The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s iii.144); v.140. Esp. in phrase ga*&hika' pa&imuñcitv! Vin i.46= ii.213, 215, trsld at Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s<br />

iii.286 "fasten the block on (to the robe)" but at i.155 "tie the knots." Also in dhamma -- ga*&hik! a block<br />

for execution J i.150 (v. l. ga*.ik!). -- 3. N. of a plant PvA 127. -- ucchuga*&hik! sugar cane: see ucchu. --<br />

k!s!va a yellow robe which was to be tied (or which had a block?) J iv.446.<br />

Ga*.a<br />

Ga*.a [a variation of ga*&ha ( -- i), in both meanings of (1) swelling, knot, protuberance, and (2) the<br />

interstice between two knots or the whole of the knotty object, i. e. stem, stalk] -- 1. a swelling, esp. as a<br />

disease, an abscess, a boil. Freq. in similes with ref. to k!ma and k!ya. Mentioned with similar cutaneous<br />

diseases under kil!sa (q. v. for loci). As Ep. of k!ya S iv.83=A iv.386, of k!m! A iii.310, iv.289; Nd2 on Sn<br />

51; also Th 2, 491 (= dukkhat! s(laya ThA 288); S iv.64 (=ej!); Sn 51, 61 (v. l. for ga)a); J i.293; Vism 360<br />

(˚pilak!); DhA iii.297 (ga*. -- ! -- ga*.aj!ta, covered with all kinds of boils); iv.175; PvA 55. Cp. Av. S<br />

ii.1681. -- 2. a stalk, a shaft, in N. of a plant -- ˚tindu -- rukkha J v.99, and in der. ga*.ik! & ga*.", cp. also<br />

Av. S ii.13312. 3.=ga*.upp!da in cpd. ga*.amattik! clay mixed with earth -- worms Vin ii.151 (cp.<br />

Bdhgh. ga*.upp!dag(tha -- mattik! clay mixed with excrement of earthworms Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s iii.172). --<br />

upp!da (lit. producing upheavals, cp. a mole) an earth -- worm, classed as a very low creature with k"&! &<br />

pu)av! at M iii.168; J v.210 (˚p!*a); DhA iii.361 (˚yoni); SnA 317.<br />

Ga*.aka<br />

Ga*.aka (adj.) having boils Sdhp 103.<br />

Ga*.amba<br />

Ga*.amba N. of the tree, under which Gotama Buddha performed the double miracle; with ref. to this freq.<br />

in phrase ga*.amba -- rukkha -- m(le yamakap!&ih!riya' katv! J i.77; iv.263 sq.; DA i.57; PvA 137; Miln<br />

349; D!vs v.54. Also at DhA iii.207 in play of words with amba -- rukkha.<br />

Ga*.ik!<br />

Ga*.ik! (f.) [a -- n. formation from ga*.a or ga*&ha, see also ga*&hik!] -- 1. a stalk, a shaft (cp. ga*.") J<br />

i.474; DhsA 319 (of the branches of trees: g˚ -- !ko&ana -- sadda). -- 2. a lump, a block of wood (more freq.<br />

spelling ga*&hik!, q. v.). -- 3. N. of a plant Vv 354 (=bandhuj"vaka VvA 161). -- âdh!na the putting on of a<br />

shaft or stem, as a bolt or bar Vin ii.172; cp. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s iii.213 and ga*."; also gha&ik!2.<br />

Ga*.in<br />

Ga*.in [adj. fr. ga*.a] -- 1. having swellings, in ure ga*." (f.) with swellings on the chest, i. e. breasts J<br />

v.159, 202 (thane sandh!yâha 205). -- 2. having boils, being afflicted with a glandular disease (with ku&&hin<br />

& kil!sin) Kvu 31.<br />

Ga*."<br />

Ga*." (f.) [=ga*.ik! in meaning 1; prob.=Sk. gha*&! in meaning 2] -- 1. a shaft or stalk, used as a bar J<br />

i.237. -- 2. a gong DhA i.291 (ga*.i' paharati to beat the g.); ii.54, 244; ga*.i' !ko&etv! KhA 251. Cp.<br />

AvS i.258, 264, 272; ii.87, 95 & Divy 335, 336. Also in ga*.isaññ! "sign with the gong" J iv.306. -- 3. the<br />

executioner's block (=ga*.ik! or ga*&hik!) J iii.41.<br />

Ga*.usa<br />

Ga*.usa [cp. Sk. ga*.(+a] a mouthful J i.249 (kh"ra˚).

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