The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Ajjho&hapeti [adhi + ava + &hapeti, Caus. of sth!] to bring to PvA 148 (g!ma'), where we should read<br />

˚&&hapeti.<br />

Ajjhotthata<br />

Ajjhotthata [pp. of ajjhottharati] spread over; covered, filled; overcome, crushed, overpowered J i.363<br />

(ajjhotta&a), 410; v.91 (= adhipanna); DhA i.278; PvA 55; D!vs v.5.<br />

Ajjhottharati<br />

Ajjhottharati [adhi + ava + st%] to cover over, spread out, spread over, cover; to submerge, flood Vin i.111;<br />

J i.61, 72, 73; Miln 296, 336; Dh i.264; Pass. ˚tthariyati to be overrun with (instr.), to be smothered, to be<br />

flooded A iii.92 = Pug 67; aor. ajjhotthari VvA 48 (g!mapadeso: was flooded). pp. ajjhotthata (q. v.).<br />

Ajjhopanna<br />

Ajjhopanna (?) only found in one stock phrase, viz. gathita (q. v.) mucchita ajjhopanna with ref. to<br />

selfishness, greed, bonds of craving. <strong>The</strong> reading ajjhopanna is the lectio difficilior, but the accredited<br />

reading ajjhos!na seems to be clearer and to harmonize better with the cognate ajjhosita & ajjhos!na (n.) in<br />

the same context. <strong>The</strong> confusion between the two is old -- standing and hard to be accounted for. Trenckner<br />

under v. l. to M i.162 on p. 543 gives ajjhopanna as BB (= adhi -- opanna). <strong>The</strong> MSS. of Nd2 clearly show<br />

ajjhopanna as inferior reading, which may well be attributable to the very frequent SS substitution of p for s<br />

(see Nd2 Introd. xix.). Besides this mixture of vv. ll. with s and p there is another confusion between the<br />

vv. ll. ajjh!panna and ajjhopanna which adds to the complication of the case. However since the evidence<br />

of a better reading between these two preponderates for ajjhopanna we may consider the o as established,<br />

and, with a little more clearness to be desired, may in the end decide for ajjhos!na (q. v.), which in this case<br />

would have been liable to change through analogy with ajjh!panna, from which it took the ! and p. Cp. also<br />

ajjhosita. <strong>The</strong> foll. is a synopsis of readings as preferred or confused by the Ed. of the var. texts. -- 1.<br />

ajjhopanna as T. reading: M i.162, 173, 369; A i.74; ii.28; iii.68, 242; Md 75, 76; DA i.59; as v. l.: D i.245.<br />

2. ajjhos!na as v. l.: A i.74 (C. expls. ajjhos!ya gilitv! &hita); Nd2 under nissita & passim; Ud 75, 76<br />

(ajjhosanna); DA i.59 (id.). -- 3. ajjh!panna as T. reading: D i.245; iii.43, 46; S. ii.194, 270: iv.332<br />

(ajjhapa**a); A v.178, 181; Nd2 under nissita; Miln 401; as v. l.: M i.162; A iii.242; Ud 75, 76.<br />

Ajjhobhavati<br />

Ajjhobhavati [adhi + ava + bhu, Sk. abhi˚] to overcome, overpower, destroy J ii.80 (aor. ajjhobhavi =<br />

adhibhavi C.).<br />

Ajjhomaddati<br />

Ajjhomaddati [adhi + ava + m%d] to crush down A iv.191, 193.<br />

Ajjhomucchita<br />

Ajjhomucchita [pp. adhi + ava + m(rch, cp. adhimuccita] stiffened out (in a swoon), lying in a faint (?) A<br />

iii.57 sq. (v. l. ajjhomuñcïta or ˚muccita better: sar"re attached to her body, clinging to her b.).<br />

Ajjholambati<br />

Ajjholambati [adhi + ava + lamb] to hang or hold on to (acc.), to cling to S iii 137; M iii.164 = Nett 179,<br />

cp. Sdhp 284 & 296.

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