The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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na cira -- k!la -- &&h!yin anicca vipari*!ma -- dhamma PvA 60); DA i.195; PvA 60 (= paritta kha*ika). -- 2.<br />

small, inferior, poor, unreliable, mean M ii.47 (˚jacca of inferior birth); A ii.34; Sn 757 (= paritta<br />

paccupa&&h!na SnA 509); Miln 93, 114 (˚pañña of small wisdom). This meaning (2) also in BSk. itva%a, e.<br />

g. Divy 317 (d!na).<br />

Ittarat!<br />

Ittarat! (f.) [fr. ittara] changeableness Miln 93 (of a woman).<br />

Ittha<br />

Ittha (indecl.) [the regular representative of Vedic ittha here, there, but preserved only in cpds. while the<br />

P!li form is ettha] here, in this world (or "thus, in such a way"), only in cpd. ˚bh!v' aññath! -- bh!va such<br />

an (i. e. earthly) existence and one of another kind, or existence here (in this life) and in another form" (cp.<br />

itibh!va & itthatta) Sn 729, 740 = 752; It 9 (v. l. itthi˚ for iti˚) = A ii.10 = Nd2 172a; It 94 (v. l. ittha˚).<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is likely to have been a confusion between ittha = Sk. itth! & ittha' = Sk. ittha' (see next).<br />

Ittha'<br />

Ittha' (indecl.) [adv. fr. pron. base ˚i, as also iti in same meaning] thus, in this way D i.53, 213; D!vs iv.35;<br />

v.18. -- n!ma (itthan˚) having such as name, called thus, socalled Vin i.56; iv.136; J i.297; Miln 115; DhA<br />

ii.98. -- bh(ta being thus, of this kind, modal, only in cpd. ˚lakkha*a or ˚!khy!na the sign or case of<br />

modality, i. e. the ablative case SnA 441; VvA 162, 174; PvA 150.<br />

Itthatta<br />

Itthatta1 (nt.) [ittha + *tva', abstr. fr. ittha. <strong>The</strong> curious BSk. distortion of this word is icchatta M Vastu<br />

417] being here (in this world), in the present state of becoming, this (earthly) state (not "thusness" or "life<br />

as we conceive it", as Mrs. Rh. D. in K. S. i.177; although a confusion between ittha & ittha' seems to<br />

exist, see ittha); "life in these conditions" K. S. ii.17; expld. by itthabh!va C. on S i.140 (see K. S. 318). --<br />

See also freq. formula A of arahatta. -- D i.18, 84; A i.63; ii.82, 159, 203; Sn 158; Dhs 633; Pug 70, 71; DA<br />

i.112.<br />

-- 120 --<br />

Itthatta<br />

Itthatta2 (nt.) [itthi + *tva' abstr. fr. itthi] state or con- dition of femininity, womanhood, muliebrity Dhs<br />

633 (= itthi -- sabh!va DhsA 321).<br />

Itthi & Itth"<br />

Itthi & Itth" (f.) [Vedic stri, Av. str" woman, perhaps with Sk. s!tu1 uterus fr. Idg. ˚s" to sow or produce,<br />

Lat. sero, Goth. saian, Ohg. s!en, Ags. s!wan etc., cp. also Cymr. h"l progeny, Oir. s"l seed; see J. Schmidt,<br />

K. Z. xxv.29. <strong>The</strong> regular representative of Vedic str" is P. th", which only occurs rarely (in poetry &<br />

compn.) see th"] woman, female; also (usually as -- ˚) wife. Opp. purisa man (see e. g. for contrast of itthi<br />

and purisa J v.72, 398; Nett 93; DhA i.390; PvA 153). -- S i.33 (nibb!nass' eva santike), 42, 125 (majjhim˚,<br />

mah˚), 185; A i.28, 138; ii.115, 209; iii.68, 90, 156; iv.196 (purisa' bandhati); Sn 112, 769 (nom. pl. thiyo<br />

= itthi -- saññik! thiyo SnA 513); J i.286 (itthi doso), 300 (gen. pl. itthina'); ii.415 (nom. pl. thiyo); v.397<br />

(thi -- gh!taka), 398 (gen. dat. itthiy!), v.425 (nom pl. itthiyo); Vbh 336, 337; DA i.147; PvA 5, 44, 46, 67,<br />

154 (amanuss˚ of pet"s); Sdhp 64, 79. -- anitthi a woman lacking the characteristics of womanhood, an<br />

unfaithful wife J ii.126 (= ucchi&&h˚ C.); kul' -- itthi a wife of good descent Vin ii.10; A iii.76; iv.16, 19;<br />

dahar˚ a young wife J i.291; dur˚ a poor woman J iv.38. Some general characterisations of

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