The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Amatabb!ka (?) at VvA 111, acc. to Hardy (Index) "a precious stone of dark blue colour".<br />

Amattaññu<br />

Amattaññu (adj.) [a + matta + ˚ñu = Sk. am!trajña] not knowing any bounds (in the taking of food),<br />

intemperate, immoderate It 23 (bhojanamhi); Dh 7 (id.); Pug 21.<br />

Amattaññut!<br />

Amattaññut! (f.) [abstr. to prec.] immoderation (in food) D iii.213; It 23 (bhojane); Pug 21; Dhs 1346<br />

(bhojane); DhsA 402.<br />

Amatteyyat!<br />

Amatteyyat! (f.) [from matteyyat!] irreverence towards one's mother D iii.70, 71.<br />

Amanussa<br />

Amanussa [a + manussa] a being which is not human, a fairy demon, ghost, god, spirit, yakkha Vin i.277;<br />

D i. 116; S i.91, J i.99; Dhs 617; Miln 207; DhsA 319; DhA i.13 (˚pariggah"ta haunted); PvA 216. -- Cp.<br />

am!nusa.<br />

Amanussika<br />

Amanussika (adj.) [fr. amanussa] belonging to or caused by a spirit Vin i.202, 203 (˚âb!dha being<br />

possessed by a demon).<br />

Amama<br />

Amama (adj.) [a + mama, gen. of aha', pron. 1st person, lit. "not (saying: this is) of me"] not egotistical,<br />

unselfish Sn 220 (+ subbata), 777; J iv.372 (+ nir!saya); vi.259 (= mam!yana -- ta*h! -- rahita C.); Pv<br />

iv.134 (= mama'k!ravirahita PvA 230); Mhvs 1, 66, combd. with nir!sa (free from longing), at Sn 469 =<br />

494; Ud 32; J iv.303; vi.259.<br />

Amara<br />

Amara (adj.) [a + mara from m%] not mortal, not subject to death Th 1, 276; Sn 249 (= amara -- bh!va --<br />

patthanat!ya pavatta -- k!ya -- kilesa SnA 291); J v.80 (= amara*a -- sabh!va), 218; D!vs v.62.<br />

Amaratta<br />

Amaratta (nt.) [abstr. fr. amara] immortality J v.223 (= devatta C.).<br />

Amar!<br />

Amar! (?) a kind of slippery fish, an eel (?) Only in expres- sion amar! -- vikkhepika eel -- wobbler, one<br />

who practices eel -- wriggling, fr. ˚vikkhepa "oscillation like the a. fish". In <strong>English</strong> idiom "a man who sits<br />

on the fence" D i.24; M i.521; Ps i.155. <strong>The</strong> expln. given by Bdhgh at DA i.115 is "amar! n!ma maccha --<br />

j!ti, s! ummujjana -- nimmujjan -- !di vasena . . gahetu' na sakkoti" etc. This meaning is not beyond doubt,<br />

but Kern's expln. Toev. 71 does not help to clear it up.<br />


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