The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Cittita [pp. of citteti, Denom. fr. citta1] painted, variegated, varied, coloured or resplendent with ( -- ˚) S<br />

iii.152 (sic l. for cittat!) So SA, which, on p. 151, reads citten' eva cittita' for cintita'. Th 1, 736; 2, 390<br />

(su˚); Vv 367; 402.<br />

Citra<br />

Citra=citta3, the month Chaitra, KhA 192 (˚m!sa).<br />

Cin!ti<br />

Cin!ti [Sk. cinoti & cayati, ci, to which also k!ya, q. v. See also caya, cita] to heap up, to collect, to<br />

accumulate. Inf. cinitu' Vin ii.152; pp. cita (q. v.). Pass. c"yati J v.7. Caus. cin!peti to construct, to build J<br />

vi.204; Miln 81. -- Note cin!ti at J ii.302 (to weave) is to be corr. to vin!ti (see Kern, Toev. s. v.). -- Cp. !˚,<br />

pa˚, vi˚. -- Note. cin!ti also occurs as cinati in pa˚.<br />

Cintaka<br />

Cintaka (adj.) [cp. cintin] one who thinks out or invents, in akkhara˚ the grammarian PvA 120, n"ti˚ the<br />

lawgiver ib. 130; cp. Divy 212, 451, "overseer."<br />

Cintana<br />

Cintana (nt.)=cint! Th 1, 695; Miln 233.<br />

Cintanaka<br />

Cintanaka (adj.) thoughtful, considerate J i.222.<br />

Cint!<br />

Cint! [to cit, cinteti] "the act of thinking" (cp. citti), thought S i.57; Pug 25; Dhs 16, 20, 292; Sdhp 165,<br />

216. -- loka˚ thinking over the world, philosophy S v.447; A ii.80. -- kavi "thought -- poetry," i. e. original<br />

poetry (see kavi) A ii.230; -- ma*i the jewel of thought, the true philosopher's stone VvA 32; N. of a<br />

science J iii.504; -- maya consisting of pure thought, metaphysical D iii.219; J iv.270; Vbh 324; Nett 8, 50,<br />

60 (˚mayin, of paññ!); Vism 439 (id.).<br />

Cintita<br />

Cintita [pp. of cinteti, cp. also cintaka] (a) (adj.) thought out, invented, devised S i.137 (dhammo asuddho<br />

samalehi c.); iii.151 (cara*a' n!ma citta' citten' eva c.); Pv ii.613 (manta' brahma˚, expl. PvA 97 by<br />

kathita'). -- (b) (nt.) a thought, intention, in duc˚ & su˚ (bad & good) A i.102; ThA 76; -- matta as much a,<br />

a thought, loc. cintita -- matte (yeva) at the mere thoughts just as he thought it DhA i.326 (=cintita kkha*e<br />

in the moment of thinking it, p. 329).<br />

Cintin<br />

Cintin [adj. to cint!] only -- ˚: thinking of, having one's thoughts on A i.102 (duccintita˚ & su˚); Sn 174<br />

(ajjhatta˚; v. l. B. ˚saññin) 388; J iii.306=iv.453 = v.176=v.478; Miln 92.<br />

Cinteti & ceteti

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