The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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(saggassa going to heaven); Sn 40, 691, cp. v!ra'˚; J i.62; 216 (in expl. of viha'gama: (!k!se) gamanato<br />

pakkh" viha' gam! ti vuccanti); 295; PvA 57. -- pahi*a˚ going on messages D i.5, etc.; agati˚ wrong<br />

pursuit, ˚' gacchati to pursue a wrong walk of life A ii.18; PvA 161; magga˚ tramping, being on the road<br />

PvA 43; sara*a˚ finding shelter (in the Dhamma) PvA 49. -- 2. (adj.) ( -- ˚) going or leading to, conducive<br />

to: nibb!na˚ maggo the Path leading to Nibb!na S i.186; Dh 289; duggati˚ magga the road to misery Th 2,<br />

355; duggamana -- &&h!n! (pl.) inaccessible places PvA 102 (in expl. of dugg!). -- antar!ya an obstacle to<br />

one's departure J i.62; -- !gamana going & coming, rise and set Vv 836 (=ogamanuggamana VvA 326);<br />

DhA i.80 (˚k!le); ˚sampanna sen!sana a dwelling or lodging fit for going and coming, i. e. easily accessible<br />

A v.15; J i.85; ˚' karoti to go to and fro VvA 139. -- kamma going away DhA ii.81. -- k!ra*a a reason for<br />

or a means to going, in ˚' karoti to try to go J i.2; -- bh!va the state of having gone away J ii.133; -- magga<br />

(pleonastic) the way J i.202; 279; -- va**a the praise of his course or journey J i.87.<br />

Gaman"ya<br />

Gaman"ya (adj.; grd to gam) 1. as grd. to gacchati: (a place where one) ought to go; in a˚ not to be gone to<br />

(+&h!na) VvA 72. -- 2. as grd. to gameti: in bhog! pah!ya gaman"y! (riches that have) to be given up (by<br />

leaving) Kh viii.8 (see expl. as KhA 223); PvA 87 (=k!lik!, transient).<br />

Gamika<br />

Gamika (and gamiya J i.87) (adj.) going away, setting out for a journey (opp. !gantuka coming back) appl.<br />

to bhikkhus only: Vin i.292 (˚ bhatta food for outgoing bh.); ii.170 (!gantuka˚), 211, 265; v.196; J vi.333<br />

(!gantuka˚). See also under abhisankh!ra. Cp. Av - i.87; Divy 50.<br />

Gamina<br />

Gamina (adj.) being on a "gati," only at Sn 587 in "aññe pi passe gamine yath!kamm' ûpage nare."<br />

Gameti<br />

Gameti [caus. of gacchati] to make go, to send, to set into motion, to cause to go It 115 (anabh!va' to<br />

destroy), see under gacchati.<br />

Gambh"ra<br />

Gambh"ra (adj.) [Vedic gambh"ra & gabh"ra] deep, pro- found, unfathomable, well founded, hard to<br />

perceive, difficult. -- (a) lit. of lakes: Dh 83; Pv ii.119 (= ag!dha); Pug 46; of a road (full of swamps) J<br />

i.196. -- (b) fig. of knowledge & wisdom: dhammo g. duddaso . . . M i.487; S i.136; Tath!gato g.<br />

appameyyo duppariyog!ho M i.487; paris! g. (opp. utt!na, shallow, superficial, thoughtless) A i.70; g.<br />

&h!na w. ref. jh!na, etc. Ps ii.21; saddhamma g. Sdhp. 530; g. g()ha nipu*a Nd 342; lokan!tho nipu*o g.<br />

PvA 1; also w. nipu*a J vi.355; Miln 234; Bdhd. 118, 137; -- (nt.) the deep; deep ground, i. e. secure<br />

foundation Sn 173; Kh viii.1, 3 (see KhA 217). -- avabh!sa (adj.) having the appearance of depth or<br />

profundity, D ii.55; S ii.36; Pug 46 (+utt!na), cp. Pug A 226; -- pañña one whose wisdom is profound Sn<br />

176, 230; 627=Dh 403 (+medh!vin) cp. DhA iv.169 & see Ps ii.192 for detailed explanation; -- sita resting<br />

on depth (of soil), well -- founded A iv.237.<br />

Gambh"rat!<br />

Gambh"rat! (f.) [abstr. fr. prec.] depth DhA i.92.<br />


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