The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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4cariya [fr. ! + car] a teacher (almost syn. with upajjh!ya) Vin i.60, 61, 119 (˚upajjh!ya); ii.231; iv.130<br />

(ga*o v! !cariyo a meeting of the bhikkhus or a single teacher, cp. f. !carin"); D i.103, 116 (ga*˚) 238<br />

(sattamâcariyamah!yuga seventh age of great teachers); iii.189 sq.; M iii.115; S i.68 (ga*˚), 177; iv.176<br />

(yogg˚); A i.132 (pubb˚); Sn 595; Nd1 350 (upajjh!ya v! !c˚); J ii.100, 411; iv.91; v.501; Pv iv.323, 351 (=<br />

!c!ra -- sam!c!ra -- sikkh!paka PvA 252); Miln 201, 262 (master goldsmith?); Vism 99 sq.; KhA 12, 155;<br />

SnA 422; VvA 138. For contracted form of !cariya see !cera. -- kula the clan of the teacher A ii.112. --<br />

dhana a teacher's fee S i.177; A v.347. -- p!cariya teacher upon teacher, lit. "teacher & teacher's teacher"<br />

(see !1 3b) D i.94, 114, 115, 238; S iv.306, 308; DA i.286; SnA 452 (= !cariyo c!eva !cariya -- !cariyo<br />

ca). -- bhariy! the teacher's fee J v.457; vi.178; DhA i.253. -- mu&&hi "the teacher's fist" i. e. close --<br />

fistedness in teaching, keeping things back, D ii.100; S v.153; J ii.221, 250; Miln 144; SnA 180, 368. --<br />

va'sa the line of the teachers Miln 148. -- vatta serving the teacher, service to the t. DhA i.92. -- v!da<br />

traditional teaching; later as heterodox teaching, sectarian teaching (opp. therav!da orthodox doctrine) Miln<br />

148; Dpvs v.30; Mhbv 96.<br />

4cariyaka<br />

4cariyaka [!cariya + ka, diff. from Sk. !cariyaka nt. art of teaching] a teacher Vin i.249; iii.25, 41; D i.88,<br />

119, 187; ii.112; M i.514; ii.32; S v.261; A ii.170; iv. 310. See also s!cariyaka.<br />

4c!ma<br />

4c!ma [Sk. !c!ma] the scum or foam of boiling rice D i.166; M i.78; A i.295; J ii.289; Pug 55; VvA 99 sq.;<br />

DhA iii.325 (˚ku*.aka).<br />

4c!meti<br />

4c!meti [for !cameti? cp. Sk. !c!mayati, Caus. of ! + cam] at M ii.112 in imper. !c!mehi be pleased or be<br />

thanked(?); perhaps the reading is incorrect.<br />

4c!ra<br />

4c!ra [! + car] way of behaving, conduct, practice, esp. right conduct, good manners; adj. ( -- ˚) practising,<br />

indulging in, or of such & such a conduct. -- Sn 280 (p!pa˚); J i.106 (vipassana˚); ii.280 (˚ariya); vi.52<br />

(ariya˚); SnA 157; PvA 12 (s"la˚), 36, 67, 252; Sdhp 441. -- an˚ bad behaviour Vin ii.118 (˚' !carati indulge<br />

in bad habits); DhA ii.201 (˚kiriy!). Cp. sam˚. -- kusala versed in good manners Dh 376 (cp. DhA iv.111). -<br />

- gocara pasturing in good conduct; i. e. practice of right behaviour D i.63 = It 118; M i.33; S v.187; A i.63<br />

sq.; ii.14, 39; iii.113, 155, 262; iv.140, 172, 352; v.71 sq., 89, 133, 198; Vbh 244, 246 (cp. Miln 368, 370,<br />

quot. Vin iii.185); Vism i.8. -- vipatti failure of morality, a slip in good conduct Vin i.171.<br />

4c!rin<br />

4c!rin (adj. n.) [fr. !c!ra] of good conduct, one who be- haves well A i.211 (an!c!r" virat! l. 4 fr. bottom is<br />

better read as !c!r" virato, in accordance with v. l.).<br />

4cikkhaka<br />

4cikkhaka (adj. n.) [! + cikkha + ka of cikkhati] one who tells or shows DhA i.71.<br />

4cikkhati<br />

4cikkhati [Freq. of ! + khy!, i. e. akkh!ti] to tell, relate, show, describe, explain D i.110; A ii 189 (attha' !<br />

to interpret); Pug 59; DhA i.14; SnA 155; PvA 121, 164 (describe). -- imper. pres. !cikkha Sn 1097 (=

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