The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Gh!tik!<br />

Gh!tik! (f. abstr. to gh!taka) murder J i.176 sq.<br />

Gh!tita<br />

Gh!tita (adj.) [pp. of gh!teti] killed, destroyed ThA 289; also in Der. gh!titatta (nt.) the fact of having killed<br />

J i.167. Cp. uggh!tita.<br />

Gh!tin<br />

Gh!tin (adj. -- n.) killing; a murderer J i.168 (p!*a˚); vi.67 (gh!timhi= gh!take).<br />

Gh!timant<br />

Gh!timant (adj.) able to strike, able to pierce (of a needle), in ghana˚ going through hard material easily J<br />

iii.282.<br />

Gh!teti<br />

Gh!teti [Denom. fr. gh!ta, cp. Sk. gh!tayati to han] tc kill, slay, slaughter It 22 (yo na hanti na gh!teti); Dh<br />

129, 405; J i.255; Mhvs vii.35, 36. -- aor. agh!tayi J i.254; ger. gh!tetv! J i.166. -- Caus. gh!t!peti to have<br />

somebody killed J iv.124. -- Cp. ghacca, gh!tita, !gh!teti.<br />

Gh!na<br />

Gh!na (nt.) [Sk. ghr!*a to ghr!, see gh!yati. On n for * cp. Trenckner, Notes, p. 81] the nose; usually in its<br />

function as organ of smell=sense of smell (either in phrase gh!nena gandha' gh!yati: to smell an odour by<br />

means of the nose; or in ghana -- viññeyy! gandh!: odours which are sensed by the nose). In the enum. of<br />

the senses gh. is always mentioned in the 3rd place (after cakkhu & sota, eye & ear); see under r(pa. In this<br />

connection: Vin i.34; D i.21, 245; iii.102, 244 sq.; S i.115; M i.112, 191; ii.42; Dh 360; Pug 20; Miln 270;<br />

Vism 444 sq. (with defn). -- In other connections: Pv ii.24 (gh!na -- chinna, one whose nose is cut off). --<br />

!yatana the organ of smell D iii.243, 280; Dhs 585, 605, 608; -- indriya the sense of smell D iii.239; Dhs<br />

585 etc. (as above); -- dh!tu the element of smell Dhs. as above; -- viññ!*a perception of smell Dhs 443,<br />

608, 628; -- samphassa contact with the sense of smell S i.115; D iii. & Dhs as above.<br />

Gh!yati<br />

Gh!yati1 [Sk. ghr!ti & jighrati, to ghr!, cp. gandha] to smell, always with gandha'; ger. gh!tv! S iv.71, 74<br />

or gh!yitv! J i.210 (j!lagandha'); iii.52 (macchagandha'); Miln 347. Cp. s!yati & upaggh!yati.<br />

Gh!yati<br />

Gh!yati2 [a variant of jh!yati] to be consumed, to be tor- mented by thirst Pv i.1110 (gh!yire=gh!yanti<br />

PvA 60; v. l. BB jh!yire & jh!ynati) Miln 397.<br />

Gh!sa<br />

Gh!sa [Vedic gh!sa, fr. ghasati, q. v. cp. Lat. gramen= grass] grass for fodder, pasturing: food J i.511 (˚'<br />

kurute); PvA 173 (˚atth!ya gacchati "go feeding"). Mostly in: -- esana search for food (=gocara) S i.141; Sn<br />

711. -- Cp. vi˚. -- chada (ch!da & ch!dana) food & clothing, i. e. tending, fostering, good care (=posana)

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