The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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D ii.117=A iv.309=Ud 62; Miln 140: -- !yuka (one) whose life extends over a kappa Mhvs v.87; -- u&&h!na<br />

arising at or belonging to the (end of a) kappa: -- aggi the fire which destroys the Universe J ii.397; iii.185;<br />

iv.498; v.336; vi.554; Vism 304; -- k!la the time of the end of the world J v.244; -- u&&h!na (by itself) the<br />

end of the world J i.4=Vism 415; -- kata on which a kappa, i. e. smudge, has been made, ref. to the c"vara<br />

of a bhikkhu (see above) Vin i.255; iv.227, 286; DA i.103; -- (ñ)jaha (one) who has left time behind, free<br />

from sa's!ra, an Arahant Sn 1101 (but expld at Nd2 s. v., see also DA i.103, as free from dve kapp!: di&&hi˚<br />

ta*ha˚). -- j!la the consumption of the kappa by fire, the end of a kappa Dpvs i.61. -- &&ha staying there for a<br />

kappa, i. e. in purgatory in !p!yiko nerayiko + atekiccho, said of Devadatta Vin ii.202, 206; A iii.402<br />

~iv.160; It 11~85. -- &&h!yin lasting a whole cycle, of a vim!na Th 1, 1190. -- &&hika enduring for an aeon:<br />

kibbisa (of Devadatta) Vin ii.198=204; (cp. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s iii.254) s!larukkha J v.416; see also &hitakappi' Pug<br />

13. -- &&hitika id. DhA i.50 (vera); Miln 108 (kamma'). ("sabbe pi magga -- samangino puggal! &hita --<br />

kappino.") -- &&hiya -- =prec. A v.75; J i.172, 213; v.33; Miln 109, 214. ˚rukkha the tree that lasts for a<br />

kappa, ref. to the cittap!&al", the pied trumpet -- tree in the abode of the Asuras J i.202; -- nibbatta<br />

originated at the beginning of the k. (appl. to the flames of purgatory) J v.272; -- pariva&&a the evolution of a<br />

k; the end of the world Dpvs i.59; -- p!dapa= ˚rukkha Mhbv 2; -- rukkha a wishing tree, magical tree,<br />

fulfilling all wishes; sometimes fig. J vi.117, 594; Vism 206; PvA 75, 176, 121; VvA 32 (where combd<br />

with cint!ma*i); DhA iv.208; -- lat! a creeper like the kapparukkha VvA 12; -- vin!saka (scil. aggi): the<br />

fire consuming the world at the end of a k. Vism 414 sq.; (mah!megho) DhA iii.362; -- sama*a an ascetic<br />

acc. to precepts, an earnest ascetic J vi.60 (cp. sama*a -- kappa); -- hal!hala "the k -- uproar," the uproar<br />

near the end of a kalpa J i.47.<br />

Kappaka<br />

Kappaka [fr. k)p, kappeti] a barber, hairdresser, also attendant to the king; his other function (of preparing<br />

baths) is expressed in the term nah!paka (Pv ii.937) or nah!pita (˚!?) (DA i.157) Vin. i.344; ii.182; D i.51<br />

(=DA i.157, in list of various occupations); J i.60, 137; iii.315; Pv ii.937; iii.14 (where expl. by nah!pita in<br />

the meaning of "bathed," cp. expl. ad i.106) DhA i.85 (˚vesa disguise of a barber), 342 (pas!dhana˚ one<br />

who arranges the dress, etc., hairdresser). -- j!tika belonging to or reborn in the barber class, in this sense<br />

representing a low, "black" birth PvA 176.<br />

Kappa&a<br />

Kappa&a [kad -- pa&a=ku -- pa&a] a dirty, old rag, torn gar- ment (of a bhikkhu) Th 1,199.<br />

Kappat!<br />

Kappat! (f.) [abstr. fr. kappa] fitness, suitability DA i.207.<br />

Kappati<br />

Kappati [Pass. of kappeti, cp. Sk. kalpyate] to be fit, seeming, proper, with dat. of person D ii.162; Vin<br />

ii.263, 294; iii.36; Th 1,488; Mhvs 4, 11; 15, 16.<br />

Kappana<br />

Kappana (nt.) [fr. kappeti, cp. Sk. kalpana] the act of preparing, fixing; that which is fixed, arranged,<br />

performed. 1. kappan! (f.) the fixing of a horse's harness, harnessing, saddling J i.62; -- 2. (nt.) ( -- ˚)<br />

procuring, making: j"vika˚; a livelihood J iii.32; putting into order; danta˚ J i.321; -- 3. (adj.) ( -- ˚) trimmed,<br />

arranged with: n!n!ratana˚ VvA 35.<br />

Kappara<br />

Kappara [cp. Sk. k(rpara] the elbow Vin iii.121=iv.221; J i.293, 297; DhA i.48, 394; VvA 206.

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