The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Aya<br />

Aya2 (fr. i, go) 1. income, in aya -- potthaka receipt book J i.2. -- 2. inlet (for water, aya -- mukha) D i.74;<br />

A ii. 166, iv.287.<br />

Aya'<br />

Aya' (pron.) [Sk. aya' etc., pron. base Idg. *i (cp. Sk. iha), f. *". Cp. Gr. i)n, min; Lat. is (f. ea, nt. id);<br />

Goth is, nt. ita; Ohg. er (= he), nt. ez (= it); Lith. jìs (he), f. jì (she).] demonstr. pron. "this, he"; f. aya'; nt.<br />

ida' & ima' "this, it" etc. This pron. combines in its inflection two stems, viz. as˚ (aya' in nom. m. & f.) &<br />

im˚ (id˚ in nom. nt.). I. Forms. A. (sg.) nom. m. aya' Sn 235; J i.168, 279; f. aya' [Sk. iya'] Kh vii.12; J<br />

ii.128, 133; nt. ida' Sn 224; J iii.53; & ima' Miln 46. acc. m. ima' J ii.160; f. ima' [Sk. "m!'] Sn 545,<br />

1002; J i.280. gen. dat. m. imassa J i.222, 279 & assa Sn 234, 1100; Kh vii.12 (dat.); J ii.158; f. imiss! J<br />

i.179 & ass! [Sk. asy!1] J i.290; DhA iii.172. instr. m. nt. imin! J i.279; PvA 80 & (peculiarly or perhaps<br />

for amun!) amin! Sn 137; f. im!ya [Sk. anay!] J i.267. <strong>The</strong> instr. anena [Sk. anena] is not proved in P!li.<br />

abl. asm! Sn 185; Dh 220; & imasm! (not proved). loc. m. nt. imasmi' Kh iii.; J ii. 159 & asmi' Sn 634;<br />

Dh 242; f. imiss! PvA 79 (or imissa'?) & im!ya' (no ref.). -- B. (pl.) nom. m. ime J i.221; Pv i.83; f. im!<br />

[Sk. im!1] Sn 897 & im!yo Sn 1122; nt. im!ni [= Sk.] Vin i.84. acc. m. ime [Sk. im!n] J i.266; ii.416; f.<br />

im! [Sk. im!1] Sn 429; J ii.160. gen. imesa' J ii.160 & esa' [Sk. e+!'] M ii.86, & es!na' M ii.154; iii.259;<br />

f. also !sa' J i.302 (= et!sa' C.) & im!sa'. instr. m. nt imehi J vi.364; f. im!hi. loc. m. nt. imesu [Sk. e+u] J<br />

i.307. II. Meanings (1) aya' refers to what is immediately in front of the speaker (the subject in question) or<br />

before his eyes or in his present time & situation, thus often to be trsld. by "before our eyes", "the present",<br />

"this here", "just this" (& not the other) (opp. para), viz. atthi imasmi' k!ye "in this our visible body" Kh<br />

iii.; yath! âya' pad"po "like this lamp here" Sn 235; aya' dakkhi*! dinn! "the gift which is just given<br />

before our eyes" Kh vii.12; ime p!d! ima' s"sa' aya' k!yo Pv i.83; asmi' loke paramhi ca "in this world &<br />

the other" Sn 634, asm! lok! para' loka' katha' pecca na socati Sn 185; cp. also Dh 220, 410; J i.168;<br />

iii.53. -- (2) It refers to what immediately precedes the present of the speaker, or to what has just been<br />

mentioned in the sentence; viz. ya' kiñci vitta' . . . idam pi Buddhe ratana' "whatever . . . that" Sn 224;<br />

ime divase these days (just gone) J ii.416; cp. also Vin i.84; Sn 429; J ii.128, 160. -- (3) It refers to what<br />

immediately follows either in time or in thought or in connection: dve ime ant! "these are the two extremes,<br />

viz." Vin i.10; aya' eva ariyo maggo "this then is the way" ibid.; cp. J i.280. (4) With a touch of (often<br />

sarcastic) characterisation it establishes a closer personal relation between the speaker & the object in<br />

question & is to be trsld. by "like that, such (like), that there, yonder, yon", e. g. imassa v!narindassa "of<br />

that fellow, the monkey" J i.279; cp. J i. 222, 307; ii 160 (imesa' satt!na' "creatures like us"). So also<br />

repeated as ayañ ca ayañ ca "this and this", "so and so" J ii.3; idañ c! idañ ca "such & such a thing" J ii.5. --<br />

(5) In combn with a pron. rel. it expresses either a generalisation (whoever, whatever) or a specialisation (=<br />

that is to say, what there is of, i. e. Ger. und zwar), e. g. yâya' ta*h! Vin i.10; yo ca aya' . . . yo ca aya' "I<br />

mean this . . . and I mean" ibid.; ye kec! ime Sn 381; yadida' "i. e." Miln 25; yatha -- y -- ida' "in order<br />

that" (w. pot.) Sn 1092. See also seyyath"da'. -- (6) <strong>The</strong> gen. of all genders functions in general as a<br />

possessive pron. of the 3rd = his, her, its (lit. of him etc.) and thus resembles the use of tassa, e. g. !sava!<br />

ssa na vijjanti "his are no intoxications" Sn 1100; s"la' ass! bhind!pess!mi "I shall cause her character to<br />

be defamed" J i.290; assa bhariy! "his wife" J ii.158 etc. freq.<br />

Ayana<br />

Ayana (nt.) [Vedic ayana, fr. i] (a) "going", road. -- (b) going to, goal S v.167 (ek!yano maggo leading to<br />

one goal, a direct way), 185 (id.); DA i.313; D!vs iv.40. See also eka˚.<br />

Ayasa<br />

Ayasa (nt.) [a + yasa, cp. Sk. aya$a1] ill repute, disgrace Miln 139, 272; D!vs i.8.

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