The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Jala<br />

Jala (nt.) [Sk. jala, conn. with gala drop (?), prob. dialec- tical; cp. udaka] water Sn 845; J i.222; iii.188;<br />

iv.137. -- gocara living in the water J ii.158. -- ja born or sprung from w. J iv.333; v.445; VvA 42; -- da<br />

"giving water," rain -- cloud D!vs v.32; -- dhara [cp. jalandhara rain -- cloud] the sea Miln 117; -- dhi=prec.<br />

D!vs v.38.<br />

-- 280 --<br />

Jalati<br />

Jalati [Sk. jvalati, with jvarati to be hot or feverish, to jval to burn (Dhtp 264: dittiya'), cp. Ohg. kol=coal;<br />

Celt. gûal] to burn, to shine D 3, 188; M i.487; J i.62; ii.380; iv.69; It 86; Vv 462; VvA 107; Miln 223, 343.<br />

-- Caus. jaleti & j!leti (cp. janeti: j!neti) to set on fire, light, kindle S i.169; J ii.104; Miln 47. -- Pp. jalita.<br />

Intens. dadda)hati (q. v.). Cp. ujj!leti.<br />

Jalana<br />

Jalana (n. -- adj.) [Sk. jvalana] burning Pgdp 16.<br />

Jal!bu<br />

Jal!bu [Sk. jar!yu, slough & placenta, to jar see jarati, originally that which decays (=decidua); cp. Gr.<br />

gh_ras slough. As to meanings cp. gabbha] 1. the womb S iii.240. -- 2. the embryo J iv.38. -- 3. the placenta<br />

J ii.38. -- ja born from a womb, viviparous M i.73; D iii.230; J ii.53=v.85.<br />

Jalita<br />

Jalita (adj.) [pp. to jalati] set on fire, burning, shining, bright, splendid Sn 396, 668, 686; Vv 216 (=jalanto<br />

jotanto VvA 107); Pv i.1014 (burning floor of Niraya); ii.112 (˚ânubh!va: shining majesty); PvA 41<br />

(=!ditta burning); ThA 292.<br />

Jal(pik!<br />

Jal(pik! (f.) [Sk. *jal(kik!=jal(k! & (pop. etym.) jalank! (sprung fr. water), borrowed fr. Npers. #al(<br />

(?Uhlenbeck); cp. Gr. bde/lla leech, Celt. gel; perhaps to gal in the sense of such (?)] a leech Miln 407 (v. l.<br />

jalopik!).<br />

jal(k!<br />

jal(k! leech DA i.117.<br />

Jalogi<br />

Jalogi (nt.?) toddy (i. e. juice extracted from the palmyra, the date or the cocoa palm) Vin ii.294 (p!tu' the<br />

drinking of j.), 301, 307; Mhvs 4, 10.<br />

Jalla<br />

Jalla1 (nt.) [*jalya to jala or gal] moisture, (wet) dirt, perspiration (mostly as seda˚ or in cpd. rajo˚, q. v.) Sn<br />

249 (=rajojalla SnA 291); J vi.578 (sweat under the armpits=jallik! Com.).

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