The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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A ii.86; iv.239; -- ratana the "householder -- gem" one of the seven fairy jewels of the mythical overlord.<br />

He is a wizard treasure -- finder (see ratana) D ii.16, 176; Sn p. 106. Cp. Rh.D. Dialogues etc. ii.206.<br />

Gahapatika<br />

Gahapatika (adj. -- n.) belonging to the rank or grade of a householder, a member of the gentry, a man of<br />

private means (see gahapati) D i.61 (expl. as gehassa pati ekageha -- matte je&&haka DA i.171); Nd2 342;<br />

PvA 39. Often in combn w. khattiya & br!hma*a: A i.66; D iii.44, 46, 61; & often in contrast to br!hma*a<br />

only: br!hma*a -- gahapatika Brahmins & Privates (priests & laymen, Rh.D. Buddh. S. p. 258) M i.400; A<br />

i.110; It iii.; J i.83, 152, 267; PvA 22. -- pa**ika g˚ "owner of a house of leaves" as nickname of a fruiterer<br />

J iii.21; of an ascetic J iv.446.<br />

Gahita<br />

Gahita (and gah"ta Dh 311) (adj.) [pp. of ga*h!ti] seized. taken, grasped D i.16; DA i.107 (=!dinna,<br />

pavattita); J i.61; iv.2; PvA 43 (v. l. for text ga*hita). -- nt. a grasp, grip DhA iii.175; -- gahitaka' karoti to<br />

accept VvA 260. -- duggah"ta (always ˚gah"ta) hard to grasp M i.132 sq.; A ii.147, 168; iii.178; Dh 311; J<br />

vi.307 sq.; sugahita (sic) easy to get J i.222. -- bh!va (cittassa) the state of being held (back), holding back,<br />

preventing to act (generously) DhsA 370 (in expln of aggahitatta' cittassa Dhs 1122 see under !˚).<br />

G!thaka<br />

G!thaka [demin. of g!th!]=g!th!, in eka' me g!hi g!thaka' "sing to me only one little verse" J iii.507.<br />

G!th!<br />

G!th! (f.) [Vedic g!th!, on dern see g!yate] a verse, stanza, line of poetry, usually referring to an<br />

Anu&&hubba' or a Tu&&hubba', & called a catupp!d! g!th!, a stanza ($loka) of four half -- lines A ii.178; J<br />

iv.395. Def. as akkhara -- padaniya -- mita -- ganthita -- vacana' at KhA 117. For a riddle on the word see<br />

S i.38. As a style of composition it is one of the nine Angas or divisions of the Canon (see navanga Satthu<br />

s!sana). Pl. g!th! Sn 429; J ii.160; g!th!yo Vin i.5, 349; D ii.157. g!th!ya ajjh!bh!sati to address with a<br />

verse Vin i.36, 38; Kh v. intr. -- g!th!hi anumodati to thank with (these) lines Vin i.222, 230, 246, 294, etc.<br />

-- g!th!yo g"yam!na uttering the lines Vin i.38. -- anantarag!th! the foll. stanza J iv.142; Sn 251; J i.280;<br />

Dh 102 (˚sata'). -- abhig"ta gained by verses S i.167=Sn 81, 480 (g!th!yo bh!sitv! laddha' Com. cp. Ger.<br />

"ersungen"). -- âvas!ne after the stanza has been ended DhA iii.171; -- j!nanaka one who knows verses<br />

Anvs. p. 35; -- dvaya (nt.) a pair of stanzas J iii.395 sq.; PvA 29, 40; -- pada a half line of a g!th! Dh 101;<br />

KhA 123; -- sukhatta' in order to have a well -- sounding line, metri caus!, PvA 33.<br />

G!dha<br />

G!dha1 [Sk. g!)ha pp. of g!h, see g!hati] depth; a hole, a dugout A ii.107=Pug 43 (cp. PugA 225); Sdhp<br />

394 (˚' kha*ati). Cp. g!)ha2.<br />

G!dha<br />

G!dha2 [Sk. g!)ha firm Dhtp 167 "pa&i&&h!ya'" cp. also Sk. g!dha, fordable & see g!)ha1] adj. passable,<br />

fordable, in a˚ unfathomable, deep PvA 77 (= gambh"ra). nt. a<br />

-- 249 --<br />

iord, a firm stand, firm ground, a safe place: gambh"re ˚' vindati A v.202. ˚' esati to seek the terra firma S<br />

i.127; similarly: ˚' labhati to gain firm footing S i.47; ˚' ajjhag! S iv.206; ˚' labhate J vi.440 (=pati&&h!).<br />

Cp. o˚, pa&i˚.

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