The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Ceto (nt.) [Sk. cetas]=citta, q. v. for detail concerning derivation, inflexion & meaning. Cp. also cinteti. <br />

Only the gen. cetaso & the instr. cetas! are in use; besides these there is an adj. cetaso, der. from nom. base<br />

cetas. Another adj. -- form is the inflected nom. ceto, occurring only in viceto S v.447 (+ummatto, out of<br />

mind). I. Ceto in its relation to similar terms: (a) with k!ya & v!c!: k!yena v!c!ya cetas! (with hand,<br />

speech & heart) Sn 232; Kh IX. k!ya (v!c!˚, ceto˚) -- muni a saint in action, speech & thought A i.273=<br />

Nd2 514. In this phrase the Nd has mano˚ for ceto˚, which is also a v. l. at A -- passage. -- (b) with paññ!<br />

(see citta iv. b) in ceto -- vimutti, paññ! -- vimutti (see below iv.). -- (c) with sam!dhi, p"ti, sukha, etc.: see<br />

˚phara*at! below. II. Cetaso (gen.) (a) heart. c˚ upakkilesa (stain of h.) D iii.49, 101; S v.93. l"natta<br />

(attachment) S v.64. appas!da (unfaith) S i.179; ekodibh!va (singleness) D iii.78; S iv.236 (see 2nd jh!na);<br />

!vara*!ni (hindrances) S 66. -- vimokkha (redemption) S i.159. santi (tranquillity) Sn 584, 593. v(pasama<br />

(id.) A i.4; S v.65. vinibandha (freedom) D iii.238= A iii.249; iv.461 sq. -- (b) mind. c˚ vikkhepa<br />

(disturbance) A iii.448; v.149: uttr!sa (fear) Vbh 367. abhiniropan! (application) Dhs 7. -- (c) thought. in c˚<br />

parivitakko udap!di "there arose a reflection in me (gen.)" S i.139; ii.273; iii.96, 103. III. Cetas! (instr.) --<br />

(a) heart. mett! -- sahagatena c. (with a h. full of love) freq. in phrase eka' disa' pharitv!, etc. e. g. D i.186,<br />

iii.78, 223; S iv.296; A i.183; ii.129; iv.390; v.299, 344; Vbh 272. ujubh(tena (upright) S ii.279; A i.63;<br />

viva&ena (open) D iii.223= S v.263; A iv.86. macchera -- ma)a -- pariyu&&hitena (in which has arisen the dirt<br />

of selfishness) S iv.240; A ii.58. santim pappuyya c. S i.212. ta*h!dhipateyyena (standing under the sway<br />

of thirst) S iii.103. -- vippasannena (devout) S i.32=57, 100; Dh 79; Pv i.1010. muttena A iv.244.<br />

vimariy!di -- katena S iii.31. vigatâbhijjhena D iii.49. pathav" -- !po etc. -- samena A iv.375 sq.<br />

!k!sasamena A iii.315 sq. sabba˚ S ii.220. abhijjh! -- sahagatena A i.206. sat!rakkhena D iii.269; A v.30. --<br />

migabh(tena cetas!, with the heart of a wild creature M i.450. -- acetas! without feeling, heartlessly J iv.52,<br />

57. -- (b) mind: in two phrases, viz. (a) c. anuvitakketi anuvic!reti "to ponder & think over in one's mind" D<br />

iii.242; A i.264; iii.178; (b) c. paj!n!ti (or manasikaroti) "to know in one's mind," in the foll.<br />

expressions: para -- satt!na' para -- puggal!na' cetas! ceto -- paricca paj!n!ti "he knows in his mind the<br />

ways of thought (the state of heart) of other beings" (see ceto -- paricca & ˚pariy!ya) M ii.19; S ii.121, 213;<br />

v.265; A i.255=iii.17=280. puggala' padu&&ha -- citta' eva' c˚ ceto -- paricca p. It 12, cp. 13. Arahanto . . .<br />

Bhagavanto c˚ cetoparicca vidit! D iii.100. para -- cittapariy!ya kusalo eva' c˚ ceto paricca<br />

manasikaroti A v.160. Bhagav! [br!hma*assa] c˚ ceto -- parivitakka' aññ!ya "perceiving in his mind the<br />

thought of [the b.]" S i.178; D iii.6; A iii.374; Miln 10. IV. Cpds. -- khila fallowness, waste of heart or<br />

mind, usually as pañca c -- khil!, viz. arising from doubt in the Master, the Norm, the Community, or the<br />

Teaching, or from anger against one's fellow -- disciples, D iii.237, 278; M i.101; A iii.248=iv.460=v.17; J<br />

iii.291; Vbh 377; Vism 211. -- pa*idhi resolution, intention, aspiration Vv 4712 (=cittassa samma -- d --<br />

eva &hapana' VvA 203); Miln 129; -- padosa corruption of the h., wickedness, A i.8; It 12, 13 (opp.<br />

pas!da): -- paricca "as regards the heart," i. e. state of heart, ways of thought, character, mind (=pariy!ya) in<br />

˚ñ!*a Th 2, 71=227 (expld at ThA 76, 197 by cetopariyañ!*a) see phrase cetas! c -- p. above (iii. b.); --<br />

pariy!ya the ways of the heart (=paricca), in para -- ceto -- pariy!ya -- kusalo "an expert in the ways of<br />

others' hearts" A v.160; c. -- p -- kovido encompassing the heart of others S i.146, 194=Th 1, 1248;<br />

i.196=Th 1, 1262. Also with syncope: ˚pariyañ!*a D i.79; iii.100; Vism 431; DA i.223. -- parivitakka<br />

reflecting, reasoning S i.103, 178; -- phara*at! the breaking forth or the effulgence of heart, as one of five<br />

ideals to be pursued, viz. sam!dhi, p"ti -- phara*at!, sukha˚, ceto˚, !loka˚ D iii.278; -- vasippatta mastery<br />

over one's h. A ii.6, 36, 185; iv.312; M i.377; Vism 382; Miln 82, 85; -- vimutti emancipation of h. (always<br />

w. paññ! -- vimutti), which follows out of the destruction of the intoxications of the heart (!sav!na' khay!<br />

an!sav! c. -- v.) Vin i.11 (akupp!); D i.156, 167, 251; iii.78, 108, 248 (mudit!); S ii.265 (mett!); M i.197<br />

(akupp!), 205, 296; iii.145 (appam!*!, mahaggat!); A i.124; ii.6, 36; iii.84; Sn 725, 727=It 106; It 20<br />

(mett!), 75, 97; Pug 27, 62; Vbh 86 (mett!) Nett 81 (vir!g!); DA i.313 (=cittavimutti); -- vivara*a setting<br />

the h. free A iv.352; v.67. See also arahant II D. -- samatha calm of h. Th 2, 118; -- sam!dhi concentration<br />

of mind (=cittasam!dhi DA i.104) D i.15; iii. 30; S iv.297; A ii.54; iii.51; -- samphassa contact with<br />

thought Dhs 3.<br />

Cela<br />

Cela (nt.) [Derivation unknown. Cp. Sk. cela] cloth, esp. clothes worn, garment, dress A i.206; Pv ii.127<br />

(kañcan!˚ for kañcana˚); iii.93 (for ve)a); dh!ti˚ baby's napkin J iii.539. In simile of one whose clothes are<br />

on fire (!ditta˚+!dittas"sa) S v.440; A ii.93; iii.307; iv.320. -- acela a naked ascetic D i.161, 165#; J v.75;<br />

vi.222. -- a*.aka (v. l. a*.uka) a loincloth M i.150; -- ukkhepa waving of garments (as sign of applause),

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