The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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4gh!tana<br />

4gh!tana (nt.) [! + gh!ta(na), cp. !ghata which has changed its meaning] -- 1. slaying, striking, destroying,<br />

killing Th 1, 418, 711; death D i.31 (= mara*a DA i.119). 2. shambles, slaughter -- house Vin i.182<br />

(gav˚); A iv.138; J vi.113. -- 3. place of execution Vin iii.151; J i.326, 439; iii.59; Miln 110; DhA iv.52;<br />

PvA 4, 5.<br />

4gh!teti<br />

4gh!teti [Denom. fr. !gh!ta, in form = ! + gh!teti, but diff. in meaning] only in phrase citta' a. (with loc.)<br />

to incite one's heart to hatred against, to obdurate one's heart. Sdhp. 126 = S i.151 = A v.172.<br />

4camati<br />

4camati [! + cam] to take in water, to resorb, to rinse J iii.297; Miln 152, 262 (+ dhamati). -- Caus. I.<br />

!camcti (a) to purge, rinse one's mouth Vin ii.142; M ii. 112; A iii.337; Pv iv.153 (!camayitv! = mukha'<br />

vikkh!letv! PvA 241); Miln 152 (˚ayam!na). -- (b) to wash off, clean oneself after evacuation Vin ii.221. --<br />

Caus. II. !cam!peti to cause somebody to rinse himself J vi.8.<br />

4camana<br />

4camana (nt.) [! + camana of cam] rinsing, washing with water, used (a) for the mouth D i.12 (= udakena<br />

mukhasiddhi -- kara*a DA i.98); (b) after evacuation J iii 486. -- kumbh" water -- pitcher used for rinsing<br />

Vin i.49, 52; ii.142, 210, 222. -- p!duk! slippers worn when rinsing Vin i.190; ii.142, 222. -- sar!vaka a<br />

saucer for rinsing Vin ii.142, 221.<br />

4cam!<br />

4cam! (f.) [fr. ! + cam] absorption, resorption Nd1 429 (on Sn 945, which both in T. and in SnA reads<br />

!java; expld. by ta*h! in Nidd.). Note. Index to SnA (Pj iii) has !c!ma.<br />

-- 96 --<br />

4caya<br />

4caya [! + caya] heaping up, accumulation, collection, mass (opp. apacaya). See on term Dhs trsl. 195 &<br />

Cpd. 251, 252. -- S ii.94 (k!yassa !cayo pi apacayo pi); A iv.280 = Vin ii.259 (opp. apacaya); Dhs 642,<br />

685; Vbh 319, 326, 330; Vism 449; DhA ii.25. -- g!min making for piling up (of rebirth) A v.243, 276; Dhs<br />

584, 1013, 1397; Kvu 357.<br />

4carati<br />

4carati [! + aarati] -- 1. to practice, perform, indulge in Vin i.56; ii.118; Sn 327 (!care dhamma -- sandosa -<br />

- v!da'), 401; Miln 171, 257 (p!pa'). Cp. pp. !carita in BSk. e. g. Av. S i.124, 153, 213 in same meaning. -<br />

- pp. !ci**a. -- 2. to step upon, pass through J v.153.<br />

4carin<br />

4carin (adj. -- n.) [fr. ! + car] treaching, f. !carin" a female teacher Vin iv.227 (in contrast to ga*a & in<br />

same sense as !cariya m. at Vin iv.130), 317 (id.).<br />


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