The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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J!ti (f.) [see janati & cp. Gr. genea/, ge/nesis; Lat. gens; Goth. kind -- ins]. -- Instr. j!tiy! (Sn 423) & jacc!<br />

(D ii.8; J iii.395; Dh 393); abl. j!tiy! (S i.88) & j!tito (by descent: D ii.8); loc. j!tiya' (PvA 10) & j!tiy!<br />

(PvA 78). -- 1. birth, rebirth, possibility of rebirth, "future life" as disposition to be born again, "former life"<br />

as cause of this life. Defined (cp. the corresp. expln of jar!) as: y! tesa' tesa' sattana' tamhi tamhi satta --<br />

nik!ye j!ti sañj!ti okkanti abhinibbatti khandh!na' p!tubh!vo !yata*!na' pa&il!bho D ii.305 =S ii.3=Nd2<br />

257. -- J!ti is a condition precedent of age, sickness & death, and is fraught with sorrow, pain &<br />

disappointment. It is itself the final outcome of a kamma, resting on avijj!, performed in anterior births; &<br />

forms thus the concluding link in the chain of the Pa&icca -- samupp!da. Under the first aspect it is enumd<br />

in various formulae, either in full or abbreviated (see Nd2 258), viz, (a) as (1) j!ti, (2) jar!, (3) vy!dhi, (4)<br />

mara*a, (5) sokaparidevadukkhadomanass' up!y!sa in the dukkha' ariyasacca' (the noble truth of what is<br />

misfortune) Vin i.10; A i.176; iii.416; ˚dhamma destined to be born, etc. M i.161 sq., 173; -- A v.216; Nd2<br />

258, 304, 630, etc., in var. connections (referring to some dukkha). -- (b) as Nos. 1 -- 4: Nd2 254, 494b; J<br />

i.168, etc. -- (c) as Nos. 1, 2, 4 (the standard quotation, implying the whole series 1 -- 5): S v.224; A v.144;<br />

j!tipaccay! jar!mara*a' Vin i.1; D ii.31, 57, etc.; ˚ika A ii.11, 173; ˚"ya M i.280; Nd2 40. -- (d) to this is<br />

sometimes added (as summing up) sa's!ra: Nd2 282f; cp. kiccha' loko !panno j!yati ca j"yati ca m"yati ca<br />

cavati ca uppajjati ca D ii.30. -- (e) as Nos. 1+4: pah"na -- j!timara*a (adj.) (=free from life & death, i. e.<br />

sa's!ra) A i.162; ˚bhayassa p!raga A ii.15; ˚kovida Sn 484; at!ri ˚' asesa' Sn 355 (cp. 500); ˚assa p!raga<br />

Sn 32. -- (f)=e+sa's!ra (cp. d): satt! gacchanti sa's!ra' j!timara*ag!mino A ii.12=52; j!timara*asa's!ra'<br />

ye vajanti punappuna' . . . avijj!y' eva s! gati Sn 729. -- (g) as Nos. 1+2, which implies the whole series:<br />

at!ri so j!tijara' A i.133= Sn 1048; j!tijar' upaga Sn 725=It 106; sa'yojana' j!tijar!ya chetv! It 42; -- Sn<br />

1052, 1060; Dh 238, 348; cp. j!ti !din! nih"na PvA 198. -- Other phrases & applications: Various rebirths<br />

are seen by one who has perfect insight into all happening & remembers his former existences (D i.81;<br />

iii.50; A i.164; M ii.20). Arahantship implies the impossibility of a future rebirth: see formula kh"*! j!ti (M<br />

i.139; Sn p. 16, etc.) and arahant ii.A: j!tiy! parimuccati S i.88; j!ti' bhabbo pah!tu' A v.144 sq. -- antim!<br />

j!ti the last rebirth D ii.15 (cp. carima); purim! j. a former existence PvA 1; at"taj!tiya' in a former life<br />

(=pure) PvA 10. On j!ti as dukkha see Vism 498 -- 501. 2. descent, race, rank, genealogy (cp. fuh/,<br />

genus), often combd w. gotta. Two grades of descent are enumd at Vin iv.6 as h"n! j!ti (low birth),<br />

consisting of Cand!)a, Ve*a, Nes!da, Rathak!ra & Pukkusa; and ukka&&h! j. (superior birth), comprising<br />

Khattiyas & Br!hma*as. -- <strong>The</strong> var. meanings of j!ti are given by Bdhgh at Vism 498, 499 in the foll.<br />

classification (with examples) bhava, nik!ya, sankhata -- lakkha*a, pa&isandhi, pas(ti, kula, ariya -- s"la. --<br />

Ki' hi j!ti karissati? What difference makes his parentage? D i.121; j!ti -- r!j!no kings of birth, genuine<br />

kings J i.338; na na' j!ti niv!resi brahmalok' ûpapattiy! Sn 139; j!ti' akkh!hi tell me the rank of his father<br />

& mother Sn 421, 1004; cp. 462; na jacc! vasalo hoti Sn 136; 142; id. w. br!hma*o Sn 650; with n!ma &<br />

gotta in the description of a man j!tiy! n!mena gottena, etc. Vin iv.6; j!tito n!mato gottato by descent,<br />

personal & family name D ii.8; cp. j!ti -- gotta -- kula J ii.3. See also j. -- v!da. -- 3. a sort of, kind of (cp.<br />

j!ta 3):<br />

-- 282 --<br />

catuj!tigandha four kinds of scent J i.265; ii.291. 4. (j!ti˚) by (mere) birth or nature, natural (opp.<br />

artificial); or genuine, pure, excellent (opp. adulterated, inferior), cp. j!ta 1 (b): in cpds., like ˚ma*i, ˚v"*!,<br />

etc. -- kkhaya the destruction of the chance of being reborn S v.168; A i.167; Sn 209, 517, 743; Dh 423. --<br />

khetta the realm of rebirth PvA 138 (=dasa cakkav!)asahass!ni); -- thaddha conceited, proud of birth Sn<br />

104 (+dhanatthaddha, gotta˚: proud of wealth & name); -- thera a Th. by rank D iii.218; -- nirodha the<br />

extermination of (the cause of) rebirth Vin i.1#; -- pabhava the origin or root of existence Sn 728; -- puppha<br />

nutmeg J vi.367; -- bhaya the fear of rebirth A ii.121; -- bh(mi natural ground, in ˚bh(maka, ˚bh(mika,<br />

˚bh(miya living on nat. gr. (vassa' vasati) M i.145; A iii.366; -- ma*i a genuine precious stone J ii.417; --<br />

maya constituting birth, being like birth ThA 285; -- v!da reputation of birth, character of descent,<br />

parentage. <strong>The</strong> 1st of the 5 characteristics constituting a "well -- bred" brahmin: y!va sattam! pit!mah!yug!<br />

akkhitto anupakku&&ho j!tiv!dena "of unblemished parentage back to the 7th generation" D i.120, etc. (=DA<br />

i.281); A i.166; iii.152, 223; Sn 315, 596. Cp. gotta -- v!da (e. g. D i.99); -- vibhanga a characteristic of<br />

birth, a distinction in descent Sn 600; -- v"*! a first -- class lute J ii.249; -- sampanna endowed with (pure)<br />

birth (in phrase khattiyo muddhâvasitto j.˚) A iii.152; -- sambhava the origin of birth A i.142; iii.311; J<br />

i.168; -- sambheda difference of rank DhA i.166; -- sa's!ra the cycle of transmigration, the sa's!ra of<br />

rebirths (see above 1 d. f.): pah"na left behind, overcome (by an Arahant) M i.139; A iii.84, 86; ˚' khepetv!

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