The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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cchada "breast cover", breast plate (for ornament) Vin ii.10; J iv.3; v.215, 409; vi.480; ThA 253. -- tt!)i<br />

beating one's breast (as a sign of mourning & sorrow) M i.86, 136; A ii.188; iii.54, 416; iv.293; PvA 39. --<br />

tthala the breast A ii.174.<br />

Urabbha<br />

Urabbha [Sk. urabhra, with ul! & ura*a to be compared with Gr. a)rh/n wether, cp. Hom. ei)=ros wool; Lat.<br />

vervex; Ags. waru = E. ware (orig. sheepskins) = Ger. ware. Here also belongs P. ur!*"] a ram D i.127; A<br />

i.251 sq.; ii.207; iv.41 sq.; J v.241; Pug 56; DA i.294; DhA ii.6. See also orabbhika.<br />

Ur!*"<br />

Ur!*" (f.) [or ura*"?, f. of ura*a, see urabbha] an ewe J v.241 (= ur!*ik! C.); v. l. ura*" & ura*ik!.<br />

Uru<br />

Uru (adj.) [cp. Av. ravah space; Gr. eu)rus wide; Lat. r(s free or wide space, field; Idg. *ru, *uer wide, to<br />

which also Goth. r(ms space = Ags. r(m, E. room, Ger. raum] wide, large; excellent, eminent J v.89; Miln<br />

354; Sdhp 345, 592. -- pl. ur( sands, soil J v.303.<br />

Urund!<br />

Urund! (f.) [ura + und!?] freedom of the chest, free breathing, relief D ii.269 (v. l. uruddh! perhaps<br />

preferable, for ura + uddharana lifting or raising the chest).<br />

Ur()hava<br />

Ur()hava (adj.) [doubtful, prob. for ur()havant, with affix vant to a pp. formed with ud˚. <strong>The</strong> word is taken<br />

by Kern, Toev. s. v. as ud -- ()ha of vah (with d for r). <strong>The</strong> well accredited (and older) variant ubbu)hav! is<br />

expld. (see Kern, s. v.) as pp. of ud + b%h2, cp. upabr(hana. Perhaps we have to consider this as the<br />

legitimate form ur()hava as its corruption. Morris, J. P.T.S. 1887, 141 takes ur()hav! as ud + r()ha, pp. of<br />

ruh (with r. for rr = dr), thus "overgrown"] large, bulky, immense; great, big, strong. Only in one stock<br />

phrase "n!go is!danto ur()havo" Vv 209, 439; J vi.488; of which variant n. ". ubbu)hav! M i.414 = 450.<br />

<strong>The</strong> word is expld. at J vi.488 by "ubb!hana -- samattha"; at VvA 104 (pl. ur!")hav!) by "th!majava --<br />

parakkamehi by(hanto (v. l. brahmanto) mahanta' yuddha -- kicca' vahitu' samatth! ti attho". <strong>The</strong> BSk.<br />

udviddha (Divy 7) may possibly be a corruption of ubb()ha.<br />

Ulati<br />

Ulati is a commentator's invention; said to be = gacchati to go Vism 60 (in definition of pa'su -- k(la;<br />

pa'su viya kucchita -- bh!va' ulat" ti pa'su -- k(la').<br />

Ul(ka<br />

Ul(ka [Sk. ul(ka; cp. Lat. ulucus & ulula owl, ulul!re to howl, Ger. uhu; onomat. *ul, as in Gr. o)lolu/zw,<br />

Sk. ululi, Lith. ulEti] an owl Vin i.186 (˚camma, sandals of owl's skin); iii.34; A v.289 sq.; J ii.208, 352 (as<br />

king of the birds); Miln 403; DhA i.50 (k!ka˚ crows & owls). -- pakkha owls' wings (used as dress) Vin<br />

i.305; D i.167. -- pakkhika dress of owls' wings, or owl feathers A i.241, 296; ii.206; Pug 55 (= ul(ka --<br />

patt!ni ganthetv! kata -- niv!sana' Pug A 233).<br />


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