The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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2. General & grammatical terms.<br />

A in comb. with a Titleletter<br />

(e.g.<br />

DhA)=Commentary<br />

(on Dh).<br />

abl. ablative<br />

abs. absolute(ly)<br />

abstr. abstract<br />

acc. accusative<br />

act. active<br />

add. addition<br />

adj. adjective<br />

adv. adverb<br />

Ags. Anglo--Saxon<br />

aor. aorist<br />

appl. applied<br />

art. article<br />

attr. attribute<br />

Av. Avesta<br />

BB Burmese MSS<br />

bef. before<br />

BSk. Buddhist Sanskrit<br />

C (& Cy) Commentary (when<br />

cited in expln of a<br />

<strong>Text</strong> passage).<br />

caus. causative<br />

cert. certain<br />

coll. collective<br />

Comb combined,<br />

combination<br />

comp. comparative,<br />

comparison,<br />

composition<br />

cond. conditional<br />

cons. consonant<br />

corr. correct(ed)<br />

correl. correlation,<br />

correlative<br />

cp. compare<br />

cpd. compound<br />

dat. dative<br />

den. denominative<br />

der. derived, derivation<br />

des. desiderative<br />

dial. dialect(ical)<br />

diff. different<br />

dist. distinct, distinguished<br />

E. <strong>English</strong><br />

e. g. for instance<br />

encl. enclitic<br />

ep. epithet<br />

esp. especially<br />

etym. etymology<br />

exc. except<br />

excl. exclamation,<br />

exclusive<br />

expl. explanation,<br />

explained<br />

f. feminine<br />

fig. figurative(ly)<br />

foll. following<br />

form. formation<br />

fr. from<br />

freq. frequently,<br />

frequentative<br />

fut. future<br />

Gall. Gallic<br />

gen. genitive<br />

ger. gerund<br />

Ger. German<br />

Goth. Gothic<br />

Gr. Greek<br />

gram. grammaratical<br />

grd. gerundive<br />

ibid. at the same passage<br />

id. the same<br />

id. p. identical passage<br />

i. e. that is<br />

i. g. in general<br />

imper. imperative<br />

impers. impersonal<br />

impf. imperfect<br />

Ind. Index<br />

ind. indicative<br />

indecl. indeclinable<br />

indef. indefinite<br />

inf. infinitive<br />

instr. instrumental<br />

interr. interrogative<br />

intrs. intransitive<br />

iter. iterative<br />

Lat. Latin<br />

l. c. loco citato<br />

lit. literal(ly), literary<br />

Lit. Lithuanian<br />

loc. locative<br />

m. masculine<br />

med. medium (middle)<br />

N. Name<br />

n. noun, note<br />

nom. nominative<br />

Np. Name of person<br />

Npl. Name of place<br />

nt. neuter<br />

num. numeral<br />

Obulg. Old--bulgarian<br />

Ohg. Old--high--german<br />

Oicel. Old--icelandic<br />

Oir. Old--irish<br />

onom. onomatopoetic<br />

opp. opposed, opposite<br />

ord. ordinal, ordinary<br />

orig. original(ly)<br />

P. <strong>Pali</strong><br />

part. particle<br />

pass. passive<br />

perf. perfect<br />

pers. personal<br />

pl. plural<br />

pop. popular<br />

poss. possessive<br />

pot. potential<br />

pp. past participle<br />

ppr. present participle<br />

prec. preceding<br />

pred. predicative<br />

pref. prefix<br />

prep. preposition<br />

pres. present<br />

pret. preterite<br />

Prk. Prakrit<br />

prob. probably<br />

pron. pronoun<br />

pt. part<br />

P T S. <strong>Pali</strong> <strong>Text</strong> Society<br />

q. v. quod vide (which see)<br />

ref. reference, referred<br />

refl. reflexive<br />

rel. relation, relative<br />

sep. separate(ly)<br />

sg. singular<br />

Sk. Sanskrit<br />

sq. and following<br />

SS. Singhalese MSS.<br />

ster. stereotype<br />

suff. suffix<br />

sup. superlative<br />

s. v. sub voce (under the<br />

word mentioned)<br />

syn. synonym(ous)<br />

T. <strong>Text</strong><br />

trans. transitive<br />

trsl. translated, translation<br />

t. t. technical term<br />

t. t. g. technical term in<br />

grammar<br />

v. verse<br />

var. variant, various<br />

var. lect. various reading<br />

voc. vocative<br />

Wtb. Worterbuch

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