The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Arahati [Vedic arhati, etym. uncertain but cp. agghati] to be worthy of, to deserve, to merit (= Lat. debeo)<br />

Sn 431, 552 (r!j! arahasi bhavitu'); J i.262; Dh 9, 10, 230; Pv iii.66. -- ppr. arahant (q. v.). Cp. also adj.<br />

araha.<br />

Arahatta<br />

Arahatta1 (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. arahat˚, 2nd base of arahant in compn.: see arahant iv.2] the state or<br />

condition of an Arahant, i. e. perfection in the Buddhist sense = Nibb!na (S iv.151) final & absolute<br />

emancipation, Arahantship, the attainment of the last & highest stage of the Path (see magga & an!g!min).<br />

This is not restricted by age or sex or calling. <strong>The</strong>re is one instance in the Canon of a child having attained<br />

Arahantship at the age of 7. One or two others occur in the Comy ThA 64 (Sel!); PvA 53 (Sankicca). Many<br />

women Arahants are mentioned by name in the oldest texts. About 400 men Arahants are known. Most of<br />

them were bhikkhus, but A iii.451 gives the names of more than a score lay Arahants (cp. D ii.93 = S<br />

v.360, and the references in Dial. iii.5 n4). Arahatta' is defined at S iv.252 as r!ga -- kkhaya, dosa˚,<br />

moha˚. Descriptions of this state are to be found in the formulae expressing the feelings of an Arahant (see<br />

arahant ii.). Vin ii.254; D iii.10, 11, 255; A iii.34, 421, 430; v.209; Pug 73; Nett 15, 82; DA i.180, 188, 191;<br />

DhA ii 95; iv.193; PvA 14. -- Phrases: arahatta' sacchikaroti to experience Arahantship Vin ii.74; D i.229;<br />

arahatta' p!pu*!ti to attain or reach Arahantship (usually in aor. p!pu*i) J ii.229 ThA 64; DhA ii.49 (saha<br />

pa&isambhid!hi) 93 (id.); PvA 53, 54, 61, 233 & freq. elsewhere; cp. arahatt!ya pa&ipanna D iii.255; A<br />

i.120; iv.292 sq., 372 sq. -- gaha*a attainment of Arahantship DhA i.8. -- patta (& patti) one who has<br />

attained Ar. S i.196; v.273; A ii.157; iii.376; iv.235. -- phala the fruit of Ar. Vin i.39, 41, 293; iii.93; D<br />

iii.227, 277; S iii.168; v.44; A i.23, 45; iii.272; iv.276; Dhs 1017; Vbh 326. -- magga the Path of Ar. S i.78;<br />

A iii.391; DA i.224. -- vimokkha the emancipation of Ar. Nd2 19.<br />

Arahatta<br />

Arahatta2 in ˚gha&i see aragha&&a.<br />

-- 77 --<br />

Arahant<br />

Arahant (adj. -- n.) [Vedic arhant, ppr. of arhati (see arahati), meaning deserving, worthy]. Before<br />

Buddhism used as honorific title of high officials like the <strong>English</strong> 2 His Worship 3; at the rise of Buddhism<br />

applied popularly to all ascetics (Dial. iii.3 -- 6). Adopted by the Buddhis&s as t. t. for one who has attained<br />

the Summum Bonum of religious aspiration (Nibb!na). I. Cases nom. sg. araha' Vin i.9; D i.49; M i.245,<br />

280; S i.169; see also formula C. under ii., & arah! Vin i.8, 25, 26; ii.110, 161; D iii.255; It 95; Kh iv.; gen.<br />

arahato S iv.175; Sn 590; instr. arahat! S iii.168; DA i.43; acc. arahanta' D iii.10; Dh 420; Sn 644; Loc.<br />

arahantamhi Vv 212. -- nom. pl. arahanto Vin i.19; iv.112; S i.78, 235; ii.220; iv.123; gen. arahata' Vin<br />

iii.1; S i.214; Sn 186; It 112; Pv i.1112. Other cases are of rare occurrence. II. Formulae. Arahantship finds<br />

its expression in freq. occurring formulae, of which the standard ones are the foll.: A. kh"*! j!ti vusita'<br />

brahmacariya' kata' kara*"ya' nâpara' itthatt!ya "destroyed is (re -- ) birth, lived is a chaste life, (of a<br />

student) done is what had to be done, after this present life there is no beyond". Vin i.14, 35, 183; D i.84,<br />

177, 203; M i.139; ii.39; S i. 140; ii.51, 82, 95, 120, 245; iii.21, 45, 55, 68, 71, 90, 94, 195, 223; iv.2, 20,<br />

35, 45, 86, 107, 151, 383; v.72, 90, 144, 222; A i.165; ii.211; iii.93; iv.88, 179, 302; v.155, 162; Sn p. 16;<br />

Pug 61, etc. -- B. eko v(paka&&ho appamatto !t!p" pahitatto 2 alone, secluded, earnest, zealous, master of<br />

himself 3 D i.177; ii.153 & continued with A: S i.140, 161; ii.21; iii.36, 74; iv.64; v.144, 166; A i.282;<br />

ii.249; iii.70, 217, 301, 376; iv. 235. -- C. araha' kh"*!savo vusitav! katakara*"yo ohitabh!ro anupatta --<br />

sadattho parikkh"*a -- bhava -- saññojano sammad -- aññ! vimutto: D iii.83, 97; M i.4, 235; S i.71; iii.161,<br />

193; iv.125; v.145, 205, 273, 302; A i.144; iii.359, 376; iv.362, 369, 371 sq., It 38. D. ñ!*añ ca pana<br />

me dassana' udap!di akupp! me ceto -- vimutti aya' antim! j!ti natthi d!ni punabbhavo "there arose in me<br />

insight, the emancipation of my heart became unshake able, this is my last birth, there is now no rebirth for<br />

me: S ii.171; iii.28; iv.8; v.204; A i.259; iv.56, 305, 448. III. Other passages (selected) Vin i.8 (arah!<br />

s"tibh(to nibbuto), 9 (araha' Tath!gato Samm!sambuddho), 19 (ek!dasa loke arahanto), 20 (ekasa&&hi id.).

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