The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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tiracch!na˚ low, common speech, comprising 28 kinds of conversational talk a bhikkhu should not indulge<br />

in, enumd in full at D i.7=178=iii.36 & passim (e. g. S v.419: corr. suddha˚ to yuddha˚!; A v.128=Nd2<br />

192); ref. to at A iii.256; v.185; J i.58; Pug 35. Similarly in g!ma˚ Sn 922; vigg!hik! k. A iv.87; Sn 930.<br />

Ten good themes of conversation (kath! -- vatth(ni) are enumd at M iii.113=A iii.117=iv.357=v.67; Miln<br />

344; similarly dhamm" kath! A ii.51; iv.307; v.192; Sn 325; pavattan" k. A i.151; yutta kath!ya' Sn 826;<br />

sammodan"y! k. in salutation formula s˚' k˚' s!ra*"ya' v"tis!retv! D i.52, 108, etc.; A v.185; Sn 419, pp.<br />

86, 93, 107, 116. -- 2. speech, sermon, discourse, lecture Vin i.203, 290 (˚' karoti to discuss); A iii.174; iv.<br />

358. Freq. in anupubbi˚ a sermon in regular succession, graduated sermon, discussing the 4 points of the<br />

ladder of "holiness," viz. d!nakath!, s"la˚, sagga˚, magga˚ (see anupubba) Vin i.15; A iii.184; iv.186, 209,<br />

213; DhA i.6; VvA 66. -- 3. a (longer) story, often with vitth!ra˚ an account in detail, e. g. PvA 19. b!hira˚<br />

profane story KhA 48. -- 4. word, words, advice: ˚' ga*h!ti to accept an advice J ii.173; iii.424. -- 5.<br />

explanation, exposition, in a&&ha˚ (q. v.), cp. gati˚ Ps ii.72. -- 6. discussion, in ˚vatthu (see below) Mhvs 5,<br />

138. -- dukkath! harmful conversation or idle talk A iii. 181; opp. su˚ A iii.182. -- katha' va..heti "to<br />

increase the talk," to dispute sharply J i.404; v.412. ˚' samu&&h!peti to start a conversation J i.119; iv. 73. --<br />

At the end of cpds. (as adj.) ˚kath! e. g. chinna˚ Sn 711; &hita˚ DA i.73; madhura˚ J iii.342; vi.255. --<br />

âbhiññ!*a recollection due to speech Miln 78, 79. -- ojja (k˚ -- udya, to vad) a dispute, quarrel Sn 825, 828.<br />

-- dhamma a topic of conversation DA i.43. -- nigghosa the sound of praise, flattery J ii.350. -- pavatti the<br />

course of a conversation J i.119; DhA i.249; Mhbv 61. -- p!bhata subject of a conversation, story J i.252,<br />

364. -- b!hulla abundance of talk, loquacity A iv.87. -- magga narrative, account, history J i.2. -- rasa the<br />

sweetness of (this) speech Miln 345. -- vatthu 1. subject of a discourse or discussion, argument M i.372;<br />

ii.127, 132. <strong>The</strong>re are 10 enumd at A iv.352, 357 (see kath!) and at Vism 19 as qualities of a kaly!*a --<br />

mitta, referred to at A v.67, 129; Vism 127; DhA iv.30. Three are given at D iii.220=A i.197. ˚kusala well<br />

up in the subjects of discussion VvA 354. -- 2. N. of the fifth book of the Abhidhamma Pi&aka, the seven<br />

constituents of which are enumd at var. places (e. g. DA i.17; Mhbv 94, where Kvu takes the 3rd place), see<br />

also J.P.T.S. 1882, 1888, 1896. -- samu&&h!na the arising of a discussion Mhvs 5, 138. -- samu&&h!pana<br />

starting a conversation J i.119; iii.278; DhA i.250. -- sampayoga conversational intercourse A i.197. --<br />

sall!pa talk, conversation Vin i.77; D i.89 sq., 107 sq.; ii.150; M i.178; A ii.197; v.188; Ud 40; J ii.283;<br />

Miln 31; DA i.276 (expld as kathanapa&ikathana); DhA ii.91 (˚' karoti) VvA 153.<br />

Kath!peti<br />

Kath!peti Caus. ii. of katheti (q. v.).<br />

Kath!lik!<br />

Kath!lik!(f.) [fr. kuth, to boil] kettle, cooking pot; in da*.a˚ (a pot with a handle) Vin i.286 (v. l.<br />

kath!laka), and meda˚ A iv. 377; DhA ii. 179.<br />

Kathika<br />

Kathika (adj.) ( -- ˚) [fr. kath!, cp. Sk. kathaka] relating, speaking, conversing about, expounding, in cpds.<br />

citta˚ Th 2, 449 (cp. citra -- kathin); (a) tiracch!na˚ A iv.153; dhamma˚ J i.148; iii.342; iv.2 (˚thera); vi.255<br />

(mah!˚); as noun a preacher, speaker, expounder A iii.174; Mhvs 14, 64 (mah!˚).<br />

Kathik!<br />

Kathik! (f.) [fr. last?] agreement Dpvs 19, 22; see katik!.<br />

Kathita<br />

Kathita [pp. of katheti, cp. Sk. kathita] said, spoken, related J ii.310; iv.73; v.493. su˚ well said or told J.<br />

iv.73. As nt. with instr. J iv.72 (tena kathita' the discourse (given) by him).

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