The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Atthavant (adj.) [cp. Sk. arthavant] full of benefit S i.30; Th 1, 740; Miln 172.<br />

Atth!ra<br />

Atth!ra [cp. Sk. !st!ra, fr. attharati] spreading out Vin v.172 (see ka&hina). atth!raka same ibid.; Vin ii.87<br />

(covering).<br />

Atthi<br />

Atthi [Sk. asti, 1st sg. asmi; Gr. ei)mi/ -- e)sti/; Lat. sum -- est; Goth. im -- ist; Ags. eom -- is E. am -- is] to<br />

be, to exist. Pres. Ind. 1st sg. asmi Sn 1120, 1143; J i.151; iii.55, and amhi M i.429; Sn 694; J ii.153; Pv<br />

i.102; ii.82. 2nd sg. asi Sn 420; J ii.160 (!si); iii.278; Vv 324; PvA 4. -- 3rd sg. atthi Sn 377, 672, 884;<br />

J i.278. Often used for 3rd pl. (= santi), e. g. J i.280; ii.2; iii.55. -- 1st pl. asma [Sk. sma1] Sn 594, 595;<br />

asmase Sn 595, and amha Sn 570; J ii.128. 2nd pl. attha J ii.128; PvA 39, 74 (!gat! attha you have come).<br />

3rd pl. santi Sn 1077; Nd2 637 (= sa'vijjanti atthi upalabbhanti); J ii.353; PvA 7, 22 -- Imper. atthu Sn<br />

340; J i.59; iii.26. -- Pot. 1st sg. siy! [Sk. sy!m] Pv ii.88, and assa' [Cond. used as Pot.] Sn 1120; Pv i.125<br />

(= bhaveyya' PvA 64). -- 2nd sg. siy! [Sk. sy!1] Pv ii.87. -- 3rd sg. siy! [Sk. sy!t] D ii.154; Sn 325, 1092;<br />

Nd2 105 (= j!neyya, nibbatteyya); J i.262; PvA 13, and assa D i.135, 196; ii.154; A v.194; Sn 49, 143; Dh<br />

124, 260; Pv ii.324; 924. -- 1st pl. assu PvA 27. 3rd pl. assu [cp. Sk. syu1] Sn 532; Dh 74; Pv iv.136 (=<br />

bhaveyyu' PvA 231). -- Aor. 1st sg. !si' [Sk. !sa'] Sn 284; Pv i.21 (= ahosi' PvA 10); ii.34 (= ahosi' PvA<br />

83). -- 3rd sg. !si [Sk. !s"t] Sn 994. -- 3rd !su' [cp. Sk. Perf. !su1] Pv ii.321, 133 (ti pi p!&ho for su). <br />

Ppr. *sat only in loc. sati (as loc. abs.) Dh 146; J i.150, 263, santa Sn 105; Nd2 635; J i.150 (loc. eva' sante<br />

in this case); iii.26, and sam!na (q. v.) J i.266; iv.138. -- bh!va state of being, existence, being J i.222, 290;<br />

ii.415; DhA ii.5; iv.217 (atthibh!va v! natthibh!va v! whether there is or not).<br />

Atthika<br />

Atthika (adj.) [cp. Sk. arthika] 1. (to attha1) profitable, good, proper. In this meaning the MSS show a<br />

variance of spelling either atthika or a&&hika or a&&hita; in all cases atthika should be preferred D i.55<br />

(˚v!da); M ii.212 (a&&hita); A iii.219 sq. (ida' atthika' this is suitable, of good avail; T a&&hita', vv. ll. as<br />

above); Sn 1058 (a&&hita; Nd2 20 also a&&hita, which at this pass. shows a confusion between a&&ha and a --<br />

&hita); J v.151 (in def. of a&&hikatv! q. v.); Pug 69, 70 (T a&&hika, a&&hita SS; expld. by Pug A v.4 by<br />

kaly!*!ya). -- 2. (to attha1 2) desirous of ( -- ˚), wanting, seeking for, in need of (c. instr.) A ii.199 (uday˚<br />

desirous of increase); Sn 333, 460, 487 (puññ˚), 987 (dhan˚ greedy for wealth); J i.263 (rajj˚ coveting a<br />

kingdom); v.19; Pv ii.228 (bhojan˚ in need of food); iv.11 (k!ra*˚), 121 (khi..˚ for play), 163 (puññ˚); PvA<br />

95 (sasena a. wanting a rabbit), 120; DA i.70 (atthik! those who like to). -- anatthika one who does not care<br />

for, or is not satisfied with (c. instr.) J v.460; PvA 20; of no good Th 1, 956 ("of little zeal" Mrs. Rh. D.). --<br />

bh!va (a) usefulness, profitableness Pug A v.4. (b) state of need, distress PvA 120.<br />

Atthikavant<br />

Atthikavant (adj.) [atthika + vant] one who wants something, one who is on a certain errand D i.90<br />

(atthika' assa atth" ti DA i.255).<br />

Atthit!<br />

Atthit! (f.) [f. abstr. fr. atthi cp. atthibh!va] state of being, existence, being, reality M i.486; S ii.17 (˚añ c˚<br />

eva natthitañ ca to be and not to be); iii.135; J v.110 (kassaci atthita' v! natthita' v! j!n!hi see if there is<br />

anybody or not); DhsA 394. -- Often in abl. atthit!ya by reason of, on account of, this being so DhA iii.344<br />

(idamatthit!ya under this condition) PvA 94, 97, 143.<br />


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