The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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attainment of that right knowledge which leads to Arahantship, in phrase viraja' vitamala' dh -- cakkhu'<br />

uppajjati Vin i.16; D i.86, 110; S ii.134 sq.; iv.47; 107; v.467; A iv.186; Ps ii.150 sq.; 162; Miln 16.<br />

Similarly paññ!˚, It 52; ariya˚ M i.510. -- III. <strong>The</strong> eye as the instr. of supersensuous perception, "clear"<br />

sight, clairvoyance. This is the gift of favoured beings whose senses are more highly developed than those<br />

of others, and who through right cognition have acquired the two "eyes" or visionary faculties, termed<br />

dibba-cakkhu & buddha -- cakkhu It 52; D ii.38 resp. <strong>The</strong>y are most completely described at Nd2 235<br />

(under cakkhum!), & the foll. categories of the range of application of cakkhu are set forth: 1. ma'sa --<br />

cakkhu: the physical eye which is said to be exceptionally powerful & sensitive. See Kv iii.7 (trans. p. 149<br />

ff.). Vism 428 (ma'sa˚ 2 ñ!*a˚). -- 2. dibba -- ˚: the deva -- eye, the eye of a seer, all-pervading, & seeing<br />

all that proceeds in hidden worlds. 3. paññ!˚: the eye of wisdom; he who knows all that can be known<br />

(j!na' passa' recognizing & seeing, i. e. of perfect understanding; cakkhubh(ta ñ!*a˚ dhamma˚ brahma˚). -<br />

- 4. buddha˚: the eye of a Buddha or of complete intuition, i. e. of a person who "sees the heart of man," of<br />

a being realizing the moral state of other beings and determined to help them on the Path to Right<br />

Knowledge. -- 5. samanta˚: (a summary account of Nos. 1 -- 4, & in all Scripture -- passages a standing Ep.<br />

of Gotama Buddha, see below), the eye of all round knowledge, the eye of a Tath!gata, of a being perfected<br />

in all wisdom. -- Out of these are mentioned & discussed singly or in sets:<br />

-- 260 --<br />

(Nos. 1 -- 5): DhsA 306; SnA 351; (Nos. 1 -- 3:) It 52=Kvu 251 sq. (It 52=Kvu 254); (dibba:) Vin i.8, 288;<br />

ii.183; iii.5; D i.82, 162; iii. 52, iii. 281; M i.213; S i.144, 196; ii.122, 213, 276; iv.240; v.266, 305; A i.165,<br />

256, 281 sq.; iii.19, 29, 418; iv.85, 141, 178, 291; v.13, 35, 68, 200, 211, 340; J iii.346; Ps i.114; ii.175;<br />

Vbh 344; PvA 5. -- (paññ!˚:) S iv.292; v.467, A i.35; DhA iii.174, 175. -- (buddha˚:) Vin i.6; S i.138; Ps<br />

ii.33; PvA 61. -- (samanta˚:) S i.137=Nd2 2354; Sn 345, 378, 1063, 1069, 1090, 1133; Ps ii.31=Nd2 2355. -<br />

- !yatana (either cakkh' or cakkhv˚) the organ or sense of sight D iii.243, 280, 290; Dhs 585, 653; -- indriya<br />

(cakkhundriya) the organ of eye, faculty of vision D i.70; iii.225, 239; A i.113; Dhs 585, 597, 661, 830,<br />

971; Vism 7; -- kara*a (always in combn w. ñ!*a -- kara*a) producing (right) insight (and knowledge) It 82<br />

(of kusalavitakk!); f. ˚" S iv.331 (of majjhim! pa&ipad!); Ps ii.147; -- dada one who gives the eye (of<br />

understanding) Th 1, 3; -- dh!tu the element of vision Dhs 597, 703, 817. -- patha the range of vision; sight<br />

J i.65 =DhA i.173; J i.146; iv.189, 378, 403 (=cakkh(na' eta' n!ma' C.); VvA 119; -- bh!ta (+ñ!*a˚) (adj.)<br />

one who has become the possessor of right understanding S ii.255; iv.94; A v.226 sq. -- lola greed (or<br />

greedy) with the eye Nd2 177; -- viññ!*a consciousness by means of visual perception, visual cognition<br />

Vin i.34; D ii.308, 310; iii.243; Dhs 433, 556, 585, 589, 620; cp. Mrs. Rh. D. Buddh. Psych. Eth. p. 177;<br />

Miln trsl. i.80, 89; -- viññeyya (adj.) (i. e. r(p!) to be apperceived by the sense of sight Vin i.184; D ii.281;<br />

iii.234; Dhs 589, 967, 1095; -- samphassa contact with the sense of vision (usually with ˚ja: sprung from<br />

visual contact) (of vedan!, feelings) Vin i.34; D ii.308 sq.; iii.243; Ps i.5, 40, 136.<br />

Cakkhuka<br />

Cakkhuka (adj.) having eyes, seeing ( -- ˚), in dibba˚ A i.23. 148 (see cakkhu iii.2) and a˚ blind D i.191; S<br />

iii.140; Nd 67.<br />

Cakkhumant<br />

Cakkhumant (adj.) [cakkhu+mant] having eyes, being gifted with sight; of clear sight, intuition or wisdom;<br />

possessing knowledge (cp. samantacakkhu) D i.76 (one who knows, i. e. a connoisseur); cakkhumanto<br />

r(p!ni dakkhinti "those who have eyes to see shall see" (of the Buddha) D i.85, 110, etc. -- Vin i.16; S i.27;<br />

A i.116, 124; iv.106; Dh 273; It 108, 115; DA i.221; DhA iii.403; iv.85. -- Esp. as Ep. of the Buddha: the<br />

Allwise S i.121, 134, 159, 210; Sn 31, 160, 992, 1028, 1116, 1128; Vv 125 (=pañcahi cakkh(hi cakkhum!<br />

Buddho Bhagav! VvA 60, cp. cakkhu iii.); Vv 8127.<br />

Cakkhula<br />

Cakkhula (adj.) [=cakkhuka] in visama˚ squint -- eyed. squinting J i.353; vi.548.

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