The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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what kind of tree J v.203. -- v!din holding what view? A i.62; -- sam!c!ra (a) of what conduct, in comb.<br />

with; -- s"la of what character Sn 324 (=SnA 331).<br />

Ki'suka<br />

Ki'suka [ki'+su+ka] N. of a tree (creeper), lit. "what- ever -- like," or "what do you call it," i. e. strange<br />

tree (see ki' su & ki' 3), pop. name for the Butea frondosa S iv.193 (parable of the k.); J ii.265 (˚opama --<br />

j!taka); v.405; vi.536. Perhaps v. l. at SnA 284. -- puppha the (red) flower of the k. tree Vism 252. -- va**a<br />

of the colour of the k. (flower) J i.73 (ang!r! ashes).<br />

Kikita<br />

Kikita (?) dense, thick (?) SS at S iv.289 (for ku&&hita), said of the heat.<br />

Kik"<br />

Kik" [onomat. to sound -- root k% (see note on gala), cp. Sk. k%ka -- v!ku cock, after the cry of the bird] 1.<br />

(m.) the blue jay (J ii.350 k. saku*o). -- 2. (f.) a hen (or the female of the jay?), in simile fr. the Apad!na of<br />

a hen watching her egg Vism 36 (a*.a' anurakkham!n!); J iii.375 (rakkhati); cp. SnA 317 (kik" saku*ik!<br />

a*.assa upari seti).<br />

Kinka*ika<br />

Kinka*ika (m. nt.) [=kinki*ika] a small bell J iv.362; VvA 12.<br />

Kinki*ika<br />

Kinki*ika (m. nt.) [onomat. formation fr. sound part. ki*i, see note on gala] a small bell J iv.259, 413;<br />

(suva**a˚); Vv 781 (=kinki*i VvA 303); Vin iii.42 (kinki*ik! saddo). -- j!la a net or fringe of tinkling bells<br />

D ii.183; J i.32; DhA i.274.<br />

Kicca<br />

Kicca (nt.) [grd. of karoti=Sk. k%tya] 1. (adj.) that which ought to be done, that which is to be performed; nt.<br />

something to do DhA i.15. Defd as k!tabban ti kicca', kiñcid eva kara*"yan ti KhA 218; kattaba'<br />

kara*"ya' DhA iii.452. -- 2. (nt.) (a) duty, obligation, service, attention; ceremony, performance. <strong>The</strong> sg. is<br />

used collectively as pl. -- adj. ( -- ˚) one who is under an obligation, etc., or to whom an obligation, etc., is<br />

due A ii.67; Dh 276, 293; J iii.26; DhA i.5. -- kattabbak˚ -- kara*a "the performance of incumbent duties"<br />

PvA 30; ida' me kicca' ak!si "he has done me this service" PvA 29. -- In special sense of the duties to the<br />

dead: aha' tava pitu ˚' karomi "I will do the last duty to your father" PvA 274. -- a˚ that which is not (his)<br />

duty A ii.67; Dh 292, 293. -- (b) (as philos. term) function; rasa (essence) is either kicca r˚ -- or sampatti r,<br />

function or property. Cpd. 13, 213, n. l.; Vism 162 (parivyatta˚ quite conspicuous f.), 264 (abbhañjana˚ f. of<br />

lucubrating), 338, 493 (indriy!na' kicca'), 547 (tad -- !ramma*a˚, bhavanga˚, cuti˚, etc.); kiccavasena by<br />

way of f. Abhdh. -- sangaha v.8, cp. Dhs. trsl. 132 (with ref. to DhsA 264); kiccato Vism 581. -- appa˚<br />

having few or no duties Sn 144 (cp. KhA 241. -- !r!mika˚ duties of the 4r!ma J i.38. -- udaka˚ water --<br />

performance, ablution D ii.15. -- kata˚ one who has performed his duties or mission, i. e. an Arahant Sn<br />

1105; Vv 531 (cp. VvA 231. -- bahu˚ having many obligations, being very busy A iii.116 sq. -- bhatta˚<br />

meal DA i.45 sq.; PvA 76; freq. in formula kata˚ (see kata), cp. kat -- annakicca D!vs i.59. -- mata˚ funeral<br />

rites PvA 274. -- sar"ra˚ the duties of the body, i. e. funeral rites PvA 74). Note. In compn with kud˚<br />

kicca appears as kuk -- kucca (q. v.). -- âkicc! pl. (kicca+kicca, see Trenckner, Notes J.P.T.S. 1908, 127;<br />

cp. &h!n!&h!na, bhav!bhava magg!magga, phal!phala, etc.) duties of all kinds, various duties: ativas! assu<br />

kicc!kiccesu "they shall serve me in all duties" Dh 74 (DhA ii.78=khuddakamahantesu kara*"yesu "in<br />

small and great duties"); ˚esu yuttapayutto m!*avo (cp. a maid "of all work") VvA 298; ˚esu ussuk!

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