The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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imin! p˚ angena for that reason M ii.168. -- In compn. with verbs angi˚ (ang"˚): angigata having limbs or<br />

ports, divided DA i.313; cp. samangi ( -- bh(ta). -- j!ta "the distinguishing member", i. e. sign of male or<br />

female (see above 3); membrum virile and muliebre Vin i.191 (of cows); iii.20, 37, 205; J ii.359; Miln 124.<br />

-- paccanga one limb or the other, limbs great and small M i.81; J vi -- 20, used (a) collectively: the<br />

condition of perfect limbs, or adj. with perfect limbs, having all limbs Pv ii.1212 (= paripu**a -- sabbanga -<br />

- paccangavat" PvA 158); SnA 383; DhA i.390; ThA 288; Sdhp 83 fig. rathassa angapaccangan M i.395;<br />

sabbanga -- paccang!ni all limbs Miln 148. -- (b) distributively (cp. similar redupl. formations like<br />

chiddâvachidda, se&&hânu -- se&&hi, kha*.!kha*.a, cu**avicu**a) limb after limb, one limb after the other<br />

(like angamang!ni above 1), piecemeal M i.133 (˚e daseyya), 366; J i.20; iv.324 (chinditv!). -- paccangat!<br />

the condition or state of perfect limbs, i. e. a perfect body VvA 134 (suvisuddh˚). -- paccangin having all<br />

limbs (perfect) D i.34 (sabbanga -- peccang"); PvA 189. -- r!ga painting or rouging the body Vin ii.107 (+<br />

mukha˚). -- la&&hi sprout, offshoot ThA 226. -- v!ta gout Vin i.205. -- vijj! the art of prognosticating from<br />

marks on the body, chiromantics, palmistry etc. (cp. above 3) D i.9 (see expl. at DA i.93); J i.290 (˚!ya<br />

cheka clever in fortune -- telling); ˚ânubh!va the power of knowing the art of signs on the body J ii.200;<br />

v.284; ˚p!&haka one who in versed in palmistry etc. J ii.21, 250; v.458. -- vekalla bodily deformity DhA<br />

ii.26. -- sattha the science of prognosticating from certain bodily marks DA i.92. -- sambh!ra the<br />

combination of parts Miln 28 = S i.135; Miln 41. -- hetuka a species of wild birds, living in forests J vi.538.<br />

Anga*a<br />

Anga*a1 (nt.) [cp. Sk. anga*a & ˚na; to anga?] an open space, a clearing, Vin ii.218; J i.109 (= manuss!nan<br />

sañcara*a -- &&h!ne an!va&e bh(mibh!ge C.); ii.243, 290, 357; D!vs i.27. -- cetiy˚ an open space before a<br />

Chaitya Miln 366, DA i.191, 197; VvA 254. r!j˚ the empty space before the king's palace, the royal square<br />

J i.124, 152; ii.2; DhA ii.45. -- &&h!na a clearing (in a wood or park) J i.249, 421. -- pariyanta the end or<br />

border of a clearing J ii.200.<br />

Anga*a<br />

Anga*a2 [prob. to anj, thus a variant of añjana, q. v.]; a speck or freckle (on the face) A v.92, 94 sq. (+<br />

raja). Usually in neg. anangana (adj.) free from fleck or blemish, clear, (of the mind) (opp. sângana Sn<br />

279); D i.76; M i.24 sq.; 100 (+ raja); A ii.211; Sn 517 (+ vigata<br />

-- 7 --<br />

raja = anga*!nan abh!v! mal!nañ ca vigam! . . . SnA 427), 622 = Dh 125 (= nikkilesa DhA iii.34); Dh 236,<br />

351; Pug 60; Nett 87.<br />

Angada<br />

Angada [cp. Sk. angada; prob. anga + da that which is given to the limbs] a bracelet J v.9, 410 (citt˚, adj.<br />

with manifold bracelets).<br />

Angadin<br />

Angadin (adj.) [to angada] wearing a bracelet J v.9.<br />

Ang!ra<br />

Ang!ra (m. nt.) [Vedic ang!ra] charcoal, burning coal, embers A iii.97, 380, 407; J i.73; iii.54, 55; v.488;<br />

Sn 668; Sdhp 32. kul˚ the charcoal of the family, a squanderer S iv.324 (see under kula). -- ka&!ha a pot for<br />

holding burning coal, a charcoal pan DA i.261. -- kapalla an earthenware pan for ashes DhA i.260; Dhs A<br />

333; VvA 142. -- kammakara a charcoal burner J vi.209. -- k!su a charcoal pit M i.74, 365; Th 2, 491; J<br />

i.233; Sn 396; ThA 288; DhA i.442; Sdhp 208. -- pacchi a basket for ashes DhA iv.191. -- pabbata the

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