The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Kani&&ha (adj.) [Sk. kani+&ha; compar. & superl.; see kaññ!] younger, youngest, younger born Vin iii.146<br />

(isi the younger); J ii.6; PvA 42, 54; esp. the younger brother (opp. je&&ha, ˚ka) J i.132; DhA i.6, 13; Mhvs.<br />

9, 7; PvA 19, 55. Combd with je&&haka the elder & younger brothers J i.253; sabba -- k. the very youngest J<br />

i.395. f. kani&&h! the youngest daughter DhA i.396. -- fig. later, lesser, inferior, in ˚phala the lesser fruit (of<br />

sanctification) Pv iv.188. -- akani&&ha "not the smaller" i. e. the greatest, highest; in akani&&hag!min going to<br />

the highest gods (cp. parinibb!yin) S v.237= 285, etc. ˚bhavana the abode of the highest gods J. iii.487.<br />

Kani&&haka<br />

Kani&&haka (adj.) younger (opp. je&&ha) A iv.93=J ii.348; DhA i.152; the younger brother Mhvs 5, 33, 8, 10;<br />

35, 49; 36, 116; -- ˚ik! and ˚ak! a younger sister, Mhvs 1, 49; Pv i.115 (better read for kani&&h!).<br />

Kani&&hatta<br />

Kani&&hatta (nt.) the more recent and therefore lower, less developed state (of sanctification) DhA i.152.<br />

Kani&&h"<br />

Kani&&h" (f.) a younger sister Mhvs 7, 67.<br />

Kaniya<br />

Kaniya (adj.) [compar. of kan˚, Sk. kan"ya's] younger, less, inferior Kacc 122 (only as a grammarian's<br />

construction, not in the living language where it had coalesced with *kany!=kaññ!).<br />

Kanta<br />

Kanta1 [Sk. k!nta, pp. of k!meti] -- 1. (adj.) in special sense an attribute of worldly pleasure (cp. k!ma,<br />

k!magu*!): pleasant, lovely, enjoyable; freq. in form. i&&h! kant! man!p!, referring to the pleasures of the<br />

senses S i.245; ii.192; iv.60, 158, 235 sq.; v.22, 60, 147; A ii.66 sq.; M i.85; Sn 759; It 15; Vbh 2, 100, 337;<br />

b!la˚ (lovely in the opinion of the ignorant) Sn 399. D ii.265; iii.227 (ariya˚); J iii.264; v.447; with ref.<br />

to the fruit of action as giving pleasure: ˚phala Kvu 35, 211, PvA 277 (hatthi -- ) k˚ pleasing to elephants; of<br />

manta DhA i.163; of v"*! J vi.255, 262; DhA i.163. -- 2. beloved by, favourite of, charming J vi.255, 262;<br />

DhA i.163. -- 3. (n.) the beloved one, the husband J vi.370 (wrongly written kan tena); of a precious stone<br />

Miln 118; Sdhp 608, cp. suriya˚, canda˚ -- kant! (f.) the beloved one, the wife J v.295; kantena (instr.)<br />

agreeably, with kind words A ii.213; J v.486 (where poris!dassa kante should be read as poris!dassak'<br />

ante). -- a˚ undesired, disagreeable, unpleasant, in same form as kanta, e. g. D ii.192; in other combn J<br />

v.295; Vbh 100; Nett 180; PvA 193. -- akantena with unpleasant words A ii.213. -- kantatara compar. J<br />

iii.260. -- bh!va the state of being pleasant DA i.76; VvA 323.<br />

Kanta<br />

Kanta2 [pp. of kantati2, Sk. k%tta. kanta is analogy- form. after pres. kantati, regularly we should expect<br />

katta. See also avakanta. It may be simply misreading for katta, cp. Kern, Toev. under parikanta.] cut, cut<br />

out or off Th 2, 223 (˚salla=samucchinna -- r!g' -- !disalla ThA 179) cp. katta & pari˚.<br />

-- 186 --<br />

Kantati<br />

Kantati1 [Sk. k%*atti, *qert, cp. kata, & Lat. cratis, crassus, E. crate] to plait, twist, spin, esp. sutta' (thread)<br />

Vin iv.300; PvA 75; DhA iii.273; kapp!sa' A iii.295. Cp. pari˚.

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