The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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4t!peti [! + t!peti] to burn, scorch; fig. to torment, in- flict pain, torture M i.341 (+ parit!peti); S iv.337;<br />

Miln 314, 315.<br />

4titheyya<br />

4titheyya (nt.) [fr. ati + theyya] great theft (?) A i.93; iv. 63 sq. (v. l. ati˚ which is perhaps to be prcferred).<br />

4tu<br />

4tu [dialectical] father M i.449 (cp. Trenckner's note on p. 567: the text no doubt purports to make the<br />

woman speak a sort of patois).<br />

4tuman<br />

4tuman [Vedic !tman, diaeretic form for the usual con- tracted attan; only found in poetry. Cp. also the<br />

shortened form tuman] self. nom. sg. !tumo Pv iv.52 (= sabh!vo PvA 259), !tum! Nd1 69 (!tum! vuccati<br />

att!), 296 (id.), & !tum!no Nd1 351; acc. !tum!na' Sn 782 (= att!na' SnA 521), 888, 918; loc. !tume Pv<br />

ii.1311 (= attani C.).<br />

4tura<br />

4tura (adj.) [Sk. !tura, cp. BSk. !tura, e. g. Jtm 3170] ill, sick, diseased; miserable, affected S iii.1 (˚k!ya);<br />

A i. 250; Sn 331; Vv 8314 (˚r(pa = abhitunna -- k!ya VvA 328); J i.197 (˚anna "food of the miserable", i. e.<br />

last meal of one going to be killed; C. expls. as mara*abhojana), 211 (˚citta); ii.420 (˚anna, as above);<br />

iii.201; v.90, 433; vi.248; Miln 139, 168; DhA i.31 (˚r(pa); PvA 160, 161; VvA 77; Sdhp 507. Used by<br />

Commentators as syn. of a&&o, e. g. at J iv.293; SnA 489. -- an!tura healthy, well, in good condition S iii.1;<br />

Dh 198.<br />

4thabba*a<br />

4thabba*a (nt.) [= athabba*a, q. v.] the Atharva Veda as a code of magic working formulas, witchcraft,<br />

sorcery Sn 927 (v. l. ath˚, see interpreted at Nd1 381; expld. as !thabba*ika -- manta -- ppayoga at SnA<br />

564).<br />

4thabba*ika<br />

4thabba*ika (adj. n.) [fr. athabbana] one conversant with magic, wonder -- worker, medicine -- man Nd1<br />

381; SnA 564.<br />

4dapeti<br />

4dapeti [Caus. of !d!ti] to cause one to take, to accept, agree to M ii.104; S i.132.<br />

4dara<br />

4dara [Sk. !dara, prob. ! + dara, cp. semantically Ger. ehrfurcht awe] consideration of, esteem, regard,<br />

respect, reverence, honour J v.493; SnA 290; DA i.30; DhsA 61; VvA 36, 61, 101, 321; PvA 121, 123, 135,<br />

278; Sdhp 2, 21, 207, 560. -- an!dara lack of reverence, disregard, disrespect; (adj.) disrespectful S i.96;<br />

Vin iv.218; Sn 247 (= !dara -- virahita SnA 290; DA i.284; VvA 219; PvA 3, 5, 54, 67, 257.<br />


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