The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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permeating the atmosphere). This meaning is more pronounced in !k!sa. -- 2. "visibility", i. e. appearance,<br />

as adj. looking like, appearing. This meaning closely resembles & often passes over into meaning 3, e. g.<br />

katok!sa kamma when the k. makes its appearance = when its chance or opportunity arises PvA 63; ok!sa'<br />

deti to give one's appearance, i. e. to let any one see, to be seen by (dat.) PvA 19. -- 3. occasion, chance,<br />

opportunity, permission, consent, leave A i.253; iv.449; J iv.413 (v!tassa o. natthi the wind has no access);<br />

SnA 547. -- In this meaning freq. in combn. with foll. verbs: (a) ok!sa' karoti to give permission, to admit,<br />

allow; to give a chance or opportunity, freq. with pañhassa veyy! -- kara*!ya (to ask a question), e. g. D<br />

i.51, 205; M ii.142; S iv 57. Vin i.114, 170; Nd1 487; PvA 222. -- Caus. ˚' karoti Vin ii.5, 6, 276;<br />

Caus. II. ˚' k!r!peti Vin i.114, 170. katok!sa given permission (to speak), admitted in audience,<br />

granted leave Sn 1031; VvA 65 (raññ!); anok!sakata without having got permission Vin i.114. -- (b)<br />

ok!sa' y!cati to ask permission M ii.123. -- (c) ok!sa' deti to give permission, to consent, give room J ii.3;<br />

VvA 138. (d) with bh(: anok!sa -- bh!va want of opportunity Sdhp 15; anok!sa -- bh(ta not giving (lit.<br />

becoming) an opportunity SnA 573. Elliptically for o. detha Yog!vacara's Man. 4 etc. -- âdhigama finding<br />

an opportunity D ii.214 sq.; A iv. 449. -- kamma giving opportunity or permission Sn p. 94 (˚kata allowed);<br />

Pv iv.111 (˚' karoti to give permission). -- matta permission Sn p. 94. -- loka the visible world (= manussa -<br />

- loka) Vism 205; VvA 29.<br />

Ok!sati<br />

Ok!sati [ava + k!$] to be visible; Caus. ok!seti to make visible, let appear, show S iv.290.<br />

Oki**a<br />

Oki**a [pp. of okirati; BSk. avak"r*a Divy 282; Jtm 3192] strewn over, beset by, covered with, full of J<br />

v.74, 370; PvA 86, 189 (= otata of Pv iii.33).<br />

Okira*a<br />

Okira*a [o + kira*a] casting out (see the later avakirati2), only as adj. -- f. okirin" (okilin" through dialect.<br />

variation) a cast -- out woman (cast -- out on acct of some cutaneous disease), in double combn. okilin"<br />

okirin" (perhaps only the latter should be written) Vin iii.107 = S ii.260 (in play of words with avakirati1).<br />

Bdhgh's allegorical expln. at Vin iii.273 puts okilin" = kilinnasar"r!, okiri*" = ang!rapariki**a. Cp. kir!ta.<br />

Okirati<br />

Okirati [o + kirati] -- 1. to pour down on, pour out over M i.79; aor. okiri Vin iii.107 = S ii.260; Pv ii.38;<br />

PvA 82. -- 2. to cast -- out, reject, throw out: see okira*a. pp. oki**a (q. v.). -- Caus. II. okir!peti to<br />

cause to pour out or to sprinkle over Vism 74 (v!lika').<br />

Okilin"<br />

Okilin" see okira*a.<br />

Oko&imaka<br />

Oko&imaka (adj.) [o + ko&i + mant + ka. Ava in BSk., in formula durvar*a durdar$ana avako&imaka Sp. Av.<br />

- i. 280. Kern (note on above passage) problematically refers it to Sk. avak(&ara = vair(pya (P!*ini v.2,<br />

30). <strong>The</strong> Commentary on S i.237 explns. by mahodara (fat -- bellied) as well as laku*&aka (dwarf); Pug A<br />

227 expls. by laku*&aka only] lit. "having the top lowered", with the head squashed in or down, i. e. of<br />

compressed & bulging out stature; misshapen, deformed, of ugly shape (Mrs. Rh. D. trsls hunchback at S<br />

i.94, pot -- bellied at S i.237; Warren, Buddhism p. 426 trsls. decrepit). It occurs only in one stock phrase,<br />

viz. dubba**a dud -- das(s)ika oko&imaka "of bad complexion, of ugly appearance and dwarfed" at Vin<br />

ii.90 = S i.94 = A i.107 = ii.85 = iii.285 sq. = Pug 51. <strong>The</strong> same also at M iii.169; S i.237; ii.279; Ud 76.

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