The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Asmiye<br />

Asmiye 1 sg. ind. pres. med. of a$ to eat, in sense of a fut. "I shall eat" J v.397, 405 (C. bhuñjiss!mi). <strong>The</strong><br />

form is to be expld. as denom. formn. fr. -- !$a food, = a'siyati and with metathesis asmiyati. See also<br />

añhati which would correspond either to *a'$yati or a$n!ti (see asati).<br />

Assa<br />

Assa1 [for a'sa1, q. v. for etym.] shoulder; in cpd. assapu&a shoulder -- bag, knapsack i. e. a bag containing<br />

provisions, instr. assupu&ena with provisions. Later exegesis has interpreted this as a bag full of ashes, and<br />

vv. ll. as well as Commentators take assa = bhasma ashes (thus also Morris J P T S. 1893, 10 without being<br />

able to give an etymology). <strong>The</strong> word was already misunderstood by Bdhgh. when he explained the D"gha<br />

passage by bhasmapu&ena, s"se ch!rika' okiritv! ti attho DA i.267. After all it is the same as pu&a'sa (see<br />

under a'sa1). -- D i.98, cp. A ii.242 (v. l. bhasma˚); DA i.267 (v.l. bhassa˚).<br />

Assa<br />

Assa2 [for a'sa2 = Sk. a$ra point, corner, cp. Sk. a$ri, Gr. a)/kros & o)cu/s sharp, Lat. acer] corner, point;<br />

occurs only in cpd. caturassa four -- cornered, quadrangular, regular (of symmetrical form, Vin ii.316; J<br />

iv.46, 492; Pv ii.119. Perhaps also at Th 2, 229 (see under assa3). Occurs also in form catura'sa under<br />

catur).<br />

Assa<br />

Assa3 [Vedic a$va, cp. Av. asp0; Gr. i(/ppos, dial. i(/kkos; Lat. equus; Oir. ech; Gall. epo -- ; Cymr. ep,<br />

Goth. aíhva; Os. ehu; Ags. eoh] a horse; often mentioned alongside of and combd. with hatthi (elephant)<br />

Vin iii.6 (pañcamattehi assa -- satehi), 52 (enumd. under catuppad!, quadrupeds, with hatthi o&&ha go*a<br />

gadrabha & pasuka); A ii.207; v.271; Sn 769 (gavâssa). At Th ii.229 the commentary explains caturassa as<br />

2 four in hand 3; but the context shows that the more usual sense of caturassa (see assa2) was probably what<br />

the poet meant; Dh 94, 143, 144 (bhadra, a good horse), 380 (id.); Vv 203 (+ assatar"); VvA 78; DhA i.392<br />

(hatthi -- assâdayo); Sdhp 367 (du&&h˚). -- !j!niya [cp. BSk. a$v!j!neya Divy 509, 511] a thoroughbred<br />

horse, a blood horse A i.77, 244; ii.113 sq., 250 sq.; iii.248, 282 sq.; iv.188, 397; v.166, 323; PvA 216. See<br />

also !j!niya. -- âroha one who climbs on a horse, a rider on horseback, N. of an occupation "cavalry" D i.51<br />

(+ hatthâroha; expld. at DA i.156 by sabbe pi ass!cariyaassavejja -- assabha*.!dayo). -- ka**a N. of a tree,<br />

Vatica Robusta, lit. "horse -- ear" (cp. similarly Goth. aíhva -- tundi the thornbush, lit. horse -- tooth) J<br />

ii.161; iv.209; vi.528. -- khalunka an inferior horse ("shaker"), opp. sadassa. A i.287 = iv.397. -- tthara a<br />

horse cover, a horse blanket Vin i.192; D i.7 -- damma a horse to be tamed, a fierce horse, a stallion A<br />

ii.112; ˚s!rathi a horse trainer A ii. 112, 114; v.323 sq.; DhA iv.4. -- potaka the young of a horse, a foal or<br />

colt J ii.288. -- bandha a groom J ii. 98; v.449; DhA i.392. -- bha*.a (for ˚bandha? or should we read<br />

˚pa*.aka?) a groom or horse -- trainer, a trader in horses Vin i.85 (see on form of word Kern, Toev. p. 35).<br />

-- bha*.aka horse -- trappings J ii.113. -- ma*.ala circus Vism 308, cp. M i.446. -- ma*.alika exercising --<br />

ground Vin iii.6. -- medha N. of a sacrifice: the horse -- sacrifice [Vedic a$vamedha as Np.] S i.76 (v. l.<br />

sassa˚); It 21 (+ purisamedha); Sn 303. -- yuddha a horse -- fight D i.7. -- r(paka a figure of a horse, a toy<br />

horse DhA ii.69 (+ hatthi -- r(paka). -- lakkha*a (earning fees by judging) the marks on a horse D i.9. --<br />

la*.a horse -- manure, horsedung DhA iv.156 (hatthi -- la*.a +). -- v!*ija a horsedealer Vin iii.6. -- sadassa<br />

a noble steed of the horse kind A i.289 = iv.397 (in comparison with purisa˚).<br />

Assa<br />

Assa4 is gen. dat. sg. of aya', this.<br />


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