The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Upar!j! [upa + r!j!; see upa 5] a secondary or deputy king, a viceroy J i.504; ii.316; DhA i.392.<br />

Upari<br />

Upari (indecl.) [Vedic upari, der. fr. upa, Idg. *uper(i); Gr. uper, Lat. s -- uper; Goth. ufar, Ohg. ubir = Ger.<br />

über E. over; Oir. for] over, above (prep. & prefix) 1. (adv.) on top, above (opp. adho below) Vin iv.46<br />

(opp. he&&h!); J vi.432; KhA 248 (= uddha'; opp. adho); SnA 392 (abtimukho u. gacchati explaining<br />

paccuggacchati of Sn 442); PvA 11 (he&&h! manussa -- sa*&h!na' upari s(kara -- s˚), 47 (upari chatta'<br />

dh!riyam!na), 145 (sabbattha upari upon everything). -- 2. (prep. w. gen) with ref. either to space = on top<br />

of, on, upon, as in kassa upari s!po patissati on whom shall the curse fall? DhA i 41; attano u. patati falls<br />

upon himself PvA 45; etiss! upari kodho anger on her, i. e. against her VvA 68; or to time = on top of,<br />

after, later, as in catunna' m!s!na' upari after 4 months PvA 52 (= uddha' cat(hi m!sehi of Pv i.1012);<br />

sattanna' vassa -- sat!na' upari after 700 years PvA 144. 3. (adv. in compn., meaning "upper, higher,<br />

on the upper or top side", or "on top of", if the phrase is in loc. case. See below. -- cara walking in the air,<br />

suspended, flying J iii.454. -- p!s!da the upper story of a palace, loc. on the terrace D i.112 (loc.); PvA 105,<br />

279. -- pi&&hi top side, platform Vin ii 207 (loc). -- bhaddaka N. of a tree [either Sk. bhadraka Pinus<br />

Deodara, or bhadra Nauclea Cadamba, after Kern, Toev. s. v.] J vi.269. -- bh!ga the upper part; used in<br />

instr., loc or aor. in sense of "above, over,<br />

-- 146 --<br />

beyond" J iv.232 (instr.). -- bh!va higher state or condition M i.45 (opp. adh˚). -- mukha face upwards DA<br />

i. 228; Pug A 214. -- vasana upper garment PvA 49. -- v!ta higher than the wind, loc. on the wind J ii.11; or<br />

in ˚passe (loc.) on the upper (wind -- ) side DhA ii.17. -- vis!la extended on top, i. e. of great width, very<br />

wide J iii.207. -- veh!sa high in the air (˚ -- ), in ˚ku&" a lofty or open air chamber, or a room in the upper<br />

story of the Vih!ra Vin iv.46 (what the C. means by expln. majjhimassa purisassa as"sa -- gha&&! "not<br />

knocking against the head of a middle -- (sized) man" is not quite clear). -- sacca higher truth PvA 66 (so<br />

read for upari sacca).<br />

Upari&&ha<br />

Upari&&ha (adj.) [superl. formation fr. upari in analogy to se&&ha] highest, topmost, most excellent Th 1, 910.<br />

Cp. next.<br />

Upari&&hima<br />

Upari&&hima (adj) [double -- superl. formation after analogy of se&&ha, pacchima & he&&hima: he&&h!] =<br />

upari&&ha & uparima Dhs 1016, 1300, 1401; Pug 16, 17 (sañyojan!ni = uddha'bh!giya -- sañyojan!ni Pug<br />

A 198).<br />

Uparima<br />

Uparima (adj.) [upari + ma, superl. formation] uppermost, above, overhead D iii.189 (dis!); Nett 88. Cp.<br />

upari&&hima.<br />

Upariya<br />

Upariya (adv.) [fr. upari] above, on top, in compd. he&&h˚ below and above Vism 1.<br />


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