The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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to the Bhikkhus to work for them in the Vih!ra DA i.78 (v. l. BB ˚k!raka); -- bha*.a utensils allowable to<br />

the Bhikkhus J i.41; DhA i.412. a˚ thing unauthorised Vin. ii.169; a list of such forbidden articles is found<br />

at Vin i.192; -- bh(mi (f.) a plot of ground set apart for storing (allowable) provisions Vin i.239 (cp. ˚ku&i);<br />

-- lesa [cp. Sk. kalpya] guile appropriate to one's own purpose VvA 348; -- saññin (a) imagining as lawful<br />

(that which is not) A i.84; a˚ opp. ibid. -- ˚t! the imagining as lawful (that which is not) appl. to kukkucca<br />

Dhs 1160; a˚ opp. ibid.<br />

Kappu<br />

Kappu (nt.)=kappa in the dialect used by Makkhali Gos!la, presumably the dialect of Ves!li, D i.54; DA<br />

i.164 (a Burme+e MS. reads kappi, and so do Pv iv.332; PvA 254).<br />

Kapp(ra<br />

Kapp(ra (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. karp(ra] camphor: (a) the plant J vi.537. -- (b) the resinous exudation, the<br />

prepared odoriferant substance (cp. ka&ukapphala) J ii.416=DhA iii.475; Miln 382; D!vs v.50.<br />

Kappeti<br />

Kappeti [Der. from kappa, cp. Sk. k%pa shape, form; *q9rep caus. from. fr. *q9er=Sk. kr, karoti to shape, to<br />

make, cp. karoti] to cause to fit, to create, build, construct, arrange, prepare, order. I. lit. 1. in special sense:<br />

to prepare, get done, i. e. harness: J i.62; plait DA i.274, an offering (yañña') Sn 1043; i. e. to trim etc. M<br />

ii.155; J i.223; Mhvs 25, 64. 2, generally (to be translated according to the meaning of accompanying<br />

noun), to make, get up, carry on etc. (=Fr. passer), viz. iriy!patha' to keep one's composure Th i.570; J<br />

v.262; Bdhd 33; j"vita': to lead one's life PvA 3, 4, 13; div!vih!ra' to take the noonday rest Mhvs 19, 79;<br />

nisajja' to sit down Vin iii.191; v!sa', sa'v!sa' to make one's abode D ii.88; Sn 283; PvA 36, 47;<br />

sa'v!sa' to have (sexual) intercourse with J iii.448; Mhvs 5, 212; PvA 6; seyya': to lie down, to make<br />

one's bed Pug 55 etc. (acelaka -- passage=D i.166). II. fig. 1. in special sense: to construct or form an<br />

opinion, to conjecture, to think Sn 799; DA i.103; -- 2. generally: to ordain, prescribe, determine J v.238<br />

(=say vidahati) -- Caus. II. kapp!peti to cause to be made in all senses of kappeti; e. g. Vin ii.134 (massu'<br />

k. to get one's beard done); J v.262 (hatthiy!n!ni k. to harness the elephant -- cars); DA i.147 (pañca<br />

hatthinik! -- sat!ni k. harness the 500 elephants). Pass. kappiyati in ppr. kappiyam!na getting harnessed J<br />

i.62.<br />

Kabara<br />

Kabara (adj.) [cp. Sk. kabara] variegated, spotted, striped; mixed, intermingled; in patches Vism 190. Of a<br />

cow (˚g!v") DhA i.71 (˚go -- r(pa) ibid. 99; of a calf (˚vaccha) J v.106; of a dog (˚va**a=sabala q. v.) J<br />

vi.107; of leprosy J v.69; of the shade of trees (˚cch!ya, opp. sanda˚) M i.75; J iv.152; DhA i.375. -- kucchi<br />

having a belly striped with many colours, of a monster J i.273; -- ku&&ha a kind of leprosy J v.69; -- ma*i<br />

the cat's eye, a precious stone, also called mas!ragalla, but also an emerald; both are prob. varieties of the<br />

cat's eye VvA 167, 304.<br />

Kabala<br />

Kabala (m., nt.) [cp. Sk. kavala BSk. kava.a Divy 290 (+!lopa), 298, 470] a small piece (=!lopa PvA 70), a<br />

mouthful, always appl. to food, either solid (i. e. as much as is made into a ball with the fingers when<br />

eating), or liquid Vin ii.214; It 18=J iii.409; iv.93; Dh 324; Miln 180, 400; Bdhd 69; DhA ii.65; PvA 39;<br />

Mhvs 19, 74. Kabale kabale on every morsel J i.68; Miln 231; -- sakabala appl. to the mouth, with the<br />

mouth full of food Vin ii.214; iv. 195; -- Sometimes written kabala. -- âvacchedaka choosing portions of a<br />

mouthful, nibbling at a morsel Vin ii.214; iv.196.<br />


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