The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Cull!s"ti<br />

Cull!s"ti [=catur!s"ti] eighty -- four J vi.226 (mah!kappe as duration of Sa's!ra); PvA 254 (id.). Also as<br />

c()!s"ti q. v.<br />

C(lik!<br />

C(lik! (f.) [Sk. c(lik!, cp. c(.!]=c()a; ka**a˚ the root of the ear J ii.276; Vism 249, 255; DhA iv.13 (of an<br />

elephant). ˚baddha S ii.182; KS ii.122. See also c()!.<br />

C()a<br />

C()a [Sk. c(.a & c(lik!] 1. swelling, protuberance; root, knot, crest. As ka**a -- c()a the root of an<br />

elephant's ear J vi.488. a..ha -- c()a a measure (see a..ha). See also c(lik!. -- 2. (adj.) see culla.<br />

C()aka<br />

C()aka (adj.) [fr. c()!] having a c()a or top -- knot; pañca˚ with five top -- knots J v.250 (of a boy).<br />

C()anik!<br />

C()anik! (f.) [Der. fr. culla, q. v.] only in phrase sahassi c()anik! lokadh!tu "the system of the 1,000 lesser<br />

worlds" (distinguished from the dvi -- sahass" majjhimak! & the ti -- sahass" mah!sahassi lokadh!tu) A<br />

i.227; Nd2 235, 2b.<br />

C()!<br />

C()! (f.) [Vedic c(.!. to c(.a]=c()a, usually in sense of crest only, esp. denoting the lock of hair left on the<br />

crown of the head when the rest of the head is shaved (cp. Anglo -- Indian chu.! & Gujar!ti cho&ali) J i.64,<br />

462; v.153, 249 (pañcac()! kum!r!); DhA i.294; as mark of distinction of a king J iii.211; v.187; of a<br />

servant J vi.135. -- a cock's comb J ii.410; iii.265. -- ma*i (m.) a jewel worn in a crest or diadem, a jewelled<br />

crest J i.65; ii.122; v.441.<br />

C()!s"ti<br />

C()!s"ti for cull!s"ti at Th 2, 51.<br />

Ce<br />

Ce [Vedic ced; ce=Lat. que in absque, ne -- c, etc., Goth. h in ni -- h. see also ca 3] conditional particle "if,"<br />

constructed either with Indicative (ito ce pi yojanasate, viharati even if he lived 100 y. from here D i.117)<br />

or Conditional (tatra ce tumhe assatha kupit! D i.3), or Potential (passe ce vipula' sukha' Dh 290). --<br />

Always enclitic (like Lat. que) & as a rule placed after the emphasized word at the beginning of the<br />

sentence: puññañ ce puriso kayir! Dh 118; br!hma*o ce tva' br(si Sn 457. Usually added to pronouns or<br />

pron. adverbs: ahañ ce va kho pana ceteyya' D i.185; ettha ce te mano atthi S i.116, or combd with other<br />

particles, as noce, yañce, sace (q. v.). Freq. also in combn with other indef. interrog. or emphatic particles,<br />

as ce va kho pana if then, if now: ahañ ce va kho pana pañha' puccheyya' D i.117; ahañ ce va kho pana<br />

abhiv!deyya' D i.125; api (pi) ce even if: api ce vassasata' j"ve m!navo Sn 589.<br />


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