The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Khalati<br />

Khalati [Dhtp 260: kampane; Dhtm 375: sañcalane; cp. Sk. skhalati, cp. Gr. sfa/ llw to bring to fall, to fail]<br />

to stumble; ger. khalitv! Th 1, 45; Miln 187; pp. khalita q. v. Cp. upa˚, pa˚.<br />

Khali<br />

Khali a paste Vin ii.321 (:Bdhgh. on C.V. vi.3, 1 for madda).<br />

Khalika<br />

Khalika (or khalik! f.) a dice -- board, in khalik!ya k")anti to play at dice (see illustr. in Rh. D. Buddh. India<br />

p. 77) Vin ii.10; cp. D i.6 (in enumn of various amusements; expl. at DA i.85 by j(ta -- khalika p!saka --<br />

k")ana'). See also kali.<br />

Khalita<br />

Khalita1 [Sk. khalati=Lat. calvus, bald; cp. khall!&a] bald -- headed A i.138 (+vil(na); Th 2, 255<br />

(=vil(nakesa ThA 210).<br />

Khalita<br />

Khalita2 [pp. med. of khalati, cp. Dhtp 611; Dhtm 406 khala=soceyye] (adj. & n.) 1. faltering, stumbling,<br />

wrong -- doing, failure A i.198; Nd1 300; Th 2, 261; DhA iii.196 (of the voice; ThA 211=pakkhalita); J<br />

i.78; Miln 94, 408. -- 2. disturbed, treated badly J vi. 375. -- akhalita undisturbed Th 1, 512.<br />

Khalu<br />

Khalu [indecl., usually contracted to kho, q. v.] either positive: indeed, surely, truly D i.87; Sn p. 103; J<br />

iv.391 (as kha)u); Mhvs vii.17; or negative: indeed not Vism 60 (=pa&isedhan' atthe nip!to). --<br />

pacch!bhattika (adj.)=na p˚: a person who refuses food offered to him after the normal time Vin<br />

v.131=193; Pug 69; Vism 61. See Com. quot. by Childers, p. 310.<br />

Khalunka<br />

Khalunka [adj. fr. khala in caus. sense of khaleti, to shake. In formation= khalanga>khalanka>khalunka, cp.<br />

kul(paka for kul(paga] only appld to a horse= shaking, a shaker, racer (esp. as java A i.287), fig. of purisa<br />

at Anguttara passages. Described as bold and hard to manage A iv.190 sq.; as a horse which cannot be<br />

trusted and is inferior to an !j!n"ya (a thoroughbred) A v.166. Three kinds at A i.287 sq.=iv.397 sq. In expl.<br />

of va)av! (mare) at J i.180= sindhavakule aj!to khalunk'asso; as va)av! kha)unk! J i.184. -- Der. khalunkat!<br />

in a˚, not shaking, steadiness VvA 278.<br />

Khaleti<br />

Khaleti [Sk. k+!layati of k+al?] lit. to wash (cp. pakkh!- leti), slang for "to treat badly," "to give a rubbing"<br />

or thrashing (exact meaning problematic); only at J iv.205=382: gale gahetv! khalay!tha jamma' "take the<br />

rascal by the throat and thrash him" (Com. khalay!tha khal"k!ra' (i. e. a "rub," kind of punishment) p!petv!<br />

niddhamatha=give him a thrashing & throw him out. v. l. at both passages is galay!tha).<br />


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