The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Ukk(la (adj.) [ud + k(la] sloping up, steep, high (opp. vikk(la) A i.35 sq.; Vism 153 (nadi); SnA 42. Cp.<br />

utk(lanik(la -- sama Lal. V. 340.<br />

Ukko&ana<br />

Ukko&ana (nt.) [fr. ud + *ku& to be crooked or to deceive, cp. kujja & ku&ila crooked] crookedness,<br />

perverting justice, taking bribes to get people into unlawful possessions (Bdhgh.) D i.5; iii.176; S v.473; A<br />

ii.209, v.206; DA i.79 = Pug A 240 ("ass!mike s!mike k!tu' lañcagaha*a'").<br />

Ukko&anaka<br />

Ukko&anaka (adj.) [fr. ukko&ana] belonging to the perversion of justice Vin ii.94.<br />

Ukko&eti<br />

Ukko&eti [denom. fr. *ukko& -- ana] to disturb what is settled, to open up again a legal question that has<br />

been adjudged, Vin ii.94, 303; iv.126; J ii.387; DA i.5.<br />

Ukkhali<br />

Ukkhali (˚l") (f.) [der. fr. Vedic ukha & ukh! pot, boiler; related to Lat. aulla (fr. *auxla); Goth. auhns oven]<br />

a pot in which to boil rice (& other food) J i.68, 235; v. 389, 471; Pug 33; Vism 346 (˚mukhava&&i), 356<br />

(˚kap!la, in comp.); DhA i.136; ii.5; iii.371; iv.130; Pug A 231; VvA 100. Cp. next.<br />

Ukkhalik!<br />

Ukkhalik! (f.) = ukkhali. Th 2, 23 (= bhatta -- pacana- bh!jana' ThA 29); DhA iv.98 (˚k!la); DhsA 376.<br />

Ukkh!<br />

Ukkh!(?) [can it be compared with Vedic uk+an?] in ukkha- sata' d!na', given at various times of the day<br />

(meaning = e(kato/mbh?) S ii.264 (v. l. ukk!). Or is it to be read ukh!sata' d. i. e. consisting of 100 pots (of<br />

rice = mah! dana'?). S A: pa*"tabhojana -- bharit!na' mah! -- ukkhalina' sata' d!na'. Cp. ukh! cooking<br />

vessel ThA 71 (Ap. v.38). Kern, Toev. under ukkh! trsl. "zeker muntstuck", i. e. kind of gift.<br />

Ukkhita<br />

Ukkhita [pp. of uk+ sprinkle] besmeared, besprinkled J iv.331 (ruhir˚, so read for ˚rakkhita). Cp. okkhita.<br />

Ukkhitta<br />

Ukkhitta [pp. of ukkhipati] taken up, lifted up, t.t. of the canon law "suspended" Vin iv.218; J iii.487. --<br />

˚!sika with drawn sword M i.377; S iv.173; J i.393; DhsA 329; Vism 230 (vadhaka), 479. -- paligha having<br />

the obstacles removed M i.139; A iii.84; Dh 398 = Sn 622 (= avijj! -- palighassa ukkhittat!ya u. SnA 467 =<br />

DhA iv.161). -- sira with uplifted head Vism 162.<br />

Ukkhittaka<br />

Ukkhittaka (adj. -- n.) [fr. ukkhitta] a bhikkbu who has been suspended Vin i.97, 121; ii.61, 173, 213.<br />


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