The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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source qualified according to good and evil; as deed done accumulated and forming a deposit of the doer's<br />

merit and demerit (his "karma"). Thus p!pakamma=a bad deed, one who has done a bad deed, one who has<br />

a bad character, the potential effect of a bad deed=bad karma. <strong>The</strong> context alone decides which of these<br />

meanings is the one intended by the speaker or writer. Concerning the analysis of the various semantic<br />

developments the following practical distinctions can be made: 1. Objective action, characterized by time:<br />

as past=done, meaning deed (with kata); or future=to be done, meaning duty (with k!tabba). 2. Subjective<br />

action, characterized by quality, as reflecting on the agent. 3. Interaction of act and agent: (a) in subjective<br />

relation, cause and effect as action and reaction on the individual (individual "karma," appearing in his life,<br />

either here or beyond), characterized as regards action (having results) and as regards actor (having to cope<br />

with these results): (b) in objective relation, i. e. abstracted from the individual and generalized as<br />

Principle, or cause and effect as Norm of Happening (universal "karma," appearing in Sa's!ra, as driving<br />

power of the world), characterized (a) as cause, (b) as consequence, (c) as cause -- consequence in the<br />

principle of retribution (talio), (d) as restricted to time. 1. (Objective): with ref. to the Past: ki' kamma'<br />

ak!si n!r" what (deed) has this woman done? Pv i.92; tass! katakamma' pucchi he asked what had been<br />

done by her PvA 37, 83, etc. -- with ref. to the Future: k. k!tabba' hoti I have an obligation, under 8<br />

kus"tavatth(ni D iii.255=A iv.332; catt!ri kamm!ni katt! hoti "he performs the 4 obligations" (of gahapati)<br />

A ii.67. 2. (Subjective) (a) doing in general, acting, action, deed; var. kinds of doings enum. under<br />

micch!j"va D i.12 (santikamma, pa*idhi˚, etc.); tassa kammassa katatt! through (the performance of) that<br />

deed D iii.156; dukkara' kamma -- kubbata' he who of those who act, acts badly S i.19; abhabbo ta'<br />

kamma' k!tum incapable of doing that deed S iii.225; sañcetanika k. deed done intentionally M iii.207; A<br />

v.292 sq.; pam!*akata' k. D i.251=S iv.322. katara' k˚' karonto aha' niraya' na gaccheyya'? how (i. e.<br />

what doing) shall I not go to Niraya? J iv.340; ya' kiñci sithila' k˚' . . . na ta' hoti mahapphala' . . . S<br />

i.49=Dh 312=Th 1, 277; kadariya˚ a stingy action PvA 25; k. classed with sippa, vijj! -- cara*a D iii.156;<br />

k!ni k˚!ni samm! -- nivi&&ha established slightly in what doings? Sn 324; (b) Repeated action in general,<br />

constituting a person's habit of acting or character (cp. kata ii.1. a.); action as reflecting on the agent or<br />

bearing his characteristics; disposition, character. Esp. in phrase kammena samann!gata "endowed with the<br />

quality of acting in such and such a manner, being of such and such character": t"hi dhammehi samann!gato<br />

niraye nikkhitto "endowed with (these) three qualites a man will go to N." A i.292 sq.; asucin! k!yak˚ena<br />

sam˚ asucimanuss! "bad people are those who are of bad ways (or character)" Nd2 112; anavajja k!ya -- k˚<br />

sam˚ A ii.69 (cp. A iv.364); k!ya -- kammavac" -- kammena sam˚ kusalena (pabbajita) "a bhikkhu of good<br />

character in deed and speech" D i.63; k!ya . . . (etc.) -- k˚sam˚ b!la (and opp. pa*.ita) A ii.252 (cp. A i.102,<br />

104); visamena k!ya (etc.) -- k˚ sam˚ A i.154=iii.129; s!vajjena k!ya (etc.) -- k˚ sam˚ A ii.135 -- kamma'<br />

vijj! ca dhammo ca s"la' j"vitam uttama', etena macc! sujjhanti, na gottena dhanena v! S i.34=55; M<br />

iii.262, quoted at Vism 3, where k. is grouped with vipassan!, jh!na, s"la, satipa&&h!na as main ideals of<br />

virtue; kamman! by character, as opp. to jacc! or j!tiy!, by birth: Sn 136; 164; 599; nih"na˚ manuss! (of<br />

bad, wretched character) Sn 661; man!pena bahula' k!ya (etc.) -- kammena A ii.87= iii.33, 131; and esp.<br />

with mett!, as enum. under aparih!niy! and s!r!*"y! dhamm! D ii.80; A iii.288; mettena k!ya (etc.) --<br />

kammena D ii.144; iii.191; A v.350 sq. (c) Particular actions, as manifested in various ways, by various<br />

channels of activity (k˚ -- dv!r!), expressions of personality, as by deed, word and thought (k!yena, v!c!ya,<br />

manas!). Kamma kat) e)coxh/n means action by hand (body) in formula vacas! manas! kamman! ca Sn<br />

330, 365; later specified by k!ya -- kamma, for which k!ya -- kammanta in some sense (q. v.), and<br />

complementing vac" -- k˚ mano -- k˚; so in foll. combns: citte arakkhite k!ya -- k˚ pi arakkhita' hoti (vac"˚<br />

mano˚) A i.261 sq.; ya' nu kho aha' ida' k!yena k˚ kattuk!mo ida' me k!ya -- k˚ attaby!dh!ya pi<br />

sa'vatteyya . . . "whatever deed I am going to do with my hands (I have to consider:) is this deed, done by<br />

my hands, likely to bring me evil?" M i.415; k!ya -- (vac" -- etc.) kamma, which to perform & to leave<br />

(sevitabba' and a˚) A i.110=iii.150; as anulomika˚ A i.106; sabba' k!ya -- k˚ (vac"˚ mano˚) Buddhassa<br />

ñ!*ânuparivattati "all manifestation of deed (word & thought) are within the knowledge of Buddha" Nd2<br />

235; ya' lobhapakata' kamma' karoti k!yena v! v!c!ya v! manas! v! tassa vip!ka' anubhoti . . . Nett 37;<br />

kin nu k!yena v˚ m˚ dukka&a' kata' what evil have you done by body, word or thought? Pv ii.13 and freq.;<br />

ek(na -- ti'sa k!yakamm!ni Bdhd 49. (d) Deeds characterized as evil (p!pa -- kamm!ni, p!p!ni k˚,<br />

p!pak!ni k˚; p!pakamma adj., cp. p!pa -- kammanta adj.). p!pakamma: n'atthi loke raho n!ma p˚<br />

pakubbato "there is no hiding ( -- place) in this world for him who does evil" A i.149; so p˚ -- o dummedho<br />

j!na' dukka&a' attano . . . "he, afflicted with (the result of) evil -- doing . . ." A iii.354; p˚ -- ' pava..hento<br />

ibid.; ya' p˚ -- ' kata' sabban ta' idha vedan"ya' "whatever wrong I have done I have to suffer for" A<br />

v.301; pabbajitv!na k!yena p˚ -- ' vivajjay" "avoid evil acting" Sn 407; nissa'saya' p˚ -- ' . . .<br />

"undoubtedly there is some evil deed (the cause of this) i. e. some evil karma Pv iv.161. -- p!pa' kamma':

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