The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Uddhum!yana<br />

Uddhum!yana (nt.) [fr. uddhum!yati] puffing, blowing or swelling up J iv.37.<br />

Uddhum!yika<br />

Uddhum!yika (adj.) [cp. uddhum!yita] like blowing or swelling up, of blown -- up appearance M i.142 sq.<br />

Uddhum!yita<br />

Uddhum!yita [pp. of uddhum!yati] swollen, bloated, puffed up VvA 218.<br />

Udrabhati<br />

Udrabhati [? doubtful in form & etym.] to eat M i.306 (upacik! b"ja' na udrabheyyu'; vv. ll. on p. 555:<br />

udrah˚, udah˚, ud!h˚, uddhah˚, u&&hah˚; udraheyyun ti kh!deyyu' C. (udrabh!sane, Dh!tum.)). -- Note. <strong>The</strong><br />

Dh!tup!&ha, 212, and the Dh!tu -- mañj(s!, 311, explain udrabha by adane, eating.<br />

Udraya<br />

Udraya (& Uddaya) ( -- ˚) [perhaps a bastard form of uddaya = udaya yielding etc. <strong>The</strong> BSk. usually<br />

renders P. dd by dr. If so, then equal to adaya & uddaya1] coming forth, result, consequence. Usually in<br />

foll. two phrases: dukkh˚ (yielding pain) & sukh˚ (giving pleasure); e. g. as dukkh˚ at M i 415; J iv.398;<br />

v.119 (v. l. ˚indriya); Pv i.1110 (so read for T. ˚andriya, cp. undriyati as v. l. for ud!yati); Ps ii.79<br />

(kamma'); as sukh˚ at J v.389 (v. l. ˚indriya); DhA ii.47 (˚uddaya). Both dukkh˚ & sukh˚ at Ps i.80. Besides<br />

these in foll. combns.: ka&uk˚ causing bitterness J v.241; sa˚ with (good or evil) consequences S ii.29; M<br />

i.271.<br />

Udr"yati<br />

Udr"yati (& Udd"yati) [cp. Sk. ud d"ryate, Pass of ud + d%, d%*0ti, and P. darati & dalati; see also avad"yati<br />

which may be a Sanskritised odd"yati for udd"yati] to burst, split open, break, fall to pieces Vin i.148<br />

(vih!ro udriyati); ii 174 (id); iv.254 (i); D i.96 (˚"yissati = bhijjhissati DA i 96, so read for ud!yati); S i 113,<br />

119.<br />

Udr"yana & Udd"yana<br />

Udr"yana & Udd"yana (nt.) [fr. udr"yati] breaking or splitting open, bursting J i.72; DhA ii.7 (˚sadda), 100<br />

(pa&hav" -- udd"yana -- sadda; vv. ll. uddri˚, udri˚).<br />

Undura<br />

Undura [etym ?] a rat Vin i.209; ii.148, 152; iii.151; J i.120; Miln 23, 363. Spelt und(ra at Vism 62.<br />

Unna<br />

Unna [pp. of ud, unatti & undati, see udaka] in phrase p"ti -- vegen!unna "bubbling up with the excitement<br />

of joy", overflowing with joy Mhvs 19, 29 (expld. by uggatacitta i. e. lofty, exalted C.). -- It may however<br />

be better & more in keeping with P!li word -- formation as well as with meaning & interpretation to<br />

explain the word as ud + na, taking ˚na as abs. (base) -- form of nam, thus lit. "bent up", i. e. raised, high, in<br />

meaning of unnata. Cp. the exactly similar formation, use & meaning of ninna = ninnata. Thus unna / ninna<br />

would correspond to unnata / ninnata.

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