The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Opatati [o + pat] to fall or fly down (on), to fall over (w. acc.) J ii.228 (lok!misa' ˚anto); vi.561 (˚itv! ger.);<br />

Miln 368, 396. -- pp. opatita.<br />

Opatita<br />

Opatita [pp. of opatati] falling (down) PvA 29 (udaka; v. l. ovu)hita, opalahita; context rcads at PvA 29<br />

mah!sobbhehi opatitena udakena, but id. p. at KhA 213 reads mah!sobbha -- sannip!tehi).<br />

Opatta<br />

Opatta (adj.) [o + patta, Sk. avapattra] with leaves fallen off, leafless (of trees) J iii.495 (opatta = avapatta<br />

nippatta patita -- patta C.).<br />

Opadhika<br />

Opadhika (adj.) [fr. upadhi. BSk. after the P., aupadhika Divy 542] forming a substratum for rebirth<br />

(always with ref. to puñña, merit). Not with Morris, J. P.T.S. 1885, 38 as "exceedingly great"; the correct<br />

interpretation is given by Dhp!la at VvA 154 as "atta -- bh!va -- janaka pa&isandhi -- pavatti -- vip!ka --<br />

d!yaka". -- S i.233 = A iv.292 = Vv 3421; It 20 (v. l. osadhika), 78.<br />

Opanayika<br />

Opanayika (adj.) [fr. upaneti, upa + n"] leading to (Nib- b!na) S iv.41 sq., 272, 339; v.343; A i.158; ii.198;<br />

D iii.5; Vism 217.<br />

Opapakkhi<br />

Opapakkhi in phrase ˚' karoti at A i.188 read opakkhi' karoti to deprive of one's wings, to render<br />

powerless.<br />

Opapaccayika<br />

Opapaccayika (adj.) [= opap!tika] having the character- istic of being born without parents, as deva Nett 28<br />

(up!d!na).<br />

Opap!tika<br />

Opap!tika (adj.) [fr. upapatti; the BSk. form is a curious distortion of the P. form, viz. aupap!duka Av. -<br />

ii.89; Divy 300, 627, 649] arisen or reborn without visible cause (i. e. without parents), spontaneous rebirth<br />

(Kvu trsl. 2832), apparitional rebirth (Cpd. 1654, q. v.) D i.27, 55, 156; iii.132, 230 (˚yoni), 265; M i.34,<br />

73, 287, 401 sq., 436 sq, 465 sq.; ii.52; iii.22, 80, 247; S iii.206, 240 sq., 246 sq.; iv.348; v.346, 357 sq.,<br />

406; A i.232, 245, 269; ii.5, 89, 186; iv.12, 226, 399, 423 sq.; v. 265 sq., 286 sq., 343 sq.; Pug 16, 62, 63;<br />

Vbh 412 sq.; Miln 267; Vism 552 sq., 559; DA i.165, 313. <strong>The</strong> C. on M i.34 explns. by "sesa -- yoni --<br />

pa&ikkhepa -- vacana' eta'". See also Pug. A 1, § 40.<br />

Opap!tin<br />

Opap!tin (adj.) = opap!tika, in phrase opap!tiy! (for opap!tiniy!?) iddhiy! at S v.282 (so read for T.<br />

opap!ti ha?) is doubtful reading & perhaps best to be omitted altogether.<br />


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