nadar$ana, e. g. Av- i.210. -- 2. Scope and character of ñ!*a: ñ.<br />

as faculty of understanding is included in paññ! (cp. wisdom=perfected knowledge). <strong>The</strong> latter signifies the<br />

spiritual wisdom which embraces the fundamental truths of morality & conviction (such as anicca' anatt!<br />

dukkha': Miln 42); whereas ñ. is relative to common experience (see Nd2 2353 under cakkhum!, & on rel.<br />

of p. & ñ. Ps i.59 sq.; 118 sq.; ii.189 sq.). -- Perception (saññ!) is necessary to the forming of ñ!*a, it<br />

precedes it (D i.185); as sure knowledge ñ. is preferable to saddh! (S iv.298); at Vin iii.91 the definition of<br />

ñ. is given with tisso vijj! (3 kinds of knowledge); they are specified at Nd2 266 as a&&hasam!patti -- ñ!*a<br />

(consisting in the 8 attainments, viz. jh!na & its 4 succeeding developments), pañc' abhiññ!˚ (the 5 higher<br />

knowledges, see paññ! & abhi˚), micch!˚ (false k. or heresy). Three degrees of k. are distinguished at DA<br />

i.100, viz. s!vaka -- p!ram" -- ñ!*a, paccekabuddha˚, sabbaññuta˚ (highest k. of a relig. student, k. of a wise<br />

man, & omniscience). Four objects of k. (as objects of truth or samm!di&&hi) are enumd as dhamme ñ!*a',<br />

anvaye ñ., paricchede ñ., sammuti ñ. at D iii.226, 277; other four as dukkhe ñ. (dukkha -- ) samudaye ñ.,<br />

nirodhe ñ., magge ñ. (i. e. the knowledge of the pa&icca -- samupp!da) at D iii.227; Ps i.118; Vbh 235 (=<br />

samm!di&&hi). Right knowledge (or truth) is contrasted with false k. (micch! -- ñ!*a=micch!di&&hi): S<br />

v.384; M ii.29; A ii.222; v.327; Vbh 392. 3. Ñ!*a in application: (a) Vin i.35; D ii.155 (opp. pas!da); S<br />

i.129 (cittamhi susam!hite ñ!*amhi vuttam!namhi); ii.60 (j!tipaccay! jar!mara*an ti ñ.: see ñ -- vatthu); A<br />

i.219 (on precedence of either sam!dhi or ñ.); Sn 378, 789, 987 (muddhani ñ!*a' tassa na vijjati), 1078<br />

(di&&hi, suti, ñ.: doctrine, revelation, personal knowledge, i. e. intelligence; differently expl. at Nd2 266),<br />

1113; Pv iii.51 (Sugatassa ñ. is as!dh!ra*a') Ps i.194 sq.; ii.244; Vbh 306 sq. (ñ -- vibhanga), 328 sq.<br />

(kammassakata' ñ.); Nett 15 sq.; 161 (+ñeyya), 191 (id.). -- (b) ñ!*a' hoti or uppajjati knowledge comes to<br />

(him) i. e. to reason, to arrive at a conclusion (with iti=that . . .) S ii.124=iii.28 (uppajjati); D iii.278 (id.); A<br />

ii.211#; iv.75; v.195; S iii.154. See also arahant ii.D. -- (c) Var. attributes of ñ.: anuttariya A v.37;

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