The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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v.396; Dpvs ii.16; PvA 19, 20. -- aor. upa&&hahi PvA 14, 42, 82. -- inf. upa&&h!tu' A v.72; PvA 20. -- ger.<br />

upa&&hahitv! PvA 76. -- grd. upa&&h!tabba Vin i.302; PvA 20. -- pp. upa&&hita (q. v.). -- 2. (intrs.) to stand<br />

out or forth, to appear, to arise, occur, to be present M i.104 sq.; A iv.32; J iv.203 (mante anupa&&hahante<br />

since the spell did not occur to him); v.207; Miln 64; ThA 258. aor. upa&&h!si J i.61; iv.3; PvA 42. --<br />

Caus. I. upa&&heti; Caus. II. upa&&hapeti & ˚&&h!peti (q. v.). -- Pass. upa&&h"yati J iv.131 (ppr. ˚&&hiyam!na), &<br />

upa&&hah"yati A iii.94 (ppr. ˚&&hahiyam!na).<br />

Upa&&h!ka<br />

Upa&&h!ka [fr. upa + sth!, cp. BSk. upasth!ka M Vastu i.251, and upasth!yaka Divy 426; Av. -. i.214; ii.85,<br />

112.] a servitor, personal attendant, servant, "famulus". 4nanda was the last u. of Gotama Buddha (see D<br />

i.206; Th 1, 1041 f.; ThA in Brethren loc. cit.; Vin i.179 (S!gato u.), 194; ii.186; iii.66; iv.47; D i.150<br />

(N!gita); S iii.113; A i.121; iii.31, 189; J i 15, 100 (a merchant's); ii.416; Pug 28; DhA ii.93; VvA 149;<br />

PvA 211. -- agg˚ main follower, chief attendant D ii.6; gil!n˚ an attendant in sickness, nurse Vin i.303; A<br />

i.26; sangh˚ one who looks after the community of Bhikkhus Vin i.216; A i.26; iii.39. -- dupa&&h!ka &<br />

supa&&h!ka a bad (& good) attendant Vin i.302. -- kula a family entertaining (or ministering to) a thera or a<br />

bhikkhu, a family devoted to the service of (gen.) Vin i.83 (S!riputtassa), 213; iii.62, 66, 67; iv.283, 286;<br />

VvA 120.<br />

Upa&&h!na<br />

Upa&&h!na (nt.) [fr. upa + sth!] -- 1. attendance, waiting on, looking after, service, care, ministering A i.151,<br />

225; Sn 138; J i.226, 237, 291; ii.101; iv.138; vi.351. Ps i.107; ii.7 sq., 28, 230; PvA 104, 145<br />

(paccekabuddhassa), 176; VvA 75 (ther˚); Sdhp 560. -- 2. worship, (divine) service D iii.188 sq. (˚'<br />

gacchati); PvA 122. Buddh˚ attendance on a Buddha PvA 93; ThA 18. 3. a state room J iii.257. --<br />

sambh!ra means of catering, provisions PvA 20. -- s!l! hall for attendance, assembly room, chapel [cp.<br />

BSk. upasth!na -- $!l! Divy 207] Vin i.49, 139; ii.153, 208; iii. 70 (at Ves!l"); iv.15, 42; D ii.119 (at<br />

Ves!l"); S ii.280; v.321; A ii.51, 197; iii.298; DhA i.37, 38; iii.413.<br />

Upa&&h!pana<br />

Upa&&h!pana (nt.) [fr. upa + sth!] attendance, service Vin iv. 291.<br />

Upa&&hita<br />

Upa&&hita [pp. of upa&&hahati or upati&&h!ti, cp. BSk. upa- sthita Divy 281, 342] -- 1. furnished provided,<br />

served, got ready, honoured with Sn 295 (˚asmi' yaññasmi'); J v.173 (annena p!nena); Pv i.52 (= sajjita<br />

pa&iyatta PvA 25); ii.98 (= payirup!sita PvA 116); PvA 132. 2. come, come about, appeared, arrived;<br />

present, existing Sn 130 (bhattak!le upa&&hite when mealtime has come), 898; Dh 235; Miln 274; PvA 124<br />

(d!nak!le ˚e). 3. standing up (ready), keeping in readiness M i.77; A ii.206; Sn 708 (= &hito C.); Pv<br />

ii.953 (ready for service, serving, waiting upon cp. PvA 135. -- sati with ready attention, one whose<br />

attention is fixed, concentrated Vin i.63; D iii.252, 282; S iv.186; A iii. 251; Pug 25.<br />

Upa&&heti<br />

Upa&&heti [Caus. of upa&&hahati] to make serve or attend; sakkacca' u. (with acc.) to bestow respect (upon)<br />

Vin iv.275. fut. ˚essati Vin iv.291. to place, fix (parimukha' sati' upa&&hapetv!) Vibh. 244.<br />

Upa.ayhati<br />

Upa.ayhati [upa + .ayhati] to be burnt up Miln 277.<br />


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