The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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upa..ha -- dissam!nena S i.156. Manomaya -- k!ya a body made by the mind (cp. VvA 10 and DA<br />

i.110, 120, 222) according to Bdhgh only at the time of jh!na S v.282 sq.; manomaya p"ti -- bhakkha<br />

saya'pabha D i.17=VvA 10; manomaya' k!ya' abhinimmin!ya . . . D i.77; m˚ sabbanga -- paccang" D<br />

i.34, 77, 186, 195. -- Under the control of psychic powers (iddhi): k!yena va sa'vatteti he does as he likes<br />

with his body, i. e. he walks on water, is ubiquitous, etc. (y!va brahmalok! pi: even up to heaven) S v.265=<br />

D i.78=A i.170: see also S v.283, 284. -- In the various stages of Sa's!ra; k!ya' nikkhipati he lays down<br />

his (old) body S iv.60, 400; cp. S iii.241 (ossa&&ha -- k!ya); referring to continuous change of body during<br />

day and night (of a Pet") Pv ii.1211. -- anga a limb of the body, k!y'anga' v!c'anga' v! na kopenti: they<br />

remain motionless and speechless (ref. to the bhikkhus begging) J iii.354; DhsA 93, 240; -- ânupassin in<br />

combn k!ye k!yânupass" "realizing in the body an aggregate" D ii.94, 100, 291 sq.; D iii.58, 77, 141, 221,<br />

276; M i.56; A i.39, 296; ii.256; iii.449; iv.300, 457 sq.; S iv.211; v.9, 75, 298, 329 sq.; Vbh 193 sq.; 236;<br />

see also above. Der.: ˚anupassan! Ps. i.178, 184; ii.152, 163, 232; ˚passita Nett. 123; -- !yatana the sense of<br />

touch D iii.243, 280, 290; Dhs 585, 613, 653, 783; -- indriya same D iii.239; Dhs 585, 613, 972; -- ujjukat!<br />

straightness of body (+citta˚, of thought) Dhs 53, 277, 330; Vism 466; Bdhd 16, 20. -- ûpaga going to a<br />

(new) body S ii.24; -- kamma "bodily action," deed performed by the body in contradistinction to deeds by<br />

speech or thought (see above) D i.250; iii.191, 245, 279; M i.415; iii.206; A i.104; iii.6, 9, 141 sq.; v.289;<br />

Th 2, 277; Ps ii.195; Dhs 981, 1006; Vbh 208, 321, 366; Pug 41; Bdhd 69; DhsA 68, 77, 344. --<br />

kammaññat! wieldiness, alertness of the bodily senses included under n!mak!ya Dhs 46, 277, 326. --<br />

kammanta=˚kamma, in comb. ˚sampatti and ˚sandosa A v.292, 294, 297; M i.17. -- kali "the misfortune of<br />

having a body"=this miserable body Th 2, 458, 501; ThA 282, 291; -- kas!va bodily impurity or depravity<br />

A i.112; -- gata "relating to the body," always combined with sati in the same sense as ˚anupassin (see<br />

above) S i.188; M. iii.92; A i.44; Sn 340<br />

-- 209 --<br />

(cp. SnA 343); Th 1, 468, 1225; J i.394; Dh 293= Nett 39; Dh 299; Miln 248, 336, 393; Vism 111, 197, 240<br />

sq. -- gantha bodily tie or fetter (binding one to sa's!ra), of which there are four: abhijjh!, by!p!da,<br />

s"labbata -- par!m!sa, ida' -- saccâbhinivesa D iii.230= S v.59=Dhs 1135=Vbh 374; cp. Mrs. Rh. D., Dhs.<br />

trsl. p. 304; -- gandha spelling for ˚gantha at Nett 115 119; -- gutta one who guards his body, i. e.<br />

controls his action (+vac"gutta) S i.172=Sn 74; -- gutti the care or protection of the body Vin i.295; J ii.162;<br />

-- citta body and mind: ˚!b!dha physical and mental disease J iv.166; see other combns above; -- .!ha fever<br />

Vin i.214; -- tapana chastisement of body, curbing one's material desires, asceticism PvA 98. -- th!ma<br />

physical strength J iii.114; -- daratha bodily distress J v.397; vi.295; -- da)ha bodily vigour Vin ii.76, 313; --<br />

dukkha bodily pain (+ceto˚) M iii.288; -- duccarita misconduct by the body, evil deeds done through the<br />

instrumentality of the body (cp. ˚kamma) D iii.52, 96, 111, 214; A i.48; Dh 231; It 54, 58; Dhs 300, 1305;<br />

Bdhd 16, 20; -- du&&hulla unchastity Th 1, 114; -- dv!ra the channel or outlet of bodily senses J i.276; iv.14;<br />

VvA 73; DhA iv.85; Bdhd 69; -- dh!tu the "element" of body, i. e. the faculty of touch, sensibility Dhs 613;<br />

Kvu 12; -- pakopa blameworthy conduct, misbehaviour (+vac"˚, mano˚) Dh 231=DhA 330; -- pac!laka (nt.)<br />

shaking or swaying the body, "swaggering" Vin ii.213; -- pa&ibaddha 1. adj. (of the breath), dependent on,<br />

or connected with the body S iv.293; attached or bound to the body J iii.377; v.254; 2. m. an article of dress<br />

worn on the body Vin iii.123, iv.214; -- payoga the instrumentality or use of the body DA i.72=DhsA 98; --<br />

pariyantika limited by the body, said of vedan!, sensation S v.320=A ii.198; -- parih!rika tending or<br />

protecting the body D i.71=A ii.209=Pug 58; Vism 65 (c"vara); DA i.207; -- pas!da clearness of the sense<br />

of touch or sense in general DhsA 306; Bdhd 62, 66, 74; cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 173n, 198n; -- passaddhi serenity<br />

or quietude of the senses S iv.125 (cp. iv.351 and above); v.66, 104; Dhs 40, 277, 320; DhsA 130; Bdhd 16,<br />

19, 29; -- p!gabbhiya "body -- forwardness" immodesty, lasciviousness, gener. said of women J ii.32;<br />

v.449; -- p!gabbhiniya same J i.288; -- p!guññat! good condition of the mental faculties, fitness of sense,<br />

opp. k!yagelañña, apathy Dhs 46, 277, 326; Vism 466; Bdhd 16, 20, 157; -- phandita (nt.) bodily activity J<br />

iii.25; -- baddha fastened to the body, appl. to robes DA i.207; -- bandhana a girdle or waistband Vin i.46,<br />

51; ii.118, 135, 177, 213, 266; M i.237; -- bala physical strength PvA 30; -- bh!van! meditation or training<br />

with regard to action D iii.219; M i.237; cp. Miln 85; -- macchera "body -- selfishness," pampering the<br />

body Th 1, 1033; -- mudut! pliability of sense=˚kammaññat! Dhs 44, 277, 324; Bdhd 16, 20, 157; -- muni a<br />

sage with regard to action It 56; -- moneyya the true wisdom regarding the use of the body as an instrument<br />

of action It 56; 67; D iii.220; A i.273; Nd2 514; -- ratha the "carriagelike" body J vi.253; -- lahut! buoyancy<br />

of sense = ˚muduta, same loci; -- vanka crookedness of action A i.112; -- vik!ra change of position of the

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