The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Upanti<br />

Upanti (adv.) [upa + anti] near, before, in presence of J iv.337.<br />

Upantika<br />

Upantika (adj.) [upa + antika] nt. acc. ˚' near J iv.337; v.58 (with gen.); vi.418 (so read for ˚!); loc. ˚e near<br />

or quite near Pv ii.915 (= sam"pe gehassa PvA 120).<br />

Upapacciyati<br />

Upapacciyati see uppaccati.<br />

Upapajjati<br />

Upapajjati [doubtful whether a legitimate form as upa + pad or a diaeretic form of uppajjati = ud + pad. In<br />

this case all passages ought to go under the latter. Trenckner however (Notes 77) defends upa˚ & considers<br />

in many cases upp˚ a substitution for upa. <strong>The</strong> diaeresis may be due to metre, as nearly all forms are found<br />

in poetry. <strong>The</strong> v. l. upp˚ is apparently frequent; but it is almost impossible to distinguish between upap˚ and<br />

upp˚ in the Sinhalese writing, and either the scribe or the reader may mistake one for the other] to get to, be<br />

reborn in (acc.); to originate, rise Vin iii.20 (niraya'); A iii.415; v.292 sq.; Sn 584; It 13 (niraya'), 14<br />

(sugati'; v. l. upp˚), 67 (sagga' loka'; v. l. upp˚); 43 = Dh 307 (niraya'); Dh 126, 140; Pv i.107 (v.l. BB.<br />

udapajjatha = uppajja PvA 50); Pug 16, 51, 60; Nett 37, 99, cp. Kvu 611 sq. pp. upapann! (q. v.). --<br />

Caus. upap!deti & pp. upap!dita (q. v.).<br />

Upapatti<br />

Upapatti [fr. upa + pad, cp. uppatti] -- 1. birth, re- birth, (lit. attainment) M i.82; S iii.53; iv.398; A v. 289<br />

sq.; Sn 139, 643, 836; Dh 419 (satt!na'); in var. specifications as: deva˚ rebirth among gods PvA 6, 81;<br />

devaloka˚ A i.115; k!ma˚ existence in the sensuous universe D iii.218; It 94; ar(pa˚ in the formless spheres<br />

Vbh 172, 267, 296; r(pa˚, in the world of form Vbh 171 sq., 263 sq.; 299; niraya˚ in Purgatory PvA 53. <br />

2. occasion, opportunity (lit. "coming to"); object for, in d!na˚ objects suitable for gifts A iv.239 (where 8<br />

enumd., see d!na). -- deva a god by birth (or rebirth) VvA 18; also given as uppatti -- deva, e. g. at KhA<br />

123. See detail under deva.<br />

Upapattika<br />

Upapattika ( -- ˚) (adj.) [fr. upapatti] belonging to a birth or rebirth; in peta˚ born as a Peta PvA 119. -- Cp.<br />

upap!tika.<br />

Upapanna<br />

Upapanna [pp. of upapajjati] -- 1. ( -- ˚) possessed of, having attained, being furnished with Sn 68 (th!ma --<br />

bala), 212, 322, 1077 (ñ!*a˚, cp. Nd2 266b and uppanna -- ñ!*a). 2. reborn, come to existence in (with<br />

acc.) S i.35 (Aviha', expld. by C. not quite to the point as "nipphattivasena upagata", i. e. gone to A, on<br />

account of their perfection. Should we read uppanna?) A v.68.<br />

Upaparikkha*a<br />

Upaparikkha*a (nt.) = upaparikkh! VvA 232.<br />


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