The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Kili (sometimes kila) [onomat. fr. sound -- root k&lcircle;] 1. in- decl. the sound "click," of the noise of a<br />

trap when shutting J i.243; ii.363, 397 (as "kil""). -- Also repeated "kilikil" ti" click, click J i.70. -- 2. as n. f.<br />

tinkling, clicking, ticking (cp. ki*i), in kili' karoti to tinkle J v.203.<br />

Kilikil!yati<br />

Kilikil!yati [denom. fr. kili with reduplication] to tinkle J v.206; (freq. fr. kili or den. fr. kilikil!; cp. kilakil!<br />

"shouting for joy" Av- i.48 and in cpd. h!h!k!rakilakil! "shouting h! -- h! and hail -- hail" ibid. i.67<br />

MVastu iii.312 and Divy 459). See also ki*aki*!yati. Note. -- Kil is one of the variations of the sound --<br />

imitating qel, which otherwise appears as qal, qul in Gr. kel -- ados, L. cal -- are, Ohg. hell -- an (cp. Sk.<br />

krandati?) also Gr. kla/zw, L. clango, Goth. hlahjan ("laugh") and in Sk kol!hala, kokila, cp. cuculus<br />

(cuckoo) and perhaps Sk. ulul", ul(ka (owl), Gr. o)lolu/zw, L. ululare. See also the cognate qer under kitti.<br />

Kilijjati<br />

Kilijjati [med -- pass. of kilid=Sk. klid, to be wet. prob.= $li+ to stick to, and confounded with svid, cp. also<br />

kelana & khela. <strong>The</strong> meaning "to get wet, to be soiled" only in pp. kilinna. -- <strong>The</strong> Dhtm (199), however,<br />

expls k. by parideva lament, to be in trouble, which is not quite in harmony with the meaning; it is more<br />

likely that in P. we have a confusion between klid & kli$ in a meaning which differs from Sk.] to become<br />

heated, to get into a state of inflammation, to fester (of wounds) Vin i.205 (va*o kilijjittha festered); Sn 671<br />

(gloss for kilissati, expld at SnA 481 by p(ti hoti). -- pp. kilinna. See also ukkiledeti (to clean out a stain, to<br />

"disinfect").<br />

Kili&&ha<br />

Kili&&ha [pp of kilissati] 1. soiled, stained, impure; of gatta, limbs J i.129; of c"vara, cloak Bdhd 92; of<br />

vattha, clothes DhA ii.261; of p!v!ra -- puppha, mango blossom KhA 58=Vism 258. -- 2. unclean, lustful<br />

(morally) bad, in ˚kamma dirty pursuit, i. e. cohabitation J iv.190; PvA 195 (of a ga*ik!); together with<br />

kuthita Miln 250.<br />

Kilinna<br />

Kilinna [pp. of kilijjati] 1. wet, usually with saliva and perspiration Vin iii.37; J i.61 (l!l!˚), 164 (khe)a˚);<br />

DA i.284 (assu˚); VvA 67 (seda˚). -- 2. <strong>The</strong> other meaning of kilid (to get inflamed) is to be found in<br />

kilinna -- sar"ra (adj.) with an inflamed body (i. e. suffering from a skin -- disease), which is Bdhgh's expln<br />

of okilin": see under okira*a.<br />

Kilissati<br />

Kilissati [Sk. kli$yati=kli$ or $li+ to adhere, cp. P. khe)a and silesuma or semha, Sk. $le+ma, slime. Same<br />

root as Gr. lei/mac snail; Ags. sl"m slime. Another, specifically <strong>Pali</strong>, meaning is that of going bad, being<br />

vexed, with ref. to a heated state. This lies at the bottom of the Dhtp. (445) & Dhtm. (686) expln by<br />

upat!pe.] 1. to get wet, soiled or stained, to dirty oneself, be impure It 76 (of clothes, in the passing away of<br />

a deva); Th 1, 954 (kilisissanti, for kilissanti); Ps i.130. Kilisseyya Dh 158 (expld as ninda' labhati) to do<br />

wrong. Cp. pari˚.<br />

Kilissana<br />

Kilissana (nt.) getting dirty, staining J i.8.<br />


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