The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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4yati (f.) [fr. ! + yam, cp. Sk. !yati] "stretching forth", extension, length (of time), future. Only (?) in acc.<br />

!yati' (adv.) in future Vin ii.89, 185; iii.3; Sn 49; It 115 (T. reads !yati but cp. p. 94 where T. !yati', v. l.<br />

!yati); J i.89; v.431; DA i 236.<br />

4yatika<br />

4yatika (adj.) [fr. last] future S i.142.<br />

4yatik!<br />

4yatik! (f.) [of !yataka] a tube, waterpipe Vin ii.123.<br />

4yatta<br />

4yatta [Sk. !yatta, pp. of ! + yat]. -- 1. striving, active, ready, exerted J v.395 (˚mana = ussukkamana C.).<br />

2. striven after, pursued J i.341. -- 3. dependent on Vism 310 (ass!sa -- pass!sa˚); Nett 194; Sdhp 477,<br />

605.<br />

4yan!<br />

4yan! (f.) [?] at DhsA 259 and Vism 26 is a grammarian's construction, abstracted from f. abstr. words<br />

ending in ˚!yan!, e. g. kankh! > kankh!yan!, of which the correct expln. is a derivation fr. caus. --<br />

formation kankh!yati > kankh!y + a + n!. What the idea of Bdhgh. was in propounding his expln. is hard to<br />

say, perhaps he related it to i and understood it to be the same as !y!na.<br />

4yamati<br />

4yamati [! + yam] to stretch, extend, stretch out, draw out Miln 176, usually in ster. phrase pi&&hi me<br />

!gil!yati tam aha' !yamiss!mi "my back feels weak, I will stretch it" Vin ii.200; D iii.209; M i.354; S<br />

iv.184; J i.491. Besides this in commentaries e. g. J iii.489 (mukha' !yamitu').<br />

4yasa<br />

4yasa (adj.) [Sk. !yasa, of ayas iron] made of iron S ii. 182; A iii.58; Dh 345; J iv.416; v.81; Vv 845 (an˚?<br />

cp. the rather strange expln. at VvA 335).<br />

4yasakya<br />

4yasakya (nt.) dishonour, disgrace, bad repute A iv.96; J v.17; VvA 110; usually in phrase ˚' p!pu*!ti to<br />

fall into disgrace Th 1, 292; J ii.33 = 271; iii.514. [Bdhgh. on A iv.96 explains it as ayasaka + ya with gu*a<br />

of the initial, cp. !rogya].<br />

4yasmant<br />

4yasmant (adj.) [Sk. !yu+mant, the P. form showing as- similation of u to a] lit. old, i. e. venerable; used,<br />

either as adj. or absolute as a respectful appellation of a bhikkhu of some standing (cp. the semantically<br />

identical thera ). It occurs usually in nom. !yasm! and is expld. in Nd by typical formula "piya -- vacana'<br />

garu˚, sag!rava -- sappa&issâdhivacana'", e. g. Nd1 140, 445; Nd2 130 on var. Sn loci (e. g. 814, 1032,<br />

1040, 1061, 1096). -- Freq. in all texts, of later passages see SnA 158; PvA 53, 54, 63, 78. -- See also<br />

!vuso.<br />


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